Due: 10/20/17

Conflict and Compromise Thesis Sheet:

**You NEED to keep this sheet for months. This will help you on your ‘rough draft’ and final project. You will turn in part one on 10/20/17. Part 2 will not be due until most of your research is complete.One sheet per group

PART 1: Brainstorming the National theme-

A thesis statement is a one-or-two sentence explanation in which you make a claim about your research topic and summarize your argument(s) and analysis that will follow; it should pinpoint the main idea of your topic and should be expressed clearly.

1)Define conflict- ______


What physical things can be seen (obvious and non-obvious) when there is a conflict?


2)Define compromise- ______


What specific things can bephysically seen if there is compromise? ______

What are societal reasons people may conflict? ______


What is anything that can conflict with humans and be appropriate to research for history fair?


An interesting concept with this theme is to have the compromise come before the conflict. Temporary compromise and ill fitted compromise leads to conflict. Keep that in mind when you think of topics.

PART 2- Tying National theme to my topic

Ideally, you use this side of sheet and add to it as you research and read through that research. If you don’t know these answers, you need to research and find the answers. You will put ALL of this information on your final project.

My topic is: ______

The type of conflict it is: (circle those that apply, you can use these as subtitles in your final project)

Racial gender socio/economic technological environmental cultural diplomatic political

Other: ______

Context: 3 complete sentences on what your topic is about(you can use- don’t cite- an encyclopedia for this) ______


Key words that you will put into a search engine to help search your term

Decade: ______

People involved (at least 3): ______, ______, ______

Country: ______

More generic term to search: (Ex. If your topic is the Battle of Chancellorsville, the more generic topic would be the Civil War)


Search your topic on a dictionary website (wikipedia is fine for this…) write down all the ‘see also’ terms: (ex. Battle of Olustee’s ‘See Also’ terms are:Florida in the American Civil War, Battle of Cedar Creek)

______, ______

______, ______

A parallel topic to search: (Ex. If your topic is‘the battle at Natural Bridge’, a parallel topic would be ‘the battle of Olustee’)


Big picture:(after you have done a good part of your research, this part you should be able to answer)

Short term (immediate change because your topic occurred in history):


Long term (over time changes because your topic occurred in history):


Context: Local changes (changes from your topic that occurred locally)


Global/National changes (changes from your topic that occurred on a national or worldly level)
