SchoolImprovement Plan 2016- 2017


Strategic Aim 1: Raising Attainment/Achievement

Target / Action / RP / Timescale / Resources / Success Criteria / Eval
To raise attainment in Literacy and Numeracy / Use IS days and DM time promote activities highlighting the importance of literacy and numeracy. / JMcG
Literacy group
Numeracy group / April 2017 / Insight data / Insight data for 2016-7 increases for:
Literacy N4 from 83 to 90
Literacy N5 from 66 to 75
Numeracy N4 from 66 to 75
Numeracy N5 from 50 to 65
Improvement in Num & Lit in S6 from 2015 figure / G
To improve attainment in Wellbeing
Faith & Values / Ensure more pupils complete and qualify in units/courses in vocational and faith areas / PT SfL
PT RE / April 2017 / Insight data /
  1. All pupils entered for wellbeing successful at achieving at least N3
  2. All pupils achieve Employability at N3 or better
  3. All pupils achieve F&V at least at N3 but with more at N4
/ G
Raise attainment at N5
In S4 / Tracking data compiled.
Set up:
1.intervention groups
2.Pupil interviews
3.Parent interviews / SY PTG3 and PTCs / Ongoing / 5@5 is 52% for mainstream
5@4 is 92% for mainstream
5@3 is 100% for mainstream
Mentor groups set up by PTCs for groups below the cusp in N5classes / G
Raise attainment at H
Raise attainment at N5 in S5 / Identify pupils following
1 H
3 H
5 H
set targets with them / AM KM and PTCs / September 2016 / Time at SMT
DM time / 1@6 is 65% for mainstream
3@6 is 40%
5@6 is 25%
Mentor groups set up by PTCs for groups below the cusp in Higher classes / G
Attainment in SLC improved / Data on previous attainment collated.
Tracking grid developed. / JH and PTC / August 2016 / Record of attainment across 3 years established.
Baseline level of qualifications set for every child in SLC in senior phase SQA Core Skills / G
Add further qualifications for all pupils in S4-S6 especially those in Lowest 20% / Evaluate performance in new 666 structurethru tariff scores for L20 / AM and PTs curriculum / October 2016 / New SQA qualifications identified and added this session for our pupils.
N5 in Lit & Num for significantly more pupils in S5/6 / G
Introduce tracking of pupils by SIMD / Download SIMD data
Build into tracking data grids / TF
J Lerpinere / October 2016 / Seemis Data / Tracking sheets can be sorted to show pupils by SIMD groups.
Intervention action taken using this information / G
Strategies to improve
  1. attendance across the school.
  2. Praise and recognition
  3. Wider achievement
/ Award ceremony for Attendance 1 a term
Praise card assemblies in calendar / D McFadden / Week b/f Oct Hol
Week b/f Christmas
Week b/f Easter / Certificates
Praise cards / Attendance above 92% for session
Reward ceremonies introduced for S1-3 to reward endeavour and excellent attendance. / G
Each Year team take main responsibility for tracking of L20-M60-H20 / Tracking data and evaluation on each weekly agenda. / 3 year team groups / August 2016 / Seemis data
TF grids / % 5@3 increased to >95 %
%1@6 increased to >65%
5@5 >50% / G

Strategic Aim 2 Curriculum

Target / Action / RP / Timescale / Resources / Success Criteria / Eval
Review the S3 curriculum and where possible reduce the number of subjects / Collect models from other schools or ES website / TF and SY / December 2016 / Curricular plans from other schools / S3 Curriculum amended.
Reduced subjects by one. / G
Improve the curriculum for the least able 20% in 1. BGE and
2. senior phase / Review the attainment of pupils in lowest 20% in BGE and senior phase / SMT / December 2016 / ES Models / Option form and pathways for least able reviewed.
SfL adapt TT of least able. / G
Improve the pace and challenge in the BGE across the school. / Set target for pupils reaching 3 secure by end of S2
Observation of classes
Focus groups set up in S1-3 / SMT
Data collection TF / April 2017 / SEEMIS Tracking
DM minutes / Percentage of pupils secure at third level by end of S2 is 90%% / G
Develop more STEM activities across the school. / Create STEM as an option/ elective in S2 or S3
P7 STEM event / SY
N Wilson Sci Team / March 2017 / Option forms / STEM option in electives / G
Continue to introduce more IDL events in BGE / Create an event on a theme across at least three subjects / SY / December 2016 / Partner agencies / Further IDL projects added this session / G
Embed Significant Aspects of Learning in S1-3 curricular planning and use as framework for learners / Raise at DMs each month.
On agenda for SMT each month / SMT links with departments / Monthly target / DIPs / Action plans for Dept. have clear points for action on SALS / G
Review & develop the work of Pupil Support department / Review use of staff
Review pupils experience
Review SQA qualifications gained by LS / DMcFadden link DHT and
A Munro SQA / December 2016 / Review group set up / Wellbeing course passed at N4 or better.
The groups and individuals supported is reviewed and changed if necessary. / G
Review S5 and S5 option structure for L20 and H20 / S5 option form analysed and amended / SMT / December 2016 / Option forms / Attainment in these two groups shows improvement / G

