Zhiyan (Amy) Ma

Mobile: 0086-314-803-9448/ 0044-795-8286-517



Skype: mazhiyanma

Address: 5B/9, Loaning Road, Edinburgh, EH7 6JE


University of Edinburgh, UK 2008-2009

MSc in Management of Training and Development

Tsinghua University, China 2002-2005

MS in International Relations

Dalian Maritime University, China 1995-1999

BS in Multinational Company Management

Professional Experience

Freelance Translator, Edinburgh Sep, 09-

Books translated:

Beast in View by Margaret Miller;

The Continental Op by Dashiell Hammett;

Mr Stink The boy in the Dress by David Walliams;

Paddington Here and NowPaddington Goes to Town by Michael Bond;

One Click: Jeff Bezos and the Rise of Amazon.com by Richard L. Brandt;

Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart? by Yona Zeldis McDonough

Book proofread:

Wagging the Dragon's Tail: Emerging Practices in Participatory Poverty Reduction in China

Newspaper translating:

New York Times (nearly 20 articles)

Long term clients:

The International Institute of Environment and Development, the Greenpeace China

Communication Officer, Chi Heng Foundation, Beijing Nov, 07- Aug, 08

Wrote grant proposals (e.g. two scholarship winners of the XVII International AIDS Conference in 2008);

Managed projects (e.g. Elementary HIV/ ADIS affected students summer and winter camps, laboratory building);

Built and maintained public relations with government, NGOs, media and public society (UN system, CDC, the One Foundation, etc.);

Developed partnerships with private sectors and other stakeholders to implement Corporate Social Responsibility (Loreal, Coca-Cola, etc.);

Published bilingual newsletters four times a year;

Organised events to raise the awareness of supporting HIV/AIDS affected Children in mainland China (photos exhibition);

Supervised volunteers and fundraising activities;

Attended relevant conferences;

Traveled and Visited HIV/AIDS affected children as well as AIDS patients.

Program Manager,

School of Continuing Education, Tsinghua University, Beijing Sep, 05- Jul, 07

Designed, marketed and managed training programs for senior managers from China-based multinational companies and state-owned corporate. ( e.g. Schneider Electronic(China), China Construction Bank, etc.)

Managed summer programs for US college students. (Summer Program of University of Pittsburgh, UT and UIUC etc.)

Organized and coordinated international conferences and foreign visitors.

Journalist & Editor, China Information World, Beijing, Sep, 99- Jul, 02

Weekly articles planned, interviewed, wrote, edited and published;

Analyzed the relation between information technology, industries and social development.

Part-time Secretary to French Principal,

Sino-France Social Science Research Centre, Beijing, Sep, 03- Juan, 05

Assisted the Principal with organizing bi-semester international academic conference and weekly Sino-France academic exchanges.

Served over 500 participants from the varied cultures with flexibility, adoptive and professional.

Additional Skills:

Computer user of Microsoft Word, Excel, Power point, and the Internet.


Reading, travelling, swimming, cooking, gardening, etc.