Elmhurst Primary School New Curriculum Map 2016-17

Year 1 / Autumn Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
English / RWI
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / Seasons Animals including Humans
Computing / Creating Pictures / Modelling
R.E. / What does it mean to belong to Sikhism? / How do Christians celebrate Christmas?
History /
Geography / Castles
Significant events or people.(Henry VIII, Tudors)
Art / D.T. / Portraits / Levers
P.E. / Medieval Dance/Playground games / Throwing catching/Gymnastics
Special Events / Black and Asian Week / Diwali Assembly Y1
Eid ul Adha Assembly Y5
Guru Nanak’s Birthday Assembly Y3
Christmas Fayre
Christmas Assembly Nursery
Possible Trips / Mountfitchet Castle or Tower of London
Paradise Wildlife Park / Theatre
Debating Topic/Skills / Speaking and Listening Games – link to castle topic
Year 1 / Spring Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / Everyday materials cont. Seasonal changes
Computing / Giving Instructions Word Processing
R.E. / What does it mean to be a Muslim? / What does it mean to belong to Christianity?
History / Geography / Explorers Golden Hinde (Neil Armstrong, Scott of the Antarctic, Christopher Columbus)
KS1 – Continents and Oceans,
KS1 World maps
Art / D.T. / Animal Prints / Puppets
P.E. / Bat & ball skills/ Points and patches / Dance/Developing team games
Language (French) / Introduce simple instructions and vocabulary in French.
e.g. colours, classroom equipment, greetings, numbers etc…
Special Events / Place of Worship Week
Parents’ Evening
Science Day
Art Day
Possible Trips / Mosque
Natural History Museum / Golden Hinde
Debating Topic/Skills / Speaking and Listening Games (Link to fairytales)
Year 1 / Summer Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / Plants
Computing / Handling Data / Word Processing
R.E. / What does it mean to live with family and friends? / How do we express meaning through cards, candles and actions?
History / Geography / Map making, West Ham Park, Field work, NESW
Art / D.T. / Observational drawing - Fruits / Cars (D&T)
P.E. / Gymnastics/Ball skills / Team games (sports day)
Language (French) / Introduce simple instructions and vocabulary in French.
e.g. colours, classroom equipment, greetings, numbers etc…
Special Events / Science Week / Refugee Week
Multi-Lingual Story Telling Day
Sports Day (competitive and non-competitive)
Parents Evening
Talent Show
Music Recital
School Summer Fair
Possible Trips / West Ham park
Queens Market / Seaside Trip
Debating Topic/Skills / Speaking and Listening Games (link to seaside topic)

Link to the new National Curriculum:

Year 2 / Autumn Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / Living things and their habitats
Computing / Unit 2.2 We are games testers / Unit 2.6 We are zoologists
Links to Science – mini beast hunt
R.E. / What is fasting and why do people do it? / Special foods
History / Geography / History and Geography Unit, Festivals from around the world
Art / D.T. / Art - African Masks / DT – Moving Vehicles
Music / Pitch
P.E. / Throwing and catching
Special Events / Black and Asian week (Inc Assembly). / Diwali Assembly
Eid Ul Adha Assembly
Guru Nanaks Assembly
Christmas Fayre
Possible Trips / Pond dipping
WHPark – Science
Debating Topic/Skills / Link to RE, Science and History and Geography topics (reflections and debating skills)
Year 2 / Spring Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / Uses of everyday materials / Animals including humans
Computing / Unit 2.1 We are astronauts (Scratch) / Unit 2.3 We are photographers
R.E. / Special books / How do we know that Easter is coming?
History / Geography / Australia – Year 2
Art / D.T. / Aboriginal art / DT – Fruit salad
Music / BBC 10 pieces project
P.E. / Gym
Twisting & Turning
Games Top Play
Balls, Hoops, Ropes / Tennis
Special Events / Chinese New Year Assembly,
Book Day / Place of Worship week,
Parents Evening
Science Day - Chicks
Easter Assembly
D & T Week
Possible Trips / Natural History Museum
Place of worship visit – St Anthony’s Church
Debating Topic/Skills / *This house believes that children should play a musical instrument
Year 2 / Summer Term
Subjects / Half term 1 / Half term 2
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / Plants
Geography / Great Fire of London / Geography - mapping
Computing / 2.4 We are researchers / Unit 2.5 We are detectives
Art / Great Fire of London Collage – Anselm Kiefer
RE / Where did the world come from and how should we look after it? (Creation stories) / Why did Jesus tell stories?
Computing / Internet: Famous people / Internet: Plants and animals
PE / Tennis / Sports day practise
Music / Exploring rounds / Rhythm
Special Events / Test Week (including national test week - Yr6 SATS) and end of Key Stage 1 assessments. / Refugee Week & Assembly
Parents Evening
Talent Show
School Summer Fair
Trips / St Pauls (Art and History link)
Museum of London (GFL link)
West Ham park (Science) / Seaside
Bus tour of London landmarks
Debating Topic / Debating Games

