Refractive Surgery Consultant™ Elite

Version 4.4.56 Upgrade Notes

1.  Fixed treatment_number synch in synchtables

Implementation: Version upgrade automatically calls synch tables

2.  Nomogram report

a.  # exams > 20 days in nomogram report not working for reops – Fixed

b.  Error on range when entering reeops - Fixed

3.  Error in

a.  Fixed

4.  Create a new db. Run setup. Allow to open and run the db cleanup. Receive error: Not a valid bookmark.

a.  Fixed

5.  Add procdure to match of nomograam for new profiles. Done

6.  Cause name change to enable save button in edit treatment profiles. Done

7.  Pollack –User defined nomograms not being used.Let him know when upgrade occurs. PRobably only occurs if not enough data are found to create a nomogram. Set filter not to clear user-defined nomograms if this occurs.

a.  Done

8.  Adding new report criteria with a changed TP still doesn't work. Have to edit to make the criteria set find eyes. Fixed

9.  Add postop count to tp summary. Done.

10.  Add Last Used date to tp summary. Done.

11.  Add ability to delete profiles from tp summary. Done.

12.  Add ability to show all profiles to tp edit. Done

13.  Modifiy vA Table for snellen 2/0160 to become 10/150. Done using DbSteps.

14.  Modify PDEE behavior to show warnings if user goes to record, and allow for refresh if requested. Done.

15.  Add tp to possible errors. Done.

16.  Add 400, 500, 1000 etc. to the hertz rate list in profiles, etc. Done.

17.  Add Save button activation with modification of the TP name in Edit Profile. Done.

18.  Add a warning to the surgical plan printout if no nomo adjustment has been made. Done. Required db step 48.

Not Done:

1.  Dr. Dulaney wants to know why the nomograms for the Wavelight laser are not calculated in .25 diopters? Is there a way to get the final plan numbers to print in .25 diopters that the Wavelight laser will accept?

Rationale: The WaveLight is going to be upgraded to accept all numbers in the coming months, this is the only request we’ve had for this and there is potential for rounding in a way that would not be in the patient’s interest. Rounding is best left to the surgeon.

2.  Dr. Dulaney has asked me to contact you and inquire if it is possible to display all refractions in RSC as “Plano” rather than numerically with zeros where indicated.

Rationale: This is the only request we’ve had for this, and the programming burden is significant.

3.  Scattergram drill down right column truncates the refraction. Previously fixed, could not reproduce.