Program Descriptions and Reporting Requirements

PROGRAM NAME: Tuberculosis Directly Observed Therapy (DOT)

PROGRAM CODE: 336 (Fulton and DeKalb only)


PURPOSE: To provide personnel that will deliver directly observed therapy to TB patients for the purpose of ensuring completion of TB treatment and latent TB infection (LTBI) treatment as well as provide TB educational messages to the public.



-  Indirect costs may not be charged to this program unless the Georgia Department of Public Health’s (DPH) Office of Financial Services has approved a cost allocation plan.

-  Provide personnel to deliver and directly observe the taking of TB medications by TB and LTBI patients through grant-funded positions or other position mutually acceptable to the contractor and DPH.

-  Prior approval is required before hiring for positions when they become vacant.

Primary Deliverables:

-  Provide directly observed therapy (DOT) to TB cases/suspects, children under five with latent TB infection (LTBI), and HIV-infected persons with LTBI, in the field or at the TB clinic, in accordance with guidelines stated in the state TB Office DOT Tool Kit.

-  Keep accurate records of TB medications given by DOT, document missed doses, and implement corrective action when doses are missed.

-  Provide accurate information on TB patients receiving DOT for entry into the State Electronic Notifiable Disease Surveillance System (SendSS) database.

-  Continue to elicit contacts at every client’s DOT encounter and document additional contacts.

-  Keep accurate and complete log of incentives and enablers provided to DOT clients.

-  Participate in state TB Office site visits and program reviews of DOT program implementation

Secondary Deliverables:

-  Provide educational messages to the public through health fairs, community outreach, and the media to promote awareness and a better understanding of TB.


-  Ensure 93% of eligible patients complete of TB treatment within 12 months.

-  Ensure 79% of contacts to sputum smear AFB positive TB patients with newly diagnosed LTBI who started LTBI treatment complete treatment.


-  TB cases and TB suspects:

Patient’s basic demographic information will be entered in SendSS within 24 hours after public health is notified of a TB suspect/case started on treatment for active TB disease. Other RVCT data will be updated in SendSS within 24–72 hours after the data are received. Copies of medical records of TB cases/suspects will be faxed to the state TB Office’s Medical Records Section within two weeks of receipt.

-  Contact Investigation:

Contact’s basic demographic information will be entered in SendSS within 72 hours of contact identification. Contact evaluation results will be updated within 24 hours after receipt of results. The dates LTBI treatment was started or stopped will be entered within 24 hours after information is received.

-  Quarterly Report (attached) is to be completed and submitted to the state TB Office by the 15th of October, January, April, and July. Quarterly Report form is available from the programmatic contact.

-  Annual Report (attached) is to be completed and submitted to the state TB Office by July 15 each year.

-  Narrative for CDC Annual Progress Report and Cooperative Agreement (COAG) will be submitted to the state TB Office by March 1st and July 15th, respectively.

-  Submit all reports to programmatic contact.

ALLOCATION METHODS: Based on five-year average incidence of TB cases as reported in annual Georgia Tuberculosis Reports.

REFERENCES: Georgia DOT Tool Kit found in SABA under My Communities, District TB Coordinator Community.


Primary: Secondary:

Rose-Marie F. Sales Andrea Latham

Director, TB Program Deputy Director, TB Program

Division of Health Protection Division of Health Protection

Georgia Department of Public Health Georgia Department of Public Health

2 Peachtree St., N.W., 12th Floor 2 Peachtree St., N.W., 12th Floor

Atlanta, GA 30303 Atlanta, GA 30303

Office: (404) 657-2597 Office: (404) 463-6127

Fax: (404) 463-3460 Fax: (404) 463-3460

E-mail: E-mail: