e-NEWS October 30, 2008

Dear Family and Friends,

Next week we will begin a new series of special education training sessions, which we are co-sponsoring with Disability Rights California.

Special Education, You Can Do It!

There will be three sessions open to parents and professionals in the community who want to learn more about special education issues. They are going to be held at our Central office location in the conference room. Our address is 9245 Sky Park Court, San Diego, CA 92123.You can attend any session of your choice, and materials will be provided. All three sessions will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8:30pm. The topics include:

November 5 - What is Special Education, Eligibility and Assessments November 12 - Demystifying the IEP process

November 19 - Ongoing Advocacy, Discipline, Due Process, Compliance and Complaints.

Please RSVP by calling (619)239-7861. If you need accommodations or interpreters, please call at least one week before each training. View flyer at http://www.efrconline.org/admin/files/Special%20Ed%20Training%20Nov08.doc.



For event details go to http://www.efrconline.org/calendar/maincal.cfm

By clicking on an Event link you may view the event details.


11/05/08 Special Education You Can Do It!

11/06/08 Medication Update

11/08/08 Autism Outreach Clinic

11/08/08 Pedestrian Projects

11/08/08 Ups & Downs (workshop for children)

11/11/08 Mental Illness and Autism Spectrum Disorders in School-Aged Children

11/12/08 Special Education You Can Do It!

11/14/08 Foster Youth Career Development

11/15/08 Understanding ADHD & LD (workshop for children)

11/17/08 Final Journeys II

11/19/08 Special Education You Can Do It!



A listing of all 2008-2009 EFRC sponsored & co-sponsored Support Groups can be found at http://www.efrconline.org/admin/files/EFRC%20Support%20Groups081.doc

(click on underlined Title for details)

10/31/08 Grupo de Apoyo 0-5

11/03/08 Grupo de Apoyo Autismo

11/07/08 Grupo de Apoyo 0-5

11/12/08 Parent Support

11/13/08 Síndrome de Down Apoyo

11/18/08 Down Syndrome Support North

11/19/08 Autism Support

11/19/08 Grupo de Apoyo Imperial

11/20/08 Down Syndrome Support

11/20/08 Down Syndrome Support Imperial

11/21/08 Grupo de Apoyo 5+

A detailed listing of all local Disability-Related Support Groups can be found at http://www.efrconline.org/efrc.cfm?pid=Support_Groups


Community Advisory Committee Meetings:

Information by Local Area

San Diego Unified School District (SDUSD) CAC meeting held from 7:00 - 9:00pm atthe West Campus Auditorium at Lindbergh-Schweitzer Elementary School,4133 Mt. Albertine Avenue, San Diego, CA 92111. Visit http://www.sandi.net/board/COMMITTEES/CACSE/

East County CAC meetings held usually on the first Monday of the month from 6:00-8:30pm at 924 East Main Street in El Cajon, 92021. Call 619-590-3920.

North Coastal CAC (NCCSE) meetings are held at the North County Regional Education Center, located at 255 Pico Ave. San Marcos, CA 92069. 615-630pm informal networking. 630-830pm formal meeting. Visit http://www.nccse.org/cacmeet.htm. Driving directions.

North Inland CAC meetings are held at 6:00pm at different locations. Contact Chris at 760-788-4671 or .

Poway CAC meetings usually meet from 6:30pm-8:30pm at the PUSD Administration Center, Conference Room B-1 at 13626 Twin Peaks Road, Poway CA 92064. Visit


South County CAC meets at different locations each month from 6:15-8:00pm. Contact Wilma Johnson at 619-498-8171 or .

Imperial County CAC meetings - Contact SELPA at (760) 312-6419.



Clinical Research: Cognitive Behavior Change with Aricept - Dr. Naomi Newfeld is currently conducting a clinical trialwith children with Down syndrome using Aricept, a medication most commonly used to treat Alzheimer's Disease.For details can be found at http://www.dsasdonline.org/admin/files/AriceptResearch.doc



"Talent Knows No Limits" Campaign Making Big Strides
The California Health Incentives Improvement Project (CHIIP) is excited
to announce the launching of their Talent Knows No Limits website at
http://www.talentknowsnolimits.info. This beautiful, and easy to navigate site is an incredible new resource for job seekers and employers who may have questions relating to the employment of people with disabilities.

New National Center for Parents with Disabilities - Research and resources concerning the 9 million U.S. parents with disabilities

A new National Center for Parents with Disabilities and their Families has been established in Berkeley, California under the auspices of Through the Looking Glass, a non-profit organization founded in 1982. The Center will oversee several national research studies concerning parents with disabilities and their families, as well as provide consultations, trainings and publications to parents, family members and professionals. The research and resources of the Center will address the nearly 9 million U.S. parents with disabilities - 15% of all American families. Parents with disabilities include mothers and fathers in all disability categories - such as parents with physical disabilities, deaf parents, blind parents, parents with psychiatric or cognitive disabilities. The Center is funded by a $500,000 per year federal grant for three years from the Washington, DC-based National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR), U.S. Department of Education. The new Center will focus its research and resource activities on four critical areas that impact parents with disabilities: custody, family roles and personal assistance; paratransit; and, intervention with parents with cognitive disabilities and their children. One of the notable activities planned over the next three years is a scholarship program for high school seniors and college students whose parents have disabilities. The Center will be staffed by
nationally recognized experts regarding parents with disabilities, most of whom have personal or family experience with disability or deafness. More information about the Center and Through the Looking Glass is available at www.lookingglass.org or by calling 800-644-2666 or 800-804-1616 TDD/TTY.



