AP Biology Test Study Guide

Science as a Process

·  Understand how to design a scientific experiment (variables, controls, hypotheses, etc.)

·  How scientists share data, and use one another’s data


·  Evidence for evolution: fossil record, biogeography, comparative embryology, comparative anatomy, DNA

·  Darwin’s Theory

·  Natural Selection: Disruptive, Stabilizing, Directional;

·  Genetic Variation and its role in evolution.

·  Genetic Equilibrium and the Hardy-Weinberg formula (p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1)

·  Phylogenetic Trees, common ancestry

·  Causes of Mircoevolution and sources of genetic variation, genetic drift (founders effect, bottleneck), natural selection, gene flow, mutation, sexual selection (inter/intra), outpreeding, diploidy, heterozygote advantage,

·  Patterns of evolution: coevolution, convergent, divergent, parallel

·  Reproductive isolation: prezygotic vs. postzygotic barriers (habitat, mechanical, behavioral, etc.)

·  Speciation: Allopatric vs Sympatric

·  The origin of life on Earth


·  Population Density/Distribution: Types of dispersion, survivorship curves

·  Carrying capacity, limiting factors (density dependent vs. independent)

·  Population growth formula and patterns

·  Ecological niche, resource partitioning, character displacement, realized vs fundamental niche

·  Competitive Exclusion Principle

·  Energy flow: food chains vs. webs, producers, consumers, decomposers, scavengers, ecological pyramids, 10% law

·  Symbiosis: Commensalism, mutualism, parasitism

·  Mimicry: Batesian vs. Mullerian

·  Ecological Succession (Review in Text Book)

·  Ecosystems

·  Biogeochemical Cycles Water, Carbon, Nitrogen, Phosphorus,


·  Types of macromolecules, their structures, and functions: lipids, carbohydrates, nucleic acids, proteins

·  Water and its unique properties

·  Types of bonds

·  Enzyme structure and function; different types of enzymes, factors that affect enzyme function

·  Metabolism: catabolic vs. anabolic

·  Atomic structure

·  Exergonic vs. endergonic reactions

·  ATP structure and function

·  Functional groups; where they are found, what properties do they have


·  Cellular theory

·  Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes

·  Cell membrane structure: phospholipid bilayer, active transport vs. passive transport, channel proteins, ion channels, porins, aquaporins, carrier proteins, transport proteins, recognition proteins, adhesion proteins, receptor proteins, cholesterol, endocytosis, phagocytosis, pinocytosis, exocytosis

·  Diffusion vs. Osmosis, water potential

·  Organelles (know the structure and function of the following): cytosol, nucleus, ribosomes, ER, golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, mitochondria, choloroplast, peroxisomes, cytoskeleton, flagella/cilia, centrioles, cell wals

·  Cellular communication: gap junctions, plasmodesmata

·  Cellular Division - Mitosis vs. Meiosis, Regulation of the cell cycle, cancer


·  Photosynthesis

o  Key molecules (structure and function) - ADP, ATP, NADP+, NADPH, all vital pigments, balanced equation, where it takes place

o  Cyclical vs. Non-Cyclical

o  Light-Dependent Reactions: Photpsystems II vs. I, electron transport, electron acceptors, ETC, Enzymes involved, role of sunlight, What goes in, what comes out?

o  Light-Independent Reactions (Calvin Cycle): Know all steps, molecules that go in and come out, intermediate molecules, molecules involved

o  C3 vs C4 photosynthesis; CAM plants, what types of plants use these processes

o  Photorespiration

·  Cellular Respiration

o  Redox reactions: oxidation vs. reduction, phosphorylation

o  Glycolysis - what goes in/comes out, where does it occur, what are the steps involved

o  Krebs Cycle/Citric Acid Cycle - where does it take place, what goes in/comes out, key molecules (pyruvate, acetyl CoA, Oxaloacetate, NADH, FADH2, ATP

o  Aerobic vs. Anaerobic environments: fermentations (alcoholic, lactic acid),


·  Mendels laws (law of segregation, law of independent assortment)

·  Incomplete dominance, codominance, multiple alleles, epistasis, pleiotropy, polygenic traits, genes influenced by the environment

·  Probability calculations, Punnett Squares (monohybrid, dihybrid),

·  Gene linkage/sex linkage, linkage maps (know how to determine where genes are on a chromosome), crossing over, crossing over frequencies, X inactivation and Barr Bodies, Non-disjunction, chromosomal mutations (deletion, duplication, inversion, translocation,

·  Review of human genetic defects: Down syndrome, Turners, Kleinfelters Syndrome

·  Pedigrees: be able to read them


·  DNA vs. RNA structure - Phosphate, sugar, bases, base pairing rules, types of bonds between molecules, Purines vs. Pyrimidines, differences between DNA and RNA, Types of RNA (t,m,r)

·  DNA organization: Chromatin, Histones, etc.

·  Genetics of Bacteria and Viruses

·  DNA Replication

o  5’ vs. 3’, directionality, anti-parallel, conservative vs. semi-conservative vs. dispersive, Okazaki fragments

o  Enzymes involved in DNA Replication: helicase, DNA polymerase (particularly directionality), replication forks, primase, primers, DNA Ligase, telomerase/telomers

·  Protein Synthesis

o  Transcription - Initiation, Elongations, Termination (differences in Pro and Eukaryotes), codons, RNA modification, splicing, Introns, Exons, Poly A tail, 5’ cap, snRNP’s, structure of tRNA, Aminoacyl-tRNA

o  Translation - Initiation, Elongation, Termination, start codon (AUG), ribosomal subunits and their functions, different sites of tRNA and what occurs there, release factor protein

·  Gene expression - Operons, repressors, operator, promoter, regulatory genes

·  DNA Technology: PCR, Gel Electrophoresis, Cloning, Recombinant DNA, Genetic engineering


·  Different Phyla of plants - Bryophytes, Pteridiophytes, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms

·  Adaptations for life on land,

·  Alternation of generation - dominant spoorphyte or gametophyte of different phylums, life cycles

·  Structure: Roots, stems, leaves/stomata, vascular tissues, dermal tissues, ground tissues, perenchyme, collenchyme, sclerenchyme, apical meristems, lateral meristems

·  Transport- process of water and sugar transport, capillary action, transpiration, bulk flow,

·  Response to stimuli - Phototropism: hormones involved, processes, cell elongation

·  Primary vs. Secondary growth, germination, seed structure

·  Monocots vs. Dicots


·  Familiarity of various animal phyla -

·  Tissue types - Epithelial, Connective, Nervous, Muscle

·  Thermoregulation - Ectotherms vs. Endotherms

·  Feedback loops - Negative vs. Positive

·  Reproduction - Fertilization, Embryonic development (cleavage, morula, blastula, gastrula, etc), Reproductive anatomy, Gametogenesis, Hormones

·  Body systems structure and function - Respiratory, Circulatory, Excretory, Digestive System, Nervous, Muscular System, Immune System (Refer to you text book), Endocrine System


·  Refer to Lab Study Guide to review all 12 labs we have covered this year