Referral Article #2
Treating each of your clients to the best service is the key to winning referrals.
By Linda Marcus, CRS

About 95 percent of my business comes from repeat customers or referrals, so I know how important it is to treat every one of my clients well. I believe that if you work hard to give your customers what they want, they will tell their friends and neighbors. Here are a few of the strategies I use to keep my referral base strong.

Build Long-term Relationships
I’ve been in the real estate business for 28 years, and I’m proud to say that the very first client I have is still coming back to work with me again. That’s a testament to the fact that I do more than just complete transactions for my clients; I build long-term relationships with them. That way, they feel comfortable calling me for their real estate needs in the future, and I’ll have a good chance of winning the business of their friends and family.

I work primarily with upper-bracket properties with an average sale price in excess of $1 million. But when people who are looking for less-expensive homes contact me, I never turn them down. All clients are important, and I try to build a relationship with them and help them get what they need. If a potential customer is looking for a home out of my area or specialty, however, I’ll go the extra mile to recommend a qualified REALTOR®, preferably a CRS, who might be well-suited to working with them. That kind of service can result in referrals down the road.

For example, I referred one potential client of mine to a real estate broker in the Chicago suburbs, where I knew it would be easier to find a home in the buyer’s price range. Not long afterwards, that same person referred a friend to me who was looking for a home in the city, and I ultimately did get a sale from them. It goes to show that if you help people get what they want, even if you are not a part of the transaction, it can pay off in the future.

Invest in Future Referrals
The old adage that you have to spend money to make money holds true. When somebody sends me a referral, I call them to say thanks and I send them a note, of course. But I also like to send along a thank-you gift that I know they might like. For example, I might send along a nice bottle of scotch to someone who enjoys it. The recipient views a gift as an example of your thoughtfulness and generosity, but the bottom line is that it will definitely make them remember you for more referrals in the future.

I like to reward my clients for working with me as well. I make a habit of sending my customers a nice gift after they close on their new home. You get a pretty good idea of what people’s tastes are during the house-hunting process, so I try to get something they will enjoy, such as Waterford Crystal, for example. One time I even got a toaster oven for a young client based on a suggestion made by his mother!

Cultivate a Personal Touch
I like to learn about my clients and I try to keep track of personal information, such as the names of their children, or even their dogs, in my Palm Pilot. Then when I call them for a friendly chat or send them a note, it is more personal and friendly, which shows that I care. I also send professionally photographed holiday cards to all my past clients — last year’s included a picture of my dog, Harvey, in a coat and a Santa hat. Again, it costs some money to have professional cards made, but I believe it definitely pays off with added business in the future.

Linda Marcus, CRS, is a sales associate with Koenig & Strey GMAC Real Estate in Chicago. She can be contacted by e-mail at .