56 North State Street, Orem, Utah

July 12, 2012

This meeting was for discussion purposes only. No action was taken.

CONDUCTING Mayor Pro Tem Mark Seastrand
OREM ELECTED OFFICIALS Councilmembers Hans Andersen, Margaret Black, and Karen McCandless
PROVO ELECTED OFFICIALS Provo Councilmembers Richard Healy, Hal Miller, and Gary Garrett
OREM STAFF Bruce Chesnut, City Manager; Jamie Davidson, Assistant City Manager; Donna Weaver, City Recorder; and Rachelle Conner, Deputy City Recorder
PROVO STAFF Wayne Parker, Chief Administrative Officer and Matt Taylor, Council Director

EXCUSED Orem Mayor Jim Evans; Councilmembers Mary Street and Brent Sumner

Provo Mayor John Curtis; Provo Councilmembers Sterling Beck, Laura Cabanilla, Kay Van Buren, and Gary Winterton

Call to Order

Mr. Seastrand called the meeting to order at 12:05 p.m.

Items of Common Interest

800 North

Rick Healy, Provo Councilmember, asked whether the road will be widened in the area that was covered up on 800 North. Mr. Chesnut explained that it is a State project, and they are not planning to widen it right now.


Mr. Healy questioned if Orem is in the process of drilling any wells.

Mr. Chesnut said they finished a well on 800 South 900 East last year. They broke a bit off at 400feet, which delayed the project. There are nine deep wells in the community, and there are no plans to drill any more right now.

Mr. Healy wondered how Orem is with water. Mr. Chesnut explained that Orem is good with water rights. They have been aggressive with acquiring water rights, which helps during times of drought.

Mr. Healy asked if the City Council attends any water meetings and questioned if there is a need for the City Council to be more involved. Mr. Chesnut responded a staff representative attends the water meetings.

Fire Problems

Mr. Healy wondered whether Orem had any fire problems over the 4th of July. Mr. Chesnut stated one bush caught on fire and was put out before the fire truck arrived. Orem limited fireworks use in certain areas in the community that had greater fire risks.

Wayne Parker, Provo City Administrator, advised the press coverage helped make people aware of the dangers, and they were more careful.

Mr. Seastrand questioned whether they have had any issues with the gun range. Mr. Parker noted they have not had any problems.

Utah Department of Transportation

Hal Miller, Provo Councilmember, asked if Orem had an agreement with the State to make 800North the main thoroughfare from Provo Canyon to I-15. Mr. Chesnut said he has not heard anything about that.


Mr. Seastrand said Orem is in the process of looking at zoning for signs.

Mrs. McCandless commented that they are looking at portable signs, temporary signs, A-frames, and flags. Right now they are not allowed. Orem had a committee of business owners proposed a draft ordinance that would allow some signs.

Mr. Parker indicated Provo prohibits signs that are temporary and freestanding. If the sign is attached to the building, it is allowed. There is not a lot of enforcement done on signs. It is done on a complaint basis. They do allow some temporary signs in public facility zones. Mr. Parker said they are not looking to change the ordinance at this time. The biggest problem they have are the wire frame signs that are put up on Friday and are out during the weekends. Provo gives two verbal warnings to the businesses before they are charged with a violation.

Mr. Healy asked whether Orem has an ordinance for using sponsor signs off premise such as the Brent Brown Ball Park. Mrs. McCandless indicated Brent Brown paid Utah Valley University for the naming rights of the ball park.

Accessory Apartments

Mr. Seastrand noted that last Tuesday night the City Council reopened the accessory apartments. The City Council will now be looking at enforcement options. He asked if Provo has had anything work for them and whether they charge a business license fee.

Mr. Parker indicated they have a $60 fee per landlord no matter how many units they own.

Matt Taylor, Provo Council Director, indicated they had a study done and it determined that $37is the right amount to charge for the license fee.

Mr. Andersen asked how many they have licensed. Mr. Taylor said they 8,200 approved properties.

Mr. Andersen then questioned how many landlords Provo has. Mr. Taylor indicated that they have 5,061 landlords.

Mr. Davidson wondered if the enforcement is done through zoning enforcement, Mr. Parker replied it was, and occupancy issues are difficult.

The Councils then discussed fees and the nexus involved.

Provo Convention Center

Mr. Seastrand questioned how the convention center is doing. Mr. Parker stated they are seeing more restaurant entrepreneurs wanting to come.

Mr. Andersen asked how many times it has been used. Mr. Parker explained they have had 10-12conventions since it opened. They have four to five meetings each week. The building is owned by the County and is run by a private vendor.


Mr. Seastrand inquired how the airport is doing.

Mr. Parker said there is nothing new to report. There is still only one airline, and they are a little nervous about Frontier. They are working out of bankruptcy and were bought out by Republican, which is also struggling. Provo is talking to other airlines.

Tree Apartments

Mr. Andersen said years ago he read something about the tree streets apartments. He asked how many apartments were eliminated.

Mr. Parker said they had a formula established to define the amortization period. The homeowners were allowed to continue to rent until their investment was paid. Approximately thirty to fifty apartments total were affected.

Mr. Healy said this caused quite a stir. In fact, when he ran for Council, he was put into a category according to whether he agreed with it or was opposed to it.

Set Date and Time for Next Meeting

The next meeting was scheduled for October 11, 2012, at noon in Provo.

The meeting adjourned at 1:19 p.m.

Donna R. Weaver, City Recorder

Approved: August 14, 2012

Joint Orem/ProvoCity Council Minutes – July 12, 2012 (p.1)