Link to the new National Curriculum:

Year 3 / Autumn Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
English / Literacy & Language Unit 1: Non Fiction – Information text – History link - A-Z Guide to The Stone Age
Unit 4: Fiction - Poetry – Science link- Forces and Magnets
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / Rocks / Forces and magnets
Computing / Programming: Scratch / Word Processing skills /Dazzle
R.E. / What is the significance of light in religion? / How and why do Hindus celebrate Holi/Diwali? What celebration can we design to mark a special time in our class or year group?
History / Geography / Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age
Art / D.T. / DT – Moving pictures – Levers, Axles / Art – cave paintings
P.E. / Orienteering / Team building exercises
Language (French)
Special Events / Black and Asian Week (inc. Assembly) / Diwali Assembly, Eid ul Adha Assembly,
Y3 Guru Nanak’s Assembly, Christmas Fayre and Christmas Assembly
Possible Trips / Rocks and soils workshop – UCL / Mandir for RE?
Debating Topic/Skills / THB that modern technology has seriously hindered family time.
Year 3 / Spring Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
English / Literacy & Language – Unit 3: Non Fiction – Geography link – Discussion text – Should Year 3 children be made to go on a Walkabout?
Unit 5: Non Fiction – Non chronological report – Animals and bones
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / Light / Animals including humans
Computing / Internet (Weather across the world) / Data Handling
R.E. / How do Jews celebrate their beliefs at home and in the synagogue? / What do art, signs and symbols tell us about religion?
History / Geography / Extreme Weather
Weather compare
Art / D.T. / Art – Turner - Weather / DT – Textiles - Shelter
P.E. / Tennis/badminton / Gymnastics
Language (French)
Special Events / Chinese New Year Assembly
Book Day
Holi Assembly (March ’13)
Art Day / Place of Worship Week, Parents Evening, Science Day, Easter Assembly, place of Worship Week, Parents Evening, Science Day, Easter Assembly, D&T Week
Possible Trips / Farm (science)
Debating Topic/Skills / This house believes that humans are responsible for climate change. (Geog.)
Year 3 / Summer Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
English / Literacy & Language- Unit 6: Non Fiction – Biography – RE Link - Jesus
Unit 2: N/Fic. – Instruction text – Science – Looking after plants or DT – How to make a wooden chariot.
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / Plants
Computing / Word Processing – Ancient Greece
R.E. / How did Jesus and Buddha stop and think? / Why are some places special for religions?
History / Geography / Ancient Greece – a study of Greek life and achievements and their influences on the western world. Plays and Olympics.
Art / D.T. / DT – Chariots (wood) / Art – Ancient Greek vase paintings?
P.E. / Netball/Hockey/Dance / Ancient Olympics/ Sports Day Prep/Athletics
Language (French)
Special Events / Test Week (including national test week) Yr6 SATs
Maths Day
Art Day
Olympic D.T. Week / Refugee Week and Assembly
Multi-lingual Storytelling Day
Inter-Year Group Debating Finals
Sports Day – Competitive and Non-Competitive
Parents Evening
Talent Show
Music Recital
School Summer Fair
Possible Trips / Science – Plants – WHPark/ Local garden centre? / British Museum – Ancient Greece
Debating Topic/Skills / This house believes that humans can survive on another planet (Lit. link)

