WAFC Board Meeting – 3/23/09


Attending: Bryan Steffen, Julie Serfass, Tim Herbert, Bill McNary, Chris Hulett, Kris Gill, Dave Soles, Cole Ingraham, Micah Tapman, Abby Elbow, John Capozzi

1.  Website (Micah)

a.  Payment v. Registration glitch being worked on

b.  Bug fixing with volunteer help

c.  Review of registration & product tallies

d.  Will review charge reconciliation in a separate meeting; consider removing Google checkout

e.  Team schedules

i.  New “how-to” videos have been posted

ii. Working on fixes for mass schedule upload, team-by-team reports

f.  Volunteers have been helping review and fix. We note the importance of having several top-level people

g.  Work on carpooling information

2.  Fields

a.  DC United – RFK fields

i.  They might take last year’s offer if we want to make it

ii. Chris & Bryan follow up

b.  DPR

i.  Still need a refund check

ii. John will follow up

c.  Sports Commission

i.  We’ll continue discussing a field-improvement partnership with them

ii. Chris & John will follow up

3.  DC United/Freedom games

a.  250/50 minimum tickets sold (respectively)

b.  We need up-front payment from players/buyers

c.  Bryan – find out when final payment is due

d.  Possibility of getting field space before the games

4.  WAFC Jr (Dave)

a.  Fairfax league will start later

b.  Great tournament last weekend in Arlington (W&L, etc.) – 20+ teams, 350+ players

i.  Dave – send pics for the website

c.  Girls league started – 4 teams

d.  Announce NUTC scholarship earlier – Dave

e.  Bill & Josie Dristy are doing good work w/UPA

f.  Summer camp will happen again, but need new fields

g.  Dave – talk to Dave Brannick re. MD summer camp

5.  Annual Meeting planning

a.  Add officer write-ups to website – Bryan

b.  Continue to notify the membership about the meeting

6.  Hamilton’s sponsorship

a.  Met with Scott (owner) – discounts on food, work on beer sponsorship

b.  Bill & Micah & Abby to meet with Scott & beer reps

c.  Tim send Chris the board statement on $ usage

7.  T-shirts

a.  Include “wafc” “play ultimate” or similar on back

b.  Include year but not season

c.  Offer choice of colors if reasonable

d.  Players can purchase as an add-on at registration (~$15)

e.  Captains will be responsible for distribution (WAFC will distribute to captains at clinics, pickup @ central location)

f.  Dave & Tim send names of graphic designers to Julie

8.  2009 trophy discs – are at Hulett’s house

9.  Clinics & Pickup

a.  Clinic committee is working on schedule & curriculum

b.  Website can be used for RSVPs

c.  Use open fields for pickup as well

d.  We should offer unused fields to soccer in exchange for summer fields

10.  Daycare

a.  Member proposal for private daycare at tournaments, paid for by parents

b.  Bill will have him investigate further

c.  WAFC needs to investigate legal/insurance/liability issues

11.  Summer league

a.  Meet in April to plan website/registration – Micah will schedule

b.  Open registration in May

c.  Work on Twitter feed for field status updates

12.  Social Fund

a.  Use sponsorship to encourage/offset costs of team socializing

13.  Clique league gender ratio

a.  Leave as-is for now, encourage women’s participation

14.  Database

a.  Need to work on getting clique league teams/players to sign up on the website

b.  Investigate digital waiver

c.  Currently ~900 people signed up

15.  Tournaments

a.  Chesapeake Open

i.  Walk through on Sunday

ii. Deposit paid

iii.  Second open division again this year

iv.  WAFC will handle registration/payment

b.  Memorial Day Hat Tournament

i.  Andrew Lightman is organizing one

ii. Julie may do a Rec one

c.  Mothers’ Day tourney possibility

d.  Savage 7

i.  Consider moving to May/June for cooler weather

ii. Micah, Bryan, Bill work on dates

16.  At-large board member

a.  Cole Ingraham up for possibility

b.  Emphasize organizing events (both disc & social/non-drinking), running Summer Advanced league

17.  Occupation advisory committee

a.  First get a lawyer one (AJ)

b.  Other useful occupations: teachers, accountants, designers

c.  Add Occupation back to registration