PMN 540 Leadership and Management for Ministry

Dr. Gary L. Johnson;Director of Pastoral Leadership Studies

Cincinnati Bible Seminary; Cincinnati, Ohio

Office 317-862-6430


August 14 – October 9, 2012
Course Description

This course examines Biblical and contemporary principles of servant leadership, providing the student with practical skills and insights for leading the 21st-century church effectively (3 credit hours).

Course Objectives

Upon the completion of this course, the student should:

1) have a heightened awareness and sensitivity to the societal and church environment in which leaders function;

2) be able to identify primary scripture passages addressing leadership principles and practices;

3) have an increased ability to improve one’s own leadership skills, while developing leaders around oneself;

4) be able to cite specific, practical application of new ideas and methods of executing leadership in the local church; and,

5) develop an action plan for having a strong spiritual formation to protect the integrity of the leader.

Course Requirements

Each of the assignments has been designed to be extremely practical in nature and may be of immediate and direct benefit to students already serving in a located ministry. To successfully complete this three semester hour course, the student is expected to meet the following course requirements:

1) satisfactory attendance and participation

a) Students are expected to attend every class session.

b) Classes will meet at Indian Creek Christian Church every Tuesday evening from 6-10pm.

c) For absences not excused, a student’s grade will drop 1% for every two hours of missing attendance. If the student should miss 20% of the scheduled class lectures, the student will be dropped from the course.

2) All assignments are to be completed by October 31.

a) Students will write a two page reading review of four booksof the student’s choosing from those required for reading, citing two practical ideas for implementation to ministry.

b) Students will write a three to five page description of the internal leadership structure (i.e., polity) of the church they attend, citing both strengths and weaknesses.

c) Students will complete a LifeMap (i.e., philosophy of ministry to be explained in class).

3) complete a written final exam given on the final day of class.

Course Grades

This course will have a potential of 1,000 points to be earned by the student. The course assignments will have a designated value as follows:

Required Reading200 ptsDue Oct 31

Written Reading Reviews200 ptsDue Oct 31

Church Polity Description 200 ptsDue Oct 31

LifeMap200 ptsDue Oct 31

Final Exam200 ptsDue Oct 9

Course Reading List


Estep, Roadcup, Johnson. Answer: His CallCollege Press, 2009.

Estep, Roadcup, Johnson. Reflect: His CharacterCollege Press, 2009.

Estep, Roadcup, Johnson. Lead: His ChurchCollege Press, 2010.

Estep, Roadcup, Johnson. Enjoy: His PeopleCollege Press, 2011.

MacArthur, John. The Book on Leadership, Nelson Books, 2004.

Witt, Lance Replenish: Leading From a Healthy Soul Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2011.

Course Content

The remainder of the course will explore three essentials of effective leadership: 1) having a call of God to serve in leadership; 2) possessing competency in various aspects of leadership; and 3) maintaining one’s moral character as a leader. This course is organized in consideration of these three non-negotiable essentials, and will investigate issues such as:

Course Introduction

The Five Truths of Leadership

The Radical Leadership of Jesus

The CALL of Leaders

Understanding “the Call” of God

Being Faithful to the Call – A Study of Peter

Eight Traits of a Leader

The COMPETENCY of Leaders

The STYLES of Leaders

Two Extremes of Management Styles

Ten Biblical Styles and Examples of Leadership

The STRUCTURE of Leaders

Four Essentials in Leader Selection

An Elder Governance Polity

The SKILLS of Leaders

Christ’s Methods of Developing Leaders

The Discipline of Strategic Thinking

Analytical Skills: Looking Around, Looking Within, Looking Ahead

LifeMapping: Personal Vision Casting for the Leader

Executing Change – A Study of James, the Just

Motivating People to Serve Passionately

The Difference Between Speaking & Communicating

Issues in Leading a Large Church

Legal Concerns Facing the Church

The “SHARPENING” of Leaders

The Art of Self-Leadership

Apollos: A Life-Long Learner

The Fine Art of Mentoring

The CHARACTER of Leaders

Perils of Being a Pastor/Leader—the State of the Ministry Today

Knowing the Enemy – A Look at I Peter 5:8

Living an Overcoming Life – One Struggle at a Time

Winning the War on Lust – One Battle at a Time

Benefiting From Accountability – One Step at a Time

Making the Most of My Marriage – One Day at a Time

Five Paths that Lead to a Fall

Restoring a Fallen Friend/Colleague

Making the Most of My Family – One Day at a Time

Surviving the Pressures of Ministry – One Demand at a Time

Working with Difficult People – One Wound at a Time

Staying in the Ministry – One Week at a Time