Full Moon Ritual


River stones

Transfer paper

Black Markers


Supplies from home

A picture of your loved one and a small item that belongs to that person .The item will be placed with the picture so both need to be about the same size.

Your most powerful tools.

Before ritual place tools on corresponding altars

Preparation of each participant

Gather outside room with loved one’s picture and personal item. Each will enter after smudging then place picture and item around center cauldron.

Casting Circle

Uneva will drum and lead while Keisha carries the incense from the East, Tammy carries candle from the South, Jennifer carries water from the West and Gerri carries sand from the North. After the casting place the incense, candle, chalice and sand around the center cauldron. During the circling all chant- mmmmaaaa, mmmmaaaa in quarter time matching the beat of the drum.








Gather in a circle around the cauldron and be seated.

Charge of the Star Goddess-Annabelle

Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess. She, in the dust of whose feet are the Hosts of Heaven, whose body encircleth the universe.

I, who am the beauty of the Green Earth and the White Moon amongst the stars and the mystery of the Waters, and the desire of the heart of man; I call unto they soul to arise and come unto me. For I am the Soul of Nature who giveth life to the universe; from me all things proceed and unto me all things must return. You, beloved of the Gods and men, whose innermost divine self shall be enfolded in the raptures of the Infinite, let my worship be in the heart. Rejoiceth, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals; therefore, let there be beauty and strength; power and compassion; honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you. And thou who thinkest to seek me, know that thy seeking and yearning avail thee not, unless thou knowest the mystery that if that which thou seekest thou findeth not within thyself, thou wilt never find it without thee. For behold! I have been with thee from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire!

On completion of the poem(above the cauldron and circling widdershin) Keishawill pass incense, Tammy will pass the candle followed by Jennifer who will pour water into the cauldron and ending with Gerri who will sprinkle sand into the cauldron.

Candle in the center cauldron will be lit by Jennifer

Taking turns each will pass (widdershin) their beloved’s picture and personal item over the cauldron and then place pictures and item around the cauldron.


Queen of the Heavens, Mother Moon, Isis

Each of us comes to you this eve with the following request

Open the hearts of our beloved ones to Your healing love.

May they feel Your love in each breath they take, in the breeze that touches their cheek.

May they feel the warmth from Your sun and be filled with the light that cleanses.

May they drink the water from Your womb that encompasses and refreshes and finally

May they feel Your foundation under their feet that grounds them and nourishes their body and spirit.

(Pleaseraise your hands above your head)

We lift our hearts to You with the following request

May we speak with Your wisdom when addressing our beloved, words that guide

May we have the courage to seek help from skilled healers when needed

May we have the intuition to know how to intervene in our beloved one’s behalf and finally

May we provide from Your bountiful Earth all that is needed to nourish body and spirit.

Craft(recorded drumming music in background)

The wedja is an ancient Egyptian amulet/talisman that is used to protect and also to provide health and vitality.

Transfer wedja eye unto river stone then color lines with black marker.


When stones are completed (together) each participant will hold stone in the palms of their hands while breathing on their stones.

Next the stones will be passed over the candle light in cauldron.

Participants will gently dip fingers into water and sprinkle stone. Finally each participant will rub oil into stone.


All will then set stones down then place their loved one’s pictures and personal items on top of the stones, cover with hands while breathing in and out three times. Pick up and hold against your heart.

May our beloved ones be healed and protected by Your love.

May we, in turn, be your instruments in this healing and protection.

Thank you Queen of Heaven, Mother Moon, Isis

Cakes and Ale

Close Quarters

Open Circle