
Public Procurement - Legal Seminar

Remedies Reform and Recent Case Law of the

European Court of Justice (ECJ)

4-5 June 2007

organised by the

European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)

Maastricht, NL

For background information on public procurement in Europeand EIPA activities related to public procurement, please consult:

or contact:

Ms Gediz Cleffken, Programme Organisation, EIPA

P.O. Box 1229, NL - 6201 BE Maastricht

Tel.: +31-(0)43-32 96 279; Fax: +31 (0)43-32 96 296


Public Procurement - Legal Seminar

Remedies Reform and Recent Case Law of the

European Court of Justice (ECJ)

4-5 June 2007

Organised by the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)

Location: Maastricht (NL)

The European Institute of Public Administration is organising a legal seminar on “Remedies Reform and Recent Case Law of the European Court of Justice (ECJ)” which will take place at the European Institute of Public Administration in Maastricht, the Netherlands, on 4-5 June 2007.


This legalseminar will focus on the current reform of the Remedies Directives as well as on recent case law of the ECJ on European procurement. The Commission proposal for an amending Directive aims at improving the effectiveness of review procedures concerning the award of public contracts. The key innovations include a standstill period between the award decision and the conclusion of the contract, and the tackling of illegal direct awards of public contracts. The seminar will discuss and analyse the reform proposals and also provide a comparative view and critical assessment of review procedures in Europe. Considering the growing significance and impact of ECJ case law for and on European public procurement policy and legislation, special attention will be paid to recent developments in ECJ case law in the field of procurement, including that on remedies.

Target group

The seminar should be of interest to the legal profession (lawyers, judges), as well as to policy makers, public officials, academics, and the private sector.

The seminar will be conducted in English.

Public Procurement - Legal Seminar

Remedies Reform and Recent Case Law of the

European Court of Justice (ECJ)

4-5 June 2007

organised by the

European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)

Maastricht, NL


Monday, 4 June 2007

09.00Welcome and Introduction to the Seminar

Ms Rita Beuter, Head of Unit, European Policies, Senior Expert, EIPA,


09.15Commission Proposal for an Amending Directive on Remedies - An Overview

Ms Liisa Koskinen, Researcher, EIPA, Maastricht (NL)

10.00Coffee break

10.30Parliament’s View on the Amending Directive



13.30Public Procurement Review Procedures in Europe: A Comparative Overview

Dr Martin Trybus, Senior Lecturer,School of Law, University of Sheffield


15.00Coffee break

15.30Public Procurement Review Procedures in Europe: A Critical Assessment

Dr Hans-Joachim Prieβ, Partner, Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, Berlin,

Germany (DE)

17.00Workshop: The View of Participants

18.30Reception at EIPA

Tuesday, 5 June 2007

09.00Recent Developments in ECJ Case Law in the Field of Public Procurement

Mr Adrian Brown, Senior Counsel, Herbert Smith Law Firm, Brussels (BE)

10.30Coffee break

11.00ECJ Case Law on Remedies

Mr Martin Oder, Partner, Haslinger/Nagele & Partner Law Firm,Vienna (A)

12.30Conclusion and Evaluation of the Seminar

13.00Lunch and end of the Seminar

14.15Optional: Guided Tour of Maastricht

Public Procurement - Legal Seminar

Remedies Reform and Recent Case Law of the

European Court of Justice (ECJ)

4-5 June 2007



The programme will commence on Monday 4 June at 09.00 hrs and finish on Tuesday5 June at 14.15 hrs.A guided walking tour in the historic centre of Maastricht is foreseen for those interested on Tuesdayat 14.15 hrs. The tour takes about 1.5 hours.

Seminar venue

The seminar will take place in the Green Conference Room (1.45) at the European Institute of Public Administration, O.L. Vrouweplein 22, NL-6211 HE Maastricht, tel.: +31.43.3296222, fax: +31.43.3296296.

Working language

The seminar will be conducted in English.


The participation fee is € 795 and includes documentation, 2 lunches, 1 reception, refreshments and guided tour of Maastricht on 5 June 2007. Accommodation and travel costs are at the expense of the participants or their administration.

Hotel reservations

The European Institute of Public Administration will be pleased to make reservations for you at a hotel in Maastricht. We have made block bookings for single roomsat 3 hotels in Maastricht withbreakfast and tourist tax included:

- Hotel Beaumont**** ( at a rate of € 96,73 p.p.p.n.

- Hotel Mabi**** ( at a rate of € 97,23 p.p.p.n.

- Hotel Derlon**** ( at a rate of € 117,50 p.p.p.n.

Should you wish to make use of this possibility, please indicate the name of the hotel and the dates of arrival and departure on the registration form. Payment is to be made directly and personally to the hotel on checking out. Please note that if you register after the closing date, hotel reservations cannot be guaranteed.


The lunches and the reception will be served at the Institute’s restaurant. Should you require a special menu (e.g. vegetarian, diabetic), please inform the Programme Organiser so that this can be arranged.


Kindly complete the registration form and return it before 15 May 2007 to Ms Gediz Cleffken, Programme Organiser, European Institute of Public Administration, P.O. Box 1229, NL-6201 BE Maastricht, tel.: +31.43.3296279, fax: +31.43.3296296, e-mail: You can also submit the online registration form which can be found on EIPA’s web site:


Confirmation of registration will be forwarded to participants on receipt of the completed registration form.


Prior payment is a condition for participation. Please indicate the method of payment on the registration form. For cancellations received after the date indicated on the registration form we will have to charge an administration fee of € 150 unless a replacement participant is found.

Public Procurement - Legal Seminar

Remedies Reform and Recent Case Law of the

European Court of Justice (ECJ)

4-5 June 2006

Organised by the

European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)

Maastricht, NL


Surname: ______Title: ______

First name:______M / F

Current position: ______



Work address:______

Postal code & town:______Country: ______

Tel. no. (work) :______Fax no.: ______

E-mail address:______

PAYMENT - p:0730803, Closing date for registration: 15 May 2007

The participation fee includes participation in the seminar,€ 795

documentation, 2 lunches, 1 reception and beverages

Method of payment

Bank transfer

The participants or their administration will receive an invoice for the payment of the registration fee.

Invoice address (if different from the abovementioned address):



E-mail: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Credit card

(credit card payments are subject to an additional charge of 5% of the total amount of the registration fee).

 Visa Card Eurocard/Mastercard  American Express Card

Card no.: ...... ……...... Expiry date: ...... /......

Name Card holder: ...... (in case this differs from above)

Address Card holder: ...... (in case this differs from above)

Postal code: ...... Country: ...... (in case this differs from above)

Card Validation Code: ...... (this refers to the last three digits of the number on the BACK of your card)

(Exempt from VAT by virtue of Article 11, para. 1 (o), subpara. 2 of the Dutch Law on VAT of 1968)

Note:Pre-payment is a condition for participation. For administrative reasons, a fee of € 150 will be charged for cancellations received after 15 May 2007 unless another participant is designated.


Please reserve hotel accommodation for me at :0 Beaumont**** 0 Mabi**** 0 Derlon****

Date of arrival: Date of departure: No. of nights:

No hotel reservation required


Lunch 04/06 will attend will not attend Lunch 05/06 will attend will not attend

Reception 04/06will attend will not attend Guided tour 05/06 will attend will not attend

Vegetarian YesNo

If vegetarian, fish allowed? Yes No

As the number of places is limited, please return the completed registration form before the closing date to:

Ms Gediz CleffkenTel.: +31.43.3296279

European Institute of Public AdministrationFax: +31.43.3296296

P.O. Box 1229, NL-6201 BE MAASTRICHTE-mail: