Please forward completed nomination form to the appropriate coaches association president. (See Appendix A for address information.) / Form U
Side 1
North / College Check List
Form 3
Transcripts for each nominee
Form U, Sides 1 and 2
Have you included all of the above?
College / South
Sport Men or Women / Date
7.5All-State Academic Team Award(Renumber adopted & effective 4/19/11)
7.5.1The appropriate California community college sport coaches association shall determine how award winners are recognized until such time as a sponsor is found to support the cost of awards on behalf of the CCCAA.
7.5.2Each sport may have an All-State Academic Team by position or event.
7.5.3The college’s athletic counselor or designated person will monitor this process on campus.
7.5.4The designated person will nominate, for each sport, thoseathletes who have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher in twenty-four (24) or more units accumulated from the beginning of their first season of competition in that sport. The nominations will be forwarded on a Form U to the respective sport coaches association. (Adopted 3/28/13 effective 7/1/13)
7.5.5Every student-athlete that meets the criteria in 7.5.4 will be a member of that sport’s All-State Academic Team. The selection of the All-State Academic Team will be forwarded to the CCCAA Awards Committee for approval and distribution to the colleges and the media. (Adopted 3/28/13 effective 7/1/13)
7.5.6Criteria for Selection:A.All nominees must have completed at least one (1) season of competition with a minimum of twenty-four (24) units accumulated from the beginning of their first season of competition.
B.All nominees must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 in those accumulated units. Transcripts must be submitted with the nomination. (Adopted & effective 11/1/13)
7.5.7The Process:
A.Nominees are identified and recorded on Form U, Side 2. Use separate forms for each team. (Adopted & effective 11/1/13)
B.Submit each nomination form to the appropriate sport coaches association president. Sport coaches associations verify the all-state team from the nominations submitted by the colleges. (Adopted & effective 11/1/13)
C.The all-state academic teams are forwarded to the Awards Committee.
(7/1/18)Academic All-State Award Nomination / Form U
Side 2
College / Conference
Sport Men or Women
Name / Position/Event* / GPA
I certify that the information submitted with this form is complete and accurate.
*For sports such as golf and tennis, submit names and GPAs only.
Person Completing Form (Type or Print) / Title / Date
Athletic Administrator (Signature) / Title / Date