Attachment 20 – Minimum Bidder Qualifications / Page 1 of 3
Use this form to address Minimum Bidder Qualifications (Pass/Fail)
Bidder Name: ______
Describe in detail how the Bidder meets Minimum Bidder Qualifications listed below, using the specified software/technology. Please provide clear and accurate descriptions of the Bidder’s experience for each Minimum Qualification. NYS will not interpret omissions and vagueness in the bidder’s favor. Type to expand response areas on form or attach additional sheets, as necessary.
* A “No” Response to any of the minimum qualifications will result in disqualification.
Qualification 1: Bidder must be registered with the NYS Department of State as an entity authorized to conduct business in the State of New York.The Bidder certifies that it has an office in the United States and is registered to conduct business in the State of New York. / ☐ Yes ☐ No *
Qualification 2: The Bidder’s proposed EHR solution is federally certified as meeting federal meaningful use standards, stage one and stage two.
The Bidder certifies that the proposed EHR solution is federally certified as meeting federal meaningful use standards, stage one and stage two. / ☐ Yes ☐ No *
Qualification 3: The Bidder’s proposed EHR solutionis a web-based solution.
The Bidder certifies that the proposed EHR solution is a web-based solution. / ☐ Yes ☐ No *
Qualification 4: The Bidder’s proposed EHR solution is HIPAA compliant.
The Bidder certifies that the proposed EHR solution is HIPAA compliant. Proof of HIPAA compliance needs to be provided. / ☐ Yes ☐ No *
Qualification 5: Removed.
Qualification 6: Removed.
Qualification 7: The proposed EHR Solution has been successfully implemented in at least one organization serving predominantly individuals with developmental disabilities.
The proposed EHR Solution has been successfully implemented in at least one organization serving predominantly individuals with developmental disabilities. / ☐ Yes ☐ No *
Qualification 8: The Bidder’s proposed “off the shelf” EHR solution has been implemented in one or more organizations serving individuals with developmental disabilities:
•Implemented similar assessment solutions
•Implemented similar e-Prescribe solutions
•External agency system interfaces
•HIPAA Compliant Billing System
These requirements may be met by multiple projects.
Project 1 Name:
Dates (month/year) of Experience (including date the project was completed):
Client Name(s):
Project(s) Description (to include scope):
Indicate whether each of these areas wasaddressed by this project (Yes/No): / Addressed by This Project / Yes / No
Implemented similar assessment solutions
Implemented similar e-Prescribe solutions
External agency system interfaces
HIPAA Compliant Billing System
Project 2 Name:
Dates (month/year) of Experience (including date the project was completed):
Client Name(s):
Project(s) Description (to include scope):
Indicate whether each of these areas was addressed by this project (Yes/No): / Addressed by This Project / Yes / No
Implemented similar assessment solutions
Implemented similar e-Prescribe solutions
External agency system interfaces
HIPAA Compliant Billing System
Project 3 Name:
Dates (month/year) of Experience (including date the project was completed):
Client Name(s):
Project(s) Description (to include scope):
Indicate whether each of these areas was addressed by this project (Yes/No): / Addressed by This Project / Yes / No
Implemented similar assessment solutions
Implemented similar e-Prescribe solutions
External agency system interfaces
HIPAA Compliant Billing System