West Newbury Water Dept.

381 Main Street

West Newbury, MA 01985

(978) 363-1100 Ext.127

Minimum Charge increase in water bills

The minimum charge on the water bill has been increased to $40.00. All customers receive a minimum charge regardless if they use water or not. There is a separate charge for water consumption. The minimum charge is to recover the cost associated with the daily operation of the water department, including meter reading, billing, meter service and administrative expenses.

New billing due dates and follow up notices

The billing due date has changed on the 2017 spring billing. We have extended the due date an extra 30 days to make the bills due in 60 days. There will be no reminder notices sent if payment is not received by the date on the bill. The final notices remain the same with a demand fee and interest and will be sent a week after the original bill due date; red card process will follow.

New Brake Hill Water Tank to replace the existing 1936 water tank (standpipe) with exterior lead paint issues.

Based on the recommendations in the “West Newbury Break Hill Tank Evaluation” completed by Tata and Howard Water and Wastewater Consultants in 2013 and updated in 2017, The Board of Water Commissioners agree with the “Conclusions and Recommendations” to fund building a new composite elevated water tank to replace the existing

80 year old water tank (standpipe). The water rate would increase by $1.73/1000 gallons and increase the 6-month water bill by $60.55 for an average usage of 35,000 gallons of water. This will require a two thirds vote to pass at town meeting. You can find a copy of the “West Newbury Break Hill Water Tank Evaluation” on the town web site at wnewbury.org and click on the Water Department page.

Purchase land for new wellfield

The Board of Water Commissioners (BOWC) and the Board of Selectmen (BOS) have come to an agreement to ask the town voters to purchase land for a new well site located at 31 Dole Place in West Newbury. With the cooperation of the BOS a 5-day pump test was conducted in February, 2016 to see if the site was a viable well site. The water quality results are very good and the available safe yield calculation is 602 gallons per minute or 860,000 gallons per day. That amount is three times more than the existing well field can safely produce. All required documentation has been sent to the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) for their review. The purchase of this land will be contingent on the MassDEP approval of this site to be used for a municipal water source. At this time the BOWC and BOS plan to purchase this land to lock up an amazing water source for the future of West Newbury.

This source would allow West Newbury to supply its own water to its customers and would no longer need to purchase water form neighboring towns on a daily basis. The department does not plan to start building a new water facility right away if the MassDEP gives the approval to proceed forward. We have other existing capital improvements that need to be addressed at this time. This site would be developed at some point down the road. We are in the process of getting the bedrock well on line at the existing wellfield. The water rate would increase by $0.51/1000 gallons and increase the 6-month water bill by $17.85 for an average usage of 35,000 gallons of water. This will require a two thirds vote to pass at town meeting.

Upgrade existing Wellfield #1 (Bedrock well)

Town meeting previously passed an appropriation of $325,000 to design and construct the connection to the bedrock well with a small building to house the flow meter and electric equipment. This new appropriation of $180,000 will supplement the original and expand the building to house new chemical feed facilities. The existing chemical handling and storage is not compliant with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) best management practices and requires an upgrade. The new facility will provide greater safety for the water operators. Additionally, a new generator will replace the existing outdated and unreliable generator. We have received MassDEP approval of the bedrock well and anticipate approval of the expanded design in the late spring and plan to move forward with the construction over the summer and fall of 2017. This bedrock well upgrade would allow the department to pump an additional 81,000 gallons of water per day. During the hot summer months we would still need to purchase water from the City of Newburyport but not near as much as in the past. During the fall, winter and spring we would primarily be using our own water source. Currently we spend between $150,000 and $200,000 to purchase water from the City of Newburyport and that cost is increased on a yearly basis. The anticipated cost savings would be approximately $100,000 a year. The cost of this project would be offset by the savings from purchasing water from the City of Newburyport. The pay back on this project would approximately be four to five years. The department plans to hire another licensed operator in the future with the cost savings of this project. The money to fund this additional cost will be taken out of the Water Departments Free Cash Account and Stabilization Account and no debt will be owed.

Water Restriction “Calendar Triggered Restrictions”

The West Newbury Water Departments water withdrawal permit from the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) requires the department to limit nonessential outdoor water use through mandatory restrictions from May 1st through September 30th as outlined below. All outdoor nonessential water use should take place before 9am and after 5pm when evaporation and evapotranspiration rates are lower.

The restrictions are called “Calendar Triggered Restrictions”. Under these restrictions all nonessential outdoor water use is restricted to:

a)  Seven (7) days per week before 9am and after 5pm

b)  One (1) day per week before 9am and after 5pm when USGS stream gage 01101000 – Parker River at Byfield, MA falls below the 7-day low-flow statistic 0.48 cfs for three (3) consecutive days.

Once streamflow triggered restrictions are implemented, they shall remain in place until streamflow at the gage meets or exceeds 0.48 cfs for seven (7) consecutive days.

For more information on this subject visit the town web page at wnewbury.org and go to the Water Department page.

If anyone plans to do yard work, seed areas of their lawn, clean the siding on their house or anything like this, it will need to be done before May 1ST when you are permitted to water during the day. After May 1ST all watering must take place between the hours of 5pm and 9am until September 30th.

Please be water conscious and use our valuable water supply efficiently. Fix leaking faucets and toilets as soon as you see them leaking. Those leaks can cost you hundreds and it puts more stress on the department to supply you with water and to maintain adequate water levels in our water tanks for fire protection.

Hydrant shoveling and Hydrant Spring Flushing

Again, the Board of Water Commissioners would like to thank all the customers that adopted a fire hydrant near their home this winter and shoveled the snow away from the fire hydrant. They would also like to thank the Fire Department for the extra help they supplied to the Water Department.

Spring hydrant flushing is scheduled to start on April 15 but that could change so please check out the updates on the town web site at wnewbury.org.