Link to the new National Curriculum:

Yea 4 - Term 1 – Myself and society

Year 4 / Autumn Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
English / Literacy & Language
Unit 1 Unit 2
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / States of matter
Computing / Scratch / Word processing - Newspapers
R.E. / What makes me the person I am / Who is the bible special for Christians?
History / Geography / Urban settlement – FW
The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. Focus on trade and mapping
Art / D.T. / Urban art – Claes Oldenburg / Catapults
Music / Urban music – rap and rhythm / Religious music including Christmas music
P.E. / Basketball / Hockey
Language (French)
Special Events / Black and Asian Week (inc Assembly) / Diwali Assembly
Y4 Eid ul Adha Assembly
Guru Nanak’s Assembly
Christmas Fayre
Christmas Assembly
Possible Trips / Countryside Live / Urban Walk
Debating Topic/Skills / This House believes that

Year 4 - Term 2 - Changes

Year 4 / Spring Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
English / Literacy & Language
Unit 3
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / Sound / Electricity
Computing / Giving instructions / Computer programming
R.E. / Marriage / Why is Easter important to Christians?
History / Geography / Environment and Climate change / Environmental Activism
Art / D.T. / DT - Rice / Andrew Mutter – Sun – linked to Geog.
Music / Protest songs / Social impact of music
P.E. / Table tennis/ hockey / Cricket
Language (French)
Special Events / Chinese New Year Assembly / Place of Worship Week, Parents Evening, Science Day, Easter Assembly, Place of Worship Week, D&T Week
Possible Trips
Debating Topic/Skills / This house believes that
Environmental awareness

Year 4 Term 3

Our local area

Year 4 / Summer Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
English / Literacy & Language
Unit 5 - Victorians
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / Living things and their habitats
Computing / Data Logging / Handling data
R.E. / Religions in our neighbourhood / Hinduism
History / Geography / Victorians, History of Elmhurst and world war a local history study
Change of land use over time.
Art / D.T. / D and T – Electricity / William Morris
Music / Tudor music
P.E. / Athletics / Athletics
Language (French)
Special Events / Test Week
Maths Day
Art Day / Refugee Week and Assembly
Multi-lingual Storytelling Day
Inter-Year Group Debating Finals
Sports Day – Competitive and Non-Competitive
Parents Evening
Talent Show
Music Recital
School Summer Fair
Possible Trips / Ragged school
Local historical walks
Debating Topic/Skills
Year 5 / Autumn Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
English / Unit 4 Jeremy Strong - Biography / Unit 3 (Poetry)
Literacy & Language
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / Forces (Autumn 1 and 2)
Computing / E Safety
Scratch / Year 5 word documents. Can link to Poetry or Foundation subjects.
R.E. / Why is Muhammed and the Qur’an important to Muslims? / How is Christmas celebrated around the world?
History /
Geography / Ancient Egyptians
Art / D.T. / DT – Papyrus paper and painting / DT - Slippers (linked to History)
Music / ECAM
Language (French) / Introductions / Animals
The home
Special Events / Black and Asian Week (incl Assembly) / Diwali Assembly
Eid ul Adha Assembly
Guru Nanak’s Assembly
Christmas Fayre
Christmas Assembly
Possible Trips / British Museum
Debating Topic/Skills / Debating Games / Observatory? (Stratford Circus)
Theatre to see Poetry?
Year 5 / Spring Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
English / Literacy & Language (Unit 5) Stories from another culture – Dragon slayer
Non chronological reports / Unit 1 Pandora’s box
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / Forces / Forces
Computing / Typing proficiency / Word processing
R.E. / What do religions believe about God? / How do Christians try to follow Jesus’ example?
History / Geography / Global Citizenship – Rural settlements
Atlas – mapping skills
Art / D.T. / Still life (links with RE and global literature, religions of the World) / Art day project
Music / ECAM
P.E. / Cricket
Language (French) / Food / Hobbies
Special Events / Chinese New Year Assembly
Book Day / Place of Worship week
Parents Evening
Easter Assembly
D&T Week
Possible Trips / Science Museum
Debating Topic/Skills / Debating games/practice in Literacy group
Year 5 / Summer Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
English / Unit 2 – retelling of myths Literacy & Language
Maths / Topics Including: Place Value, Number Work including the four operations, Fractions, Measures, Shape
Science / Earth and space
Computing / Multimedia (link to history topic. / Control / giving instructions.
R.E. / Should all living creatures be treated equally? What does it mean to be human? / What inner forces affect how we think and behave?
History /
Geography / Vikings and Anglo Saxons
Year 5 fieldwork focus/ Suntrap residential.
Art / D.T. / Art –still life. (Egyptian/Chinese styled slippers – linked to history/geography.
Language (French)
Special Events / Test Week (including national test week (Year 6 SATS)
Maths Day
Art Day / Refugee Week and Assembly
Multi-lingual Storytelling Day
Inter-Year Group Debating Finals
Sports Day – Competitive and Non-Competitive
Parents Evening
Talent Show
Music Recital
School Summer Fair
Possible Trips / Royal Observatory
Debating Topic/Skills

