SCES Library Media

Center 2014-2015


Michelle Bridges, Media Specialist

As a library Media Specialist, it is my mission to equip students with the tools and skills necessary to become responsible and ethical users of print and electronic resources when gathering producing and disseminating information.

Hours of Operation: 7:30 AM- 2:30 PM

Open-checkout will be available with teacher permission any time the media center is open, as well as with your scheduled class visit for 3rd-5th graders. Students are always welcome to return books at any time.

Student Check-Out Policy: Students may check out books as often as they would like. However, books must be renewed every two weeks. Students in Kindergarten may check out one book at a time. First graders may check-out one-two books at a time (depends on the class). Second through fifth grade students may check out two-three books at a time, unless otherwise specified. Students in 4th and 5th grades may checkout paperback books from the Read Box. Books from the read box need to be checked out with a plastic bag and bookmark to be used to help protect the book and those items are also to be returned to the library with the book..

Lost or Damaged Books: Students and parents who have lost or damaged books are responsible for their replacement. New books will not be checked out until the lost/damaged book is returned or replaced. Taking home books is a privilege!  Late Book Notices will be put into teachers boxes. Teachers are asked to relay this information to parents via Tuesday Folders. The replacement cost of a book depends on the cost of the book. Damages are assessed on an individual basis.

Library Manners & Expectations:

Always show SHARK Character.

Return your books on time.

Listen and follow directions.

Use a shelf-marker.

READ and respect each book that you check out.

Always ask for help--- it is why Mrs. Bridges is here!

Library Consequences

If a student makes a poor choice in the library, warnings and opportunities to correct the behavior are given. If a student continues to make poor choices, they may be asked to change location, or sit out where they think re-think their behavior. Other consequences include walking laps at recess, partial silent lunch, and notes/phone calls home. Disruptive behavior interferes with other students’ learning. Therefore, disruptive students will be sent straight to the office.

Birthday Book Club: Each student (and family member!) is invited to join the SCES Birthday Book Club! Students may join the club by purchasing a hard-back book for the library in their honor. Each book donated will have a special label placed on the spine and inside cover of the book. Applications to join will be sent home in Tuesday folders during the months of August and January.

Attention Teachers:

I believe that curriculum collaboration is essential to a successful library-media center program. Therefore I am willing to work with you on whatever your curricular needs are. If you would like me to pull books for you to use in the classroom, please ask either via email or in person and give me 48 hours to pull the books for you. I will deliver them either to your box or classroom.

Teachers may checkout an unlimited number of books and have no set due date for checkout. However I do ask that when you are done with your books and materials that you please return them so others can enjoy them too.


DISCUS is South Carolina’s Virtual Library. This is a wonderful resource for all SC students—especially for school projects and research. By accessing DISCUS, you will have access to numerous databases!! Check it out at:

**For login and password info, please contact Mrs. Bridges.

My LMC Philosophy:

At the Sugar Creek Library, students will participate in a wide array of learning activities-- from read-aloud to information literacy lessons and classroom curriculum extensions. And, of course, checking out books! Students are taught to check out their books independently and may visit the library alone, in small groups, or with their entire class. It is important to remember that Sugar Creek services students from pre-school to pre-teen. Each book is not appropriate for every child.In addition, family standards vary widely. In the library, book selection guidelines will be discussed and reviewed with students. Students will be taught the Five Finger Rule.

Here’s how to practice the Five Finger Rule:

Choose a book and open it to any page.

Start reading!

Put up one finger for each word that you don’t know or understand.

When you finish reading the page, see how many fingers are up…

0-1 finger= TOO EASY

2-3 fingers= JUST RIGHT!

4-5 fingers= TOO HARD

REMEMBER, reading is THINKING and UNDERSTANDING what the words mean!

If you can’t understand or retell what you’ve read, then the book is probably not right for you.

One way to ensure that your child selects a “just right” book is to review the Five Finger Rule and set family standards, at home. I believe that by working closely with parents, we can guide students to help them make appropriate choices. .


Are you interested in volunteering at our Library Media Center? We are always looking for parents/family members to help re-shelve books, assist students in the Library Media Center, and help with other tasks. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please contact Mrs. Bridges at