Invitation to International Oil and Gas Symposium 2012 (IOGS 2012)

Dear Sir/ Madam,


The Society of Petroleum Engineers of UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia (SPE-UTM) Student Chapter is proud to announce that the INTERNATIONAL OIL AND GAS SYMPOSIUM (IOGS) is back in the year of 2012! IOGS 2012 is set to be the biggest event organized by SPE UTM thus far. As the name suggests, it plans to reach out to organizations based beyond Malaysia. It will be guested by managers and engineers from multinational corporations as well as students of various academic disciplines.

IOGS 2012 is open to students of all academic backgrounds - one of its objectives through several career talks that will be held, is to highlight non-petroleum or even non-engineering majoring students, as well as prospective ones, of the lucrative and promising career prospects that oil and gas and promising career prospects that the oil and gas industry holds for them. The symposium aims to provide answers and insights to the many queries concerning the rise of the petroleum industry, through its technical talks and exhibitions.

For your information, SPE-UTM is an award winning society: Gold Standard Award for 8 years in a row. Only 32 (out of more than 200 in Asia Pacific region) student chapters met the Gold Standard in 2012. The Gold Standard Award requires outstanding performance in the categories of membership, planning, education, professionalism, service, support, and fundraising. This would be a great opportunity to witness how do the SPE-UTM organizing event.

Briefly about IOGS 2012, it consists of striking events which are Technical Talk, Career Talk, Workshop, Forum and Inter-sharing Session. Moreover, we are also organizing competitions such as Petrolbowl 2012, Oil Rig Competition and Paper Presentation. These competitions are open to all students from different disciplines. Not forgetting that, there are amazing cash prizes to be won along with trophies and certificates signed by companies and memorable experiences will be gained.