Link to the new National Curriculum:

Year 6 / Autumn Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
English / Literacy & Language (Myths and Legends/News reports – Poetry/Argument)
Maths / Number, place value, properties of number; four operations and word problems; algebra; fractions; ratio/proportion; geometry; measures.
Science / Light
Computing / Word processing / Programming using Scratch
R.E. / Leaders / Death
History / Geography / Tea Trade:
Exploring the history of tea since the 19th Century, and looking at modern day tea production.
Art / D.T. / D.T.: Food Technology
Making a new leaf tea / D.T: Packaging
Design packaging for a new leaf tea.
Music / ECAM / ECAM
P.E. / Rugby/Fitness / Basketball/Hockey
Language (French) / Introductions / Telling the time
Special Events / European Day of Languages
Slavery – Black History Week
Book Day / Diwali Assembly
Eid ul Adha Assembly
Guru Nanak’s Assembly
Christmas Fayre
Christmas Assembly
Trips / Museum of London Docklands
Fairplay House / Science Museum
Debating Topic/Skills / Debating on the topic of human rights/fair trade.
Year 6 / Spring Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
English / Literacy & Language (Historical fiction/formal impersonal – Flashbacks in fiction/biography)
Maths / Number, place value, properties of number; four operations and word problems; algebra; ratio/proportion; geometry; measures; statistics.
Science / Electricity / Animals including humans
Computing / Non-linear multimedia projects / Spreadsheets and data handling
R.E. / Buddhism / Faith and the Arts
History /
Geography / Tudors
Art / D.T. / Tudor Self Portraits
Music / ECAM / ECAM
P.E. / Football/Tennis / Netball/Badminton
Language (French) / Les Achats / Les routines
Special Events / Science Day
French Day / Place of Worship week
Parents Evening
Easter Assembly
Trips / Bookshop trip / Tudor trip
Debating Topic/Skills
Year 6 / Summer Term
Half Term 1 / Half Term 2
English / Literacy & Language (Play writing, persuasive presentations – Fiction, explanation text)
Maths / Four operations; geometry; fractions; measures; statistics.
After SATs: History of Maths; Money Unit; Theme Park and Around the World Projects.
Science / Evolution and inheritance
Computing / Word processing – write revision guides / Movie-maker: video to remember Elmhurst (multimedia)
R.E. / How could we design a leavers’ celebration that involved everyone?
History / Geography / The Mayan Civilisation / Brazil and the Americas
Art / D.T. / Mayan Art
Music / ECaM / ECaM/Assembly
P.E. / Athletics /Fitness - Gymnastics / Cricket/Fitness - Dance
Language (French) / Le Weekend / Le vacances
Special Events / Test Week (including national test week Yr 6 SATs)
Maths Day
Art Day / Refugee Week and Assembly
Inter-Year Group Debating Finals
Sports Day – Competitive and Non-Competitive
Parents Evening
Talent Show
Music Recital
Year 6 Production
Y6 Leaver’s Assembly
Trips / Zoo trip / Bank of England/Monument
Rome trip: G&T Artists
Debating Topic/Skills / This house believes that artefacts should be returned to the country of its origin.