Suez Canal University
Faculty of Medicine
Programme Specification
- Basic Information:
1.Programme Title:Master Degree in Industrial and Occupational Health
2.Programme Type: Single Double Multiple
- Department (s):Community Medicine, InternalMedicine and Dermatology
- Coordinator: Head of Community Medicine Department
- External Evaluator(s): ------
- Last date of programme specifications approval: ------
B.Professional Information:
- Programme Aims
At the completion of training, candidates should:
1-Be able to perform standardized, comprehensive occupational assessments; perform any necessary further investigations; and develop preventative, acute and long-term comprehensive treatment plans based on the worker’s present and possible long-term rehabilitation symptoms.
2-Be able to optimize treatment plans based on the knowledge of occupational and rehabilitation resources that include local, state, and federal agencies.
3-Coordinate ambulatory and in-worker care across health care providers, employers, and governmental agencies.
4-Be able to communicate in a compassionate, knowledgeable manner, and address prevention, treatment and rehabilitation issues for both the employee and employer.
- Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)
A)Practice-Based Learning and Improvement
A1)Demonstrate the ability to critically assess the scientific literature.
A2)Perform self-evaluations of clinical practice patterns and practice-based improvement activities using a systematic methodology.
A3)Use reliable and current information in diagnosis and treatment.
A4)Demonstrate the ability to extract and apply evidence from scientific studies to worker care.
A5)Treat workers in a manner consistent with the most up-to-date information on diagnostic and therapeutic effectiveness.
B)Intellectual Skills:
B1)Problem solving skills
B2)Self learning skills
B3)Self evaluation skills
C)Interpersonal and Communication Skills:
C1)Demonstrate effectiveness in developing appropriate doctor-worker relationships
C2)Exhibit effective listening, written and oral communication skills in professional interactions with workers, families and other health professionals.
C3)Conduct both individual consultations and presentations at multidisciplinary conferences that are focused, clear, and concise.
C4)Choose effective modes of communication (listening, nonverbal, explanatory, questioning) and mechanisms of communication (face-to-face, telephone, e-mail, written), as appropriate.
C5)Demonstrate skills in obtaining informed consent, including effective communication to worker about procedures, alternative approaches, and possible complications of laboratory-based worker care diagnostic and therapeutic activities.
C6)Communicate medical problems and worker options at appropriate levels of understanding.
C7)Maintain comprehensive, timely, and legible medical records.
C8)Elicit medical information in effective ways.
C9)Work effectively with others as a member or leader of a health care team.
D)Professional and Practical Skills:
D1)Demonstrate respect for workers and families and advocate for the primacy of worker’s welfare and autonomy.
D2)Interact with others without discriminating on the basis of religious, ethnic, sexual, or educational differences.
D3)Demonstrate positive work habits, including punctuality, dependability, and professional appearance.
D4)Adhere to ethical principles in the practice of medicine.
D5)Demonstrate principles of confidentiality with all information transmitted both during and outside of a worker encounter.
D6)Demonstrate knowledge of regulatory issues pertaining to the use of human subjects in research.
D7)Perform all skills required in the course specifications
E)General and Transferable Skills:
E1)Team work
E2)Managerial skills
E3)Presentation skills
E4)Evaluation skills (subordinates, peers & program)
E5)Computer skills
- Academic Standards
a)External References for Standards (Benchmarks)
American College of Occupational Medicine (MODEL PROGRAM FOR RESIDENCY TRAINING)
b)Comparison of Provision to External References
- Curriculum Structure and Contents
a)Programme duration: 4 academic years
b)Programme structure: ------
c)No. of hours per week:
Lectures / 34 / Field/practical / 22 / Total / 56- Programme Courses
a)Level/Year of Programme: First Part Master
CodeNo. / Course Title / No. of Units / No. of hours /week / Programme ILOs
Covered (By No.)
Lect. / Practical / Tutorial
OEM / Industrial Chemistry / 1 / 6 / 2 / NA / A1- A5, B1 – B3
OEM / Occupational Health / 1 / 4 / 2 / NA / A1- A5, B1 – B3, C1 – C9, D1 – D7, E1 – E5
OEM / Environmental Health / 1 / 4 / 2 / NA / A1- A5, B1 – B3, C1 – C9, D1 – D7, E1 – E5
b)Level/Year of Programme: Second Part Master
CodeNo. / Course Title / No. of Units / No. of hours /week / Programme ILOs
Covered (By No.)