Strategic Aim 3 Teaching Learning and Assessment

Target / Action / RP / Timescale / Resources / Success Criteria / Eval
Improve the use of feedback and target setting for pupils / Issue targets to pupils each term.
Focus on Feedback in IS and DM time. / AM & TF / Dec 16 / Time at IS / Better use made of AifL in classrooms / G
Moderation embedded more rigorously in the BGE / Moderation activities undertaken in departments and network meetings. / A Munro PTCs / March 2017 / Meeting time / Working Group meet.
Sampling of work completed
Results of feedback to staff. / G
Curricular frameworks in place in all subjects from second to fourth level / CF downloaded from GLOW. / PTCs / September 2016 / Frameworks available to all teaching staff / G
Continue to develop learning rounds in Year two. / Teachers given time to meet
Cover provided for peer observations / AM & TF / April 2017 / Cover as required / Class visits take place
Evaluations completed / G
Produce a proportionate model of lesson observation which focuses more on areas most in need of development / Review 2015/6 SQA results. Based on this and past trends; focus class observations and support on these subject areas / SMT / September 2016 / Timetable / Planner for visits collated and issued
Class observations completed and feedback given to staff. / G
Develop the use of MTV across the school. / IS time given to share understanding of techniques / AM and MTV group / May 2017 / SAC twilights and IS day sessions / Use of techniques evident in class observation in all departments. / G

Strategic Aim 4 Aims of Wood Commission developed within school

Target / Action / RP / Timescale / Resources / Success Criteria / Eval
Greater involvement of businesses in partnership with school. / Create a strong link with at least one more company.
Transition event for employment / DMcF / November 2016 / Partner agencies / At least one further company in a partnership with the school.
Employer event staged in term 3 / G
More provision of vocation training in senior phase. / Through SDS contact College or Business link.
Create WExp placement / SY / October 2016 / College links / College courses found to fit the needs of pupils coming from N4 into S5 and S6 / G
Build resilience in vulnerable and at risk pupils in S1 S2 / Time with the Ark team
Identify vulnerable pupils / DMcF
JH / April 2017 / TT time for groups / S1 and S2 groups identified, programmes initiated in mental health and completed / G
Build better transitions for L20 with SDs and Ayr College / MCMC meetings have targeted group with pathways for positive destinations / DMcFadden
J Happs
PT SfL / April 2017 / MCMC meetings / MCMC meeting have strategic plan and minutes of regular meetings / G
Review work out programme / List of participants from previous years / GP and DMcF / Oct 2106 / Meeting time / Strengths of programme evaluated. Target group refined / G

Strategic Aim 5 Self Evaluation

Target / Action / RP / Timescale / Resources / Success Criteria / Eval
use of insight at departmental level to identify current performance and desired target performance from national data / Further training for PT and teaching staff / TF and PTCs / Ongoing from August to May / Insight online / Staff able to use
  1. local benchmarking measures,
  2. national benchmarking tool.
  3. Stacked bar chart to measure difference between school and national level of performance
/ G
Q&A calendar in place for
  1. Whole school
  2. all subjects & Guidance dept.
/ Review DIPs action point / DHT links / August 2016 / QA planners
Assessment calendars / QA activities actioned &recorded by SMT
QA carried out by PTs across year and evidenced
i.e class visits with feedback / G
  1. Pupil voice structure developed for each year group.
  2. Pupil councils having more impact at raising pupil concerns
/ 1.DHT select sample groups for subject areas
2.Pupil survey results used to improve outcomes for pupils /
  1. Year team
  1. K Mallon
/ September 2016 / Councils meet / Pupil focus groups meet and dialogue recorded
Councils meeting regularly (at least twice a term)and action points followed up.
Minutes sent to HT and DHTs / G
Tracking data used effectively at
  1. year team meetings
  2. dept meeting
  3. by class teachers
/ SY to coordinate reporting
TF to download data for tracking grids / TF & SY
PTG / October 2016 onwards / Seemis Data / Intervention groups set up after first tracking period.
Year teams regularly discuss tracking data and target groups actions minuted / G
Focus on success criteria in DIP leads to improvement. / DIP have calendar of action points / PTCs / August 2016 / Calendar of action points / Most action points in DIPs are achieved / G
Internal verification robust in all subject areas from:
N3-N4 – N5- Higher- AdH / DM given to verification activities / AM / October 2016 / Policy on IV / Minutes and records sheets of verification available in each department / G

Strategic Aim 6 Ethos and faith development

Target / Action / RP / Timescale / Resources / Success Criteria / Eval
Introduce YPI programme to S3 / Invite Isobel Johnstone into school
Hold a YPIevent in S3 / KH / October 2016 / YIP framework / Prize money awarded to successful charity / G
Promote Caritas programme in S6 / RE time
Coffee morning for local priests / AM and PT RE / September 2016 / RE time / More than 15 complete the programme.
School links with parishes strengthen.
Opportunities created in parishes for leadership / G
Continue to develop Faith and Values awards / Charities identified / KH / April 2016 / SQA descriptors / More pupils achieve F&V at N4 and N5 / G
In conjunction with cluster develop one aim of the main themes of “This is our Faith” / RE department conducts audit of agreed theme for QMA / PT RE AM
HT of Cluster primaries / December 2016 / SCES documents / One theme adopted and evaluated within the cluster / G
Review Vision and Values for the school. / Columba 1400 group to work on values
Staff IS on Values
Vison and mission statement defined/ redefined / TF
Columba group
Whole staff / December 2016 / Staff time
Columba group meetings / New Mission statement produced for school
New value statements agreed and displayed across the school. / G
Policy statements of school revised and updated. / Existing policies read and revised. / SMT / October 2016 / Existing Policies / New policy statements issued. / G
Set up Charities committee / Charities committee formed and meet once a term / AM and PT RE / September 2016 / School fund report / Decisions on events made and communicated to staff / G