Testing is offered on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday at 0815 hrs and Tuesday at 1300 hrs in Room 112.

On-Line Test Scheduling Requestcan only be scheduled within 30 days prior to Preferred Date/Time, but

no later than 3 business days before the test date.


Use steps below to schedule your test online. For any issues, e-mail:

  1. AF PORTAL -
  1. Under FEATURED LINKS select Education/ Training/Force Development, AFVEC- Air Force Virtual Education Center,select Online Test Requests, and thenselectSubmit New Request.


A. Verify yourPERSONAL DATA; If updates are required;

1. Select SELF SERVICE OPTIONS(located on right side of screen)

2. Click MY PERSONAL DATA(make corrections as needed, especially email address)

3. Click UPDATE button on bottom right corner.SOME DATA WILL REQUIRE EDUCATION OFFICE


B.Click Online Test Request (located right side of screen undermy education record) If unable to continue, log out and

then log in.

1. Click submit new request.

2. Select Base from drop down menu - Barksdale (Air Force Global Strike Command), click next.

3. SelectTest Type from the drop down menu.: Misc, AFIADL, or DLPT

4. For DLPT, request two test sessions.The second test must be taken within 30 days of the first test.

5. For DLAB, click MISC on test type, click 3 on arrow below, choose (CBT) DLAB, next, & then follow steps 3-5.

6. For Leadership Development Program (LDP), click MISC on test type, click 4on arrow below; pick 0003 Misc (CBT) LDP

7. For AFCT, look underMISC, click 3 on arrow below; you’ll see Education and Training Craftsman.

8. For all other testing: Select Title, click (select test), and click next.

9. Select the Preferred date and select available time session on selected day of your test session, click next. .

10. Select an Alternate Date (Optional) and select the available time session foryour selected test then click next.

11. Verify requested title/preferred date/session time and alternate date/session time (if used), submit schedule request.

12. Click Ok then done.

13. Please, be aware that you are not officially scheduled for your test until your test request has been approved by

your selected testing location.

14. Once submitted, screen will take you back to My Online Test Request. You’ll be able to see/view requests.

  1. How to verify if online test request has been approved:
  1. You will receive an e-mail notification on the approved/disapproved test requests.
  2. To cancel or reschedule approved test date send email to:


UTM must submit request for CDC Testing via AFVEC.

Distance Learning Test Request for 5 or 7 - Skill Level/AFCT:

Revised 4/2/14