Lect. / Practical / Tutorial
OEM / Occupational Medicine / 1 / 10 / 10 / NA / A1- A5, B1 – B3, C1 – C9, D1 – D7, E1 – E5
OEM / Environmental Health / 1 / 10 / 6 / NA / A1- A5, B1 – B3, C1 – C9, D1 – D7, E1 – E5
c)Thesis: 2 faculty senior supervisors from the staff members are nominated by the department council to prepare a proposal of the thesis protocol after the selection of a subject that is complementary to the research plans of the department. Data collection, methodologies, study question, time table, ethical considerations and budget are formulated by the candidate under guidance of his supervisors into a research project. The research protocol is then peer reviewed by two different stuff members nominated by the Head of the department who share their ideas and comments with the supervisors to reach to the final form. The research protocol is discussed then openly in one of the department councils to be approved and diverted to the Faculty research committee where it is subjected to a critical appraisal to meet the research basic standards set by the committee. The final approvals of the research protocol are then issued by the committee of post graduate studies, the Faculty and University Council to be registered.
d)Elective:Number Required: Non
e)Optional: Number Required: Non
- Programme Admission Requirements
- BSC. degree in Medicine, Nursing or Dental Medicine
- Diploma in Occupational & Environmental Health
- Regulations for Progression and Programme Completion
First part (40%)
- Passing level 60% of total marks of the exam.
Second part (60%)
- Passing level 60% of total marks of the exam
- Passing discussion is required for master degree
- Evaluation of Programme Intended Learning Outcomes
Evaluator / Tool / Sample
1- Senior Students / Questionnaires
2- Alumni / Questionnaires
3- Stakeholders (Employers) / Interviews
4-External Evaluator(s) and (External Examiner(s) / Attending exam. (using checklist and/or rating scale)
5- Other
Course Specifications
University: Suez Canal University Faculty: Faculty of Medicine
Programme(s) on which the course is given: Master Degree in Industrial and Occupational Health
Major or Minor element of programmes: Major
Department offering the programme: Department of Community Medicine
Department offering the course: Department of Community Medicine
Date of specification approval:
- Basic Information
Title: Department of Community Medicine Code: OEM_Mast
Credit Hours: NA Lecture: 34
Tutorial: NA Practical/field:22 Total:56
- Intended Learning Outcomes of Course (ILOs)
The course is specifying for prediction; recognition, evaluation, and control of occupational hazards, and pollution problems arise at work environment, and outdoor environment aiming at promotion of workers' health and safety; in addition to promotion of public health.General basic principles in the practice of occupational health and hygiene will be introduced.Also prevention, and treatment of occupational diseases and injuries arise at the workplace in addition to rehabilitation of injured workers.
This includes the following modules:
- Principal of occupational medicine and environmental health.
- Environmental physiology.
- Respiratory system applied physiology.
- Industrial chemistry process and material used and their impact on health of the workers and environment.
- Behavioral, social, and psychological aspects of the various industrial categories.
- Biostatistics.
- Clinical Occupational Medicine
- Occupational Health
- Clinical, Practical and Field Training
The candidate should develop attitudes that encompass:
A1)Aware of their own attitudes and their personal and occupational experiences toward the jobs of employees and employers, and the potential implications on the therapeutic relationship.
A2)Recognize of the importance of the physician/employee/employer partnership in promoting and maintaining optimal health in the workplace.
A3)Sensitivity to cultural beliefs and values, occupational dynamics and social support, and physiologic and environmental variables affecting workplace health and performance.
A4)Recognition of possible conflicts of advocacy regarding the employee, employer, work community and community at large.
A5)Understanding of the use of occupational medicine, principles and the resident's own self care.
A6)Recognition of the physician's own level of competence in handling occupational health problems and the need for further consultation as appropriate.
A7)Utilization of self-directed learning toward further knowledge and competence in occupational health.
A8)Support of the patient through the process of consultation, evaluation, treatment, rehabilitation and possible long-term care and inability to maintain gainful employment.
A9)An understanding of appropriate limitation of investigation and treatment for the benefit of the patient.
A10)Lifelong learning and contributing to the body of knowledge about occupational health and the medical management of the injured patient.
A11)An awareness of the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to the enhancement of individualized care especially with regard to prevention at the work place.
A12)An awareness of the importance of cost containment.
