Pocono Source Water Protection Collaborative

Approved meeting minutes

July 29, 2013, Milford Water Authority, 1:30 pm until 4:45 pm

Introductions (Caucus in the eddies) – Attendees introduced themselves.

Marian Keegan, R.F. Director of Community Conservation, Hemlock Farms Conservancy

John Chapman Source Water Protection Steering Committee, Hemlock Farms Community Association

Andrew Augustine Geologic Specialist, PA Dept. of Environmental Protection

Lori Colgan Watershed Specialist, Pike County Conservation District

Peter Wulfhorst Education Specialist, Penn State Extension; Member, Twin/Walker Creeks Watershed Conservancy

Brian Oram, P.G. B.F. Environmental Consultants, Inc

Tim Gartner Licensed Water Company Operator, Milford Water Authority

Matt Genchur Source Water Protection Specialist, PA Rural Water Association

Thomas Sekula Licensed Water Company Operator, Hemlock Farms Community Association

Nick Santelli Environmental Committee, Hemlock Farms Community Association


Identify potential sources of groundwater contamination. Develop message that source water protection is important but doesn’t negatively impact the economy. “An ounce of prevention…” (Brian Oram)

Find out about PennDOT monitoring wells (August Agenda)

Partnerships (Many drops make a river) – There is a need to have other water companies participate in the Collaborative. Development of the fact sheet should assist the Collaborative. Andrew felt that the Collaborative could assist water system operators in working together with PennDOT, local municipal road crews and local emergency responders to address spills and contaminants that negatively impact water supplies. In addition, the Collaborative can foster communication between water companies with regard to DEP requirements, joint purchasing and trainings. A letter, fact sheet and partnership form will be sent to water companies encouraging them to participate in the Collaborative.


Solicit new members, especially from water companies (August Agenda)

Contact and encourage Matamoras and Westfall Water Authorities to join Collaborative (Tim Gartner, Tom Sekula)

Contact and encourage Aqua PA to join the Collaborative (Brian Oram, Tom Sekula/Bob Vandercar)

Contact the Wayne & Monroe watershed specialists to inform them that about the Pocono Source Water Protection Collaborative.(Lori Colgan)

Organize SWEET - Source Water Environmental Education Team (Peter Wulfhorst, August Agenda)

Develop a way to report evaluations, time, events, attendance, mileage – eTEAM (CPA Jill Thatcher, Marian Keegan)

Develop surveys/forms for event evaluations (Peter Wulfhorst, Lori Colgan)

Pike County Commissioners (Ripples of Agreement) – Peter Wulfhorst, Marian Keegan, John Chapman, Lori Colgan and Chris Schlegel met with the Pike County Commissioners on July 2 to discuss the collaborative and how the Commissioners can assist the collaborative. The Commissioners agreed to have source water protection areas identified on the Pike County GIS maps to assist 911 dispatchers in case there is an emergency spill response. In addition, Pike County Commissioner Matt Osterberg will be sharing information from the County Commissioner’s Association of Pennsylvania environmental committee that Matt serves on.

Peter Wulfhorst and Marian Keegan met with Pike County Planning Commission on June 24th to introduce the Collaborative and ask for their support for mapping source Water Protection areas.


Obtain minutes of the July 2nd Commissioners meeting and the June 24th Planning meeting Peter Wulfhorst)

Coordinate GIS mapping of Source Water Protection Zones with Pike County EMA and GIS department (Sally Corrigan)

Logo, Letterhead & Brochure (Reflections of our waters) – Copies of draft logos were distributed to the group. The group liked the outline of the Pocono counties and the Delaware River in a vertical position without the bottle cap. They also liked the words – “Pocono Source Water Protection Collaborative and website above and below the map.

DECISION Mailing address of the Collaborative:

Pocono Source Water Protection Collaborative

3737 Hemlock Farms

Lords Valley PA 18428

Lori Colgan contacted graphic artists to assist the collaborative in our brochure and final decision will be based on bidder that meets our needs and with lowest bid.

Tim Gartner distributed the Milford Water Authority’s “Protect Your Drinking Water Supply” brochure that the Collaborative can use for our brochure’s content and graphics. The Collaborative will also prepare one or more Fact Sheets for water companies that provide information about our Collaborative, and a letter introducing the Collaborative and inviting them to our events and meetings.

Peter Wulfhorst contacted Michael Reisenwitz of the Brodhead Regional Authority concerning their educational activities and learned that the Brodhead Regional Authority doesn’t use printed materials but posts information on their website and visits schools and groups for face-to-face presentations.


Ask Julie Kollar what email accounts and phone number contacts other collaboratives used (Marian Keegan)

Finalize logo with Ed Feigles and distribute to group for approval (Marian Keegan)

Secure all quotes from graphic designer by August 2, 2013 (Lori Colgan)

Develop fact sheet and letter to water companies by August 16th, if possible (Graphic Designer, August Agenda)

Collect and develop graphics and content for brochure and other publications by September 30th (Graphic Designer, August Agenda)

Make a map of Pike County water companies with and without Source Water Protection Plans for PSATS meeting (Peter Wulfhorst, Lori Colgan)

Our Planned Events (Need water words) – Matt Genchur will conduct a Source Water Protection workshop for water systems, tentatively scheduled for November 6th. The workshop will be from 9 am until 5 pm.

Peter Wulfhorst and Lori Colgan will visit the Wallenpaupack HS on September 2013 and May 2014 to demonstrate the Enviroscape model and Groundwater Flow model. The Shohola Elementary School will be contacted to arrange for the Collaborative to participate in their May 2014 Earth Day. Tim Gartner has presented the Groundwater Flow Model to 5th grade students at Shohola and Delaware Valley elementary schools as well as 10th grade students at Delaware Valley HS.

There was discussion about having all Delaware Valley 10th grade students visit the Milford Water Authority water treatment facilities in the 2013-2014 academic year. School districts don’t have as many field trips as in the past.


Contact the Pike County training center to schedule the November 6th PRWA workshop (Peter Wulfhorst)

Develop and present a program about spill response at the November 6th PRWA workshop; other presentations? (Tim Gartner, August Agenda)

Prepare brief PSWPC presentation for PSATS workshop in October (August Agenda)

Ask WREN if our Collaborative can use about $300 of our budget for busing students to Milford Water Authority for a tour (Marian Keegan)

Develop schedule and action plan for Stakeholders meeting (Marian Keegan, August Agenda)

Next Meeting (Full steam ahead) – The collaborative will meet on Tuesday, August 27, 2013 at 9 am.


Contact the Pike County Training Center to reserve space for the August 27th meeting (Peter Wulfhorst)