ASYMCA Family Outreach Holiday Toy Program - If you are an Active Duty military family and meet the criteria list below you are eligible to sign up for our holiday program lottery: from any branch of service, E5 and below, and live in our service area (Miramar South to the Tijuana border and East to Ramona). Sign up begins online Monday, November 3, 2008 at 9:00 am and ends Friday, November 7, 2008 at 4:00 pm. No need to rush to sign up as in years past, as we are using a lottery system and families can nominate themselves anytime during the sign up week! You may only enter the lottery one time per family, additional entries will be deleted.

Families will be chosen by a lottery system and will be notified by email on Friday, November 14, 2008 about whether they are registered to participate in the Holiday Toy Program or on the waitlist. Each registered family will receive 2 gifts per child and a gift certificate to the Commissary for $50.00 for the holiday meal. The Holiday Toy Program distribution will take place on Wednesday, December 17, 2008 from 9AM to 12PM, and 1PM to 4PM. A parent from the registered family must be available to shop for toys on this date to participate in the program. More specific information will be provided by email on November 14, 2008. For more information, visit www.asymca.org, email Kirstie at or call 858-751-5755x117. View flyer.



EFRC’s listing of local inclusion-based programs can be found at http://www.efrconline.org/efrc.cfm?pid=Recreation

11/01/08 DSA Halloween Social at Omas Pumpkin Patch

11/01/08 Walk for Autism Speaks in Balboa Park

Listing of Halloween events in San Diego and Safety Tips, visit http://www.efrconline.org/admin/files/Halloween%20Events%20in%20San%20Diego.doc

11/12/08 Dinner at Chevy's Restaurant 12:00noon – 9:00pm

Fundraiser for Home of Guiding Hands. Restaurant location is 1202 Camino del Rio North, San Diego CA92108. HGH will receive 25% of the total sales (less liquor and tax) of purchases upon presentation of fundraiser flyer. Printable Flyer

11/15/08 DSA Booster Buddy Movie & Pizza Afternoon

Meet at 1:30 in front of Mira Mesa Cinema theater. We will have Pizza after the movie. Cost is $15. Please RSVP to Brenda Goldbaum by calling (858) 452-0408 or email . View flyer.

SPORTS for Exceptional Athletes November Events:

November 7UCSD Volleyball Match/S4EA Volleyball Exhibition – RIMAC Arena/UCSD

November 18 S4EA SPORTS Carnival – Mid-City Gym

November 22 S4EA Fall Floor Hockey Tournament – San Diego Convention Center

For more information, visit http://www.s4ea.org/news.htm

11/19/08 7th annual South County Intergenerational Games 9am-1pm

The event features an opening ceremony, a series of activity/exercise stations, a healthy lunch and then a closing awards ceremony. The goal of the event is to encourage healthy lifestyle practices as participants engage in sports, nutrition information and trivia. It’s a fun filled day! The event is held at the Olympic Training Center and sees over 120 students and 120 active older adults that partner to complete the games.

Aging & Independence Services is currently recruiting active older adults to participate in this amazing program! It’s a great opportunity to give back to your local community and serve as a role model to youth. View flyer at http://www.efrconline.org/admin/files/South%20IG111908.doc or registration form at http://www.efrconline.org/admin/files/South%20IG%20111908%20Form.doc. If you have any questions, please contact Krystal Kumpula at 858-694-3252 or

10/23/08 thru 11/23/08 The Magical Forest

A musical written by a man who was diagnosed with Autism, now playing at the Coronado Playhouse. Visit http://www.coronadoplayhouse.com/.



CDC Study Finds Racial/Ethnic Health Disparities in People with Disabilities
In recognition of Disability Employment Awareness Month, the October 3 edition of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report highlights findings on the health of people with disabilities. This study found that among adults with a disability, Black, Hispanic and Native Americans report fair or poor health at disproportionately higher rates compared with White and Asian Americans. The report is available at http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm5739a1.htm?s_cid=mm5739a1_e

REFERENCE POINTS was launched with the initial support from the National Center on Secondary Education and Transition www.ncset.org. REFERENCE POINTS is administered by the TATRA Project at PACER Center www.pacer.org, and funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration.


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October 30, 2008

Exceptional Family Resource Center does not promote or recommend any therapy,treatment, institution, etc. and does not espouse any particular political, educational or religious views.Inclusion of information or resources does not necessarily imply promotion or recommendation by EFRC. Content is provided for informational purposes only.