In the appropriate setting, the candidate should demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge of:
B1)The relationship of the physician providing occupational health care to:
- Employees
- Employers
- The community
- Other healthcare providers
- Ethics and the role of the physician as:
- Company representative
- Worker's health advocate
- Medical ombudsman
- Medical recorder
- Pre-placement testing and examinations
- General
- Job-specific
- Periodic health assessments as necessary
- Disability determination and appropriate guidelines
- Organ-related occupational illnesses:
(1)Lung diseases
i. Reactive airway disease
ii. Pneumoconioses
iii. Infectious
(2)Renal and urologic diseases
(3)Skin diseases
i. Primary irritant dermatitis
ii. Allergic sensitizers
iii. Photosensitizers
(4)Hemopoietic disorders
(5)Liver diseases
(6)Central nervous system-related disorders, including special sense organs
i. Eye
ii. Ear (e.g., noise-induced hearing loss)
iii. Peripheral neuropathy
(7)Occupational exposures and pregnancy
(8)Musculoskeletal disorders
i. Postural/positional
ii. Other orthopedic problems
1) Low back pain
2) Carpal tunnel syndrome
iii. Trauma
B7)Job-site related
(1)Occupational hazards/exposures
i. Allergens
ii. Animals
iii. Barotrauma
iv. Burns
v. Electromagnetic fields
vi. Eye injuries
vii. Heavy metals
viii. Infections
ix. Human immunodeficiency virus infections
x. Tuberculosis
xi. Hepatitis
xii. Noise
xiii. Pesticides/herbicides
xiv. Radiation/radon
xv. Sick-building syndrome
xvi. Solvents/noxious gases/inhalants
xvii. Thermal effects
xviii. Violence
(2)Temporal issues
i. Violence
ii. Long hours/shift work
iii. Chronic fatigue
i. Repetitive trauma
ii. Work-station problems
i. Education
ii. Work environment modification
A2)Psychosocial problems in industry
1)Employee assistance programs
2)Stress in the workplace
3)Concerns of disasters (e.g., fire, explosion, terrorism)
5)Substance use disorders
-Prescription drugs
-Illegal drugs
6)f. Mental illness
A3)Epidemiology and Basic Statistics
A4)Legal issues in occupational medicine
1)Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
2)National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
3)Worker's compensation laws
4)Local health care problems
5)National Occupational Health and Safety Regulations
A5)Effects of over-the-counter and prescribed medication on job performance
In the appropriate setting, the candidate should demonstrate the ability to independently perform or appropriately refer:
1)Ability to perform an occupational history
2)Ability to perform a job-specific physical examination
3)Drug testing
4)Recognition that common illnesses may have an occupational cause
5)Ability to conduct a disability assessment
B2)Management of industrial-related healthcare problems
1)Appropriate community/workplace protection
2)Treatment of hazards of the workplace
3)Rehabilitation programs:
- Drugs
- Alcohol
- Psychological
- iv. Musculoskeletal
4)Basic laceration repair techniques and foreign-body removal
5)Joint injections, strapping techniques and other applicable techniques
6)Management of eye injuries
7)Pregnancy and pre-pregnancy issues
8)Evaluation of a patient with a specific chemical exposure
9)Determination of fitness to return to work/writing the return-to-work prescription
10)Counseling patients and employers about workplace safety
- Recognize major types of Hazards
- Perform hazard characterization
1. Perform walk-through assessment for safety and health
2.Interpret and appropriately request industrial hygiene surveys
- Interpret existing standards
1.OSHA safety standards
- Hazards communication
- Lock-out, tag-out
4.Standards such as ACGIH TLVs and BEIs
5.EPA standards
- Ergonomics
- Recognize and evaluate ergonomic hazards
- Perform a simple ergonomic job analysis for specific hazards including lifting and repetitive motion
- Apply corrective workplace design and work practice interventions and controls
- Recognize, evaluate and apply principles of control to physical hazards
1.Mechanical and electrical hazards
3.Ionizing radiation:
- Radioactive contamination
4.Non-ionizing radiation
- Sound level measurements
7.High and low pressure
- Dysbarism
8.High and low temperature
- Heat stress
- Hazard Communication
1.Interpret and advise on content of material safety data sheets (MSDSs)
- Industrial Hygiene Control
1.Recognize industrial hygiene hazards and principles of general program design
2.Identify key principles in the collection of industrial hygiene data
3.Perform an environmental risk analysis
4.Recommend appropriate personal protective equipment
5.Assist in development of administrative controls
6.Recommend the need for engineering controls
7.Understand the regulatory context
8.Communicate industrial hygiene findings and their consequences
- Safety and Accident Investigation
1.Perform an accident investigation using principles of a fault tree
- Workplace Culture
1.Identify important characteristics of workplace culture at a workplace
2.Formulate measures to change workplace culture with respect to health and safety
- Disability prevention and management
1.Demonstrate ability to identify issues early
2.Recognize risk factors
3.Manage the effects on illness or injury of
a. Psychological issues
b. Substance abuse
c. Family
4.Recommend appropriate accommodations
- Permanent
- Temporary
5.Develop prevention plan for recovered employees
- Make appropriate recommendations with regard to Disabilities Regulations
- Undue risk
- Direct threat
- Accommodations
- Pre-placement examinations
- Fitness for Duty and Return to work
- Conduct and interpret functional work capacity evaluations
