I.  Organizational details

Project title: / TransCare - Documentation of discrimination in the field of health of trans* people in Hungary
Reporting period: / Between January and December 2014
Implementing organization: / Transvanilla Transgender Association
Contact information (post, e-mail, phone): / ;
1538 Budapest Pf. 527
Contact person: / Krisztina Kolos Orban
Date of report submission to ILGA-Europe: / 30 January 2015

Number of people working on the project (staff and volunteers):

2 staff members and 3 volunteers

Changes in the project leadership (if different from the application):

There were no changes.

II.  Narrative Report

1.  What kind of information did you collect?

We focused on gathering information on the experiences of trans people in Hungary specifically in the health care system both trans / transition related and non trans related and documenting experiences of discrimination. We covered a variety of issues linked to non trans specific and trans specific health care situations. We tried to map the overall health situation of the respondents also.

2.  What methodology did you use to collect the information? If it differs from the methodology initially planned, please provide explanations.

Online questionnaire – was available on our server (and also in printed version) from February 2014 for about six months. 253 completed and 68 non completed questionnaires, for the report we took into account only the completed ones.

Semi-structured personal interviews – 22 interviews were carried out among those respondents who had face discrimination

Please find attached in annex: On-line research questionnaire and Question sheet for personal interviews.

3.  Please describe main success / challenges / difficulties of the project. How did you deal with them?

Our outreach was effective and the number of respondents was a huge success this number gives credibility to our organization on the national level.

Biggest challenge was to implement the project in the context of our staff being overworked and overloaded and it caused some delay and shortened our time left for advocacy.

4.  Did you have any partners in this project? If yes, please briefly describe the role of each partner.

Increasing our outreach capacities we asked some partner LGBT NGOs to share the link to the questionnaire on their social media pages and mailing lists.

III.  Project impact

1.  What product has come out of the project if any (e.g. report, CD ROM, survey)? Please, give a short description.

The most important product of the program is the collected information that was gathered throughout the online research.

The project has produced a report, which is available in pdf and hard copy formats in Hungarian. The 36-page, A5 report presents the findings of the project and provides recommendations for policy makers.

English version will also be available for download before 15 February 2015.

2.  What are the main outcomes of the project? Give details here on:

a)  How you plan to use this information - for advocacy or other purposes (at local, national and/or European level)?

The publication has already been disseminated to health care institutions, medical professionals, policy makers, governmental and non-governmental bodies. It will be used to advocate for better health care for trans people in Hungary. Information will be available in English so it could be used on the European level as reference.

We will use the information to raise awareness in the community and in the media of trans experiences and issues trans people face.

b)  Who is your key target audience who needs to understand the collected information?

Policy makers and those already providing health care services for trans people are one group and the trans community itself is the other important group.

c)  Provide a short description and concrete steps on how you plan to approach your target audience.

We already sent the report to policy makers and health care providers and follow up activities will continue on. We are doing a desk review in the first half of 2015 of existing health standards in the context of international health standards and contribute to the process of the development of general standards of care for the trans population on the national level. We initiate discussions with other professional organisations in the field.

d)  What impact will this have on legislative / decision-making level (e.g. change in laws/policies, new relations with policy makers etc.), if any.

There is an ongoing but very slow process of creating standards of care for trans specific services we hope to influence but first of all to finalize and come into effect, since there are no national standards or policies for trans people in the field of health care. This report and the desk review gives us more credibility and puts us in a position where we can argue based on facts and also at the same time providing good examples/practices which could be implemented in the Hungarian context. We have stronger positions in our relations to policy makers.

3.  What impact (positive/negative) had the project on your organization?

Thanks to this grant we could carry out our first research followed by a report which was disseminated publicly. The data we gathered gives us a useful database on the situation of trans people in the field of health. This is the starting point for future research and advocacy and health reforms for trans people in Hungary.

4.  What are the lessons you have learned internally? What learning would you share with others undertaking similar projects?

We have learned that strategic planning and risk assessment are crucial in order to be able to carry out all the projects we are undertaking. This project in the context of the whole organizational performance gave us sometimes too much overload and we had to delay some of the activities because we were overworked and faced burnout symptoms.

Other important lesson we have learned in practice that advocacy needs time and organisations have to make the necessary preparations in order to be able to follow up processes.

IV.  ILGA-Europe

How satisfied you are with the quality of cooperation with ILGA-Europe? Please, give a maximum of three positive and three negative points / examples, preferably with suggestions on how the latter can be improved.

The assistance and support provided by ILGA-Europe in this project was very useful for us.

This was our first cooperation with ILGA-Europe in terms of receiving funding and it was a nice experience, ILGA-Europe proved to be a funder providing fund smoothly.

ILGA-Europe staff was available for us and they provided the needed support when we were facing difficulties during the implementation of the project.


V.  Financial report

Please, provide the financial report using the attached excel sheet. In case if deviations from the original budget occurred, please provide explanations. All expenditures need to be accompanied by certified copies of supporting financial documents (bills, invoices, pay slips, bank statements etc.)