Switch off fortnight 2017

20th November-3rd December 2017)

  1. What are you already doing to reduce energy use in school?

In St Marys all staff ensures that everything is turned off in their classroom at the end of the day. (This includes computers and light switches). Everything is switched off before the holidays, weekends and mid-term breaks.

Make sure all classroom windows and doors are closed to limit heat lose.

Turning down the heat and turning off radiators in classrooms when they aren’t in use.

  1. Building on your existing work, how do you plan to raise awareness in school and with the wider community?

School posters advertising switch off fortnight, discussions in school council meetings and presentations to all staff within in St Marys andyoung people promoting the benefit of reducing energy use.

  1. How are you going to 'switch-off' for the fortnight?

Check to see if each classroom has an efficient cooling and heating system by speaking to the maintenance staff. The pupils are going to keep a record of class temperatures. Each teacher has been given a thermometer to take note of the classroom temperature.

Promoting education staff to save paper in education by suggesting only photocopying what you need. Some ideas could be using the second side of paper, either by printing on both sides or using the blank side as scrap paper.

•Use coffee mugs instead of disposable cups in staff rooms and promote young people to do the same.

Creating a student project to keep records of meter readings and to discuss how they will be able to minimise energy use.

  1. How do you plan to make sure that everyone in school is doing their bit to help?

Check to see if the staff (St Marys) in the kitchens and units areusing electricity and water efficiently.

Ensure pupils are taking control of their own responsibilities in education and in the units.

  1. How will you incorporate Switch-Off Fortnight into your lessons?

Energy lessons to promote switch off fortnight.

Promote ideas of how to minimise energy use in school and the units so they are able to take part

Explain to all staff the reasons for taking part in switch of fortnight.

Explain why we taking part in switch off fortnight.

  1. How will you measure your success?

Meter readings, waste management, young people keeping a record of classroom temperatures so heating can be controlled.

  1. How will you support behaviour change which maintains momentum outside of Switch-Off Fortnight?

Explain the benefit of minimising energy use, saving the planet and saving money on bills.