- Apply impairment ratings to examinations results
- Recognize special needs and make appropriate recommendation with regard to:
a. Heavy exertional work
b. Chemical hazards
c. Hazardous waste
d. Pregnant workers
e. Travel
f. Physical handicaps
g. Injury or illnesses
- Understand and interpret regulations and the role of government agencies
- Relate recommendations to workplace culture
- Develop recommendations which are feasible and likely to succeed in terms of business imperatives and organizational culture
- Perform a Risk Assessment
- Interpret result of Environmental Monitoring
- Identify and make recommendations concerning human health effects
- Assess and communicate the risks from and make diagnostic evaluations of the health effects from Environmental Exposure
1. Release if industrial chemicals
2. Human and animal wastes
3. Outdoor air pollution
- Priority pollutants
4. Indoor air pollution
5. Water pollution
6. Hazardous wastes
- Chemical
- Radioactive
- Infectious
7. Radon
8. Household chemicals
9. Pesticides
- Hazard Communication
- Develop a risk communication program for a specific community and risk
- Understanding and interpret regulations and the role of government agencies
- Understand the role of quality and responsible care in environmental issues
- Ethics
1. Address issues related to individual privacy and confidentiality of records
2. Interpret governmental regulations and make appropriate recommendations
3. Appreciate and be able to handle different roles including whose agent the physician is under in different circumstances
- Record Keeping
1. Recognize regulatory requirements for OSHA record keeping
- Computers and informatics
1.Be able to utilize the following types of applications in an occupational health setting:
a. Database Management
b. Spreadsheets
c. Word Processing
d. Patient Records
e. Performance Tracking
f. Disability Management
- Health Promotion and Clinical Prevention
- Develop and implement population-based programs in the following areas:
a. Fitness
b. Health Promotion
c. Nutrition
d. Smoking Cessation
- Apply health risk assessment tools to populations
- Apply screening to populations
- Develop intervention for targeted high risk groups
- Statistics and Epidemiology
1. Design a simple epidemiological study
2. Interpret the results of an epidemiological study
3. Prepare a risk assessment based upon existing data
4. Design a medical surveillance program
5. Recognize and act upon regulatory reporting requirements
i)Develop and conduct Workplace Health Surveillance
1. Medical surveillance programs
2. Data analysis of injury and illness experience
3. Identify sentinel health events
4. Derive appropriate intervention from surveillance data
Topic / Total No. of hours / Lecture / Field/PracticalPrincipal of occupational medicine and environmental health. / 6 / 6 / --
Environmental physiology. / 10 / 6 / 4
Respiratory system applied physiology. / 10 / 6 / 4
Industrial chemistry process and material used and their impact on health of the workers and environment. / 10 / 6 / 4
Behavioral, social, and psychological aspects of the various industrial categories. / 5 / 5 / --
Biostatistics. / 9 / 5 / 4
Clinical Occupational Medicine / 2 / -- / 2
Occupational Health / 2 / -- / 2
Clinical, Practical and Field Training / 2 / -- / 2
Total / 58 / 34 / 22
1)The course is conducted as a series of lectures, assignments, and a study project. Practical course and clinical ones should be included:
2)Field visits to different occupational plants to describe the industrial process, identifying exposure hazards and methods of prevention.
3)Field visits to Man Power Office and Health Insurance Organization.
4)Clinical training to improve clinical skills regarding internal medicine, dermatology and psychiatric examinations.
5)Practical classes for statistical and epidemiological issues.
- Assessment of the First Part MSc (Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health):
- A written exam (3 hours) in industrial chemistry, industrial material health hazard and environmental physiology.
- A written exam (3 hours) in biostatistics, and behavioral, social, and psychological science related to various industrial categories.
- An oral exam in industrial chemistry, industrial material health hazard and environmental physiology.
- An oral exam in biostatistics, and behavioral, social, and psychological science related to various industrial categories.
- Assessment of the Second Part MSc(Occupational Medicine and Environmental Diseases:
- A written exam (3 hours) in occupational medicine.
- A written exam (3 hours) in occupational health
- An oral exam in occupational medicine.
- An oral exam in occupational health.
- Clinical exam.
- MSc thesis evaluation.
Rondinelli RD, Genovese E, Brigham CR. Guides to the evaluation of permanent impairment. 6th ed. Chicago, Ill: American Medical Association, 2008.
Herzstein JA, Bunn WB, Fleming LE. International occupational and environmental medicine. St. Louis, Mo: Mosby 1998.
LaDou J. Current occupational and environmental medicine. 4th ed. Lange medical book. New York: McGraw-Hill 2007.
Levy BS, Wegman D, eds. Occupational health: recognizing and preventing work-related disease and injury. 4th ed. Boston, Ma: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins 2000.
Rom WN, Markowitz S. Environmental and occupational medicine. 4th ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2007.
Levy BS. Occupational and environmental health: recognizing and preventing disease and injury. 5th ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2006