Deansfield Primary School January 2011

The Nursery team would like to welcome you all back to a new term. We hope you had an enjoyable break. Just to remind you that the teachers, Julie and Janice have Planning and Preparation time on Thursday morning.

This term we welcome Isabella, Daniel, Megan, Ruby, Melissa, Jasmine, Dima, Niall, Harry, Bradley, Tilly and Finn to the morning Nursery sessions. In the afternoons we welcome Emma, Saoirse, Mia, Lorenzo, Reuben, Frazier, Ellie, Abdullah, Nara, Harley, Max, Eleanor and Harry.

Our theme this term is ‘On the Move’. We are planning to look at journeys, vehicles and different ways of travelling. We will begin with ‘sea travel’ looking at different types of boats. We are beginning with the children’s interests in pirates and developing their mark-making through maps and messages. A photo of your child on a boat or any other type of vehicle would be most welcome to share with the group or add to a display.

We will be finding out about different kinds of transport and their features. The children will look closely at vehicles and how they move, before designing and building their own models. There will be opportunities to develop mathematical skills in counting, measuring and recognising shape as they play and explore vehicles and wheeled toys.

A variety of new and familiar stories and rhymes will enhance the topic. Many of the activities will allow the children to work from first hand experience and build on what they already know.

Our Forest School sessions are on Wednesdays. Please ensure children wear anorak style coats and wellington boots (no ugg style boots please!)

Later in the term we will be celebrating Chinese New Year and Easter. We would welcome any input from families to support these festivals and any others you may celebrate at this time of year.


The Nursery gate will open five minutes before the sessions start and closed five minutes after the sessions end. Please collect your child by 11.45am or 3.45 pm to allow staff to attend meetings etc. We would ask that only ONE person comes into the Nursery for each child, so that staff can ensure the safety of children. Please wait in the first room and your child will be sent to you. Please do not come into the area where the children are playing or to the painting room. Dry paintings and models will be placed on the tables near the door for you to collect. We appreciate your cooperation and support in these matters.

Please feel free to speak to staff about any concerns or worries at a mutually convenient time. Messages or questions should be directed to a member of the team inside the nursery and not the person watching the door. We are always keen to ensure parents are involved in the learning process and welcome any feedback on activities you have done at home that will help staff gain a broader picture of your child’s learning and development.

We would like to remind new parents that we have a Friday box. We value a small contribution weekly that will be used to buy cooking ingredients, topic resources and other small consumable items. We will let you know what we buy. Last term we bought cooking ingredients, topic books and construction toys.

Milk is provided for all children in Nursery and water is available. It is now school policy that water only should be brought to school for children to drink during the session. They can also bring a piece of fruit to eat in Nursery .Please make sure that all coats, drinks bottles, fruit and other belongings are clearly labelled with your child’s name. Your child should also be appropriately dressed for the weather each day as we spend a large amount of time outside.

We appreciate any resources for our collage and construction area, so please continue to collect empty boxes (not containing traces of nuts), plastic bottle tops and pieces of fabric and ribbon etc. Please remember to return any items of clothing borrowed from the Nursery after washing.

Finally we welcome back our class teddy bears, Harry and Bernie from their Christmas holidays. Every Friday a child from each session will be asked to take home a bear to spend the weekend with them, beginning with the oldest children. We thank you for your continued support and look forward to an exciting and enjoyable term at Deansfield Nursery.

The Nursery Team - Julie, Janice, Karen, Diane, Julie B and Tammy