At Baxter High School parents are partners and are valued to take an active and meaningful role to ensure the success of our school. We believe that your voluntary participation will really make a difference and will positively impact your child’s academic progress.

We encourage all parents, legal guardians and adult family members to become actively involved at Baxter High School by serving as a parent volunteer. Please know that volunteering is not required, and we greatly value any volunteering support you can provide. Your time, talent, and enthusiasm are an integral part of the day-to-day functioning of the school and the overall academic development of your child.

Not only will the school and your child reap the benefits of your involvement – you will too! As a parent volunteer you will:

·  Allow the school to get to know you and your child better

·  Interact with administrators, teachers, counselors and other school staff

·  Meet and network with other parents

·  Gain a first-hand understanding of what your child is learning

·  Learn how to partner with your child’s teachers

·  Learn how monitor your child’s and the school’s progress

·  Have immediate access to on-going parent educational workshops and resources to prepare your child for college/careers

·  Have the opportunity to provide feedback and take part in decision making

There are a number of ways you can volunteer and demonstrate your commitment at Baxter High School.

School Support

Possible volunteer opportunities to support the school include:

·  Office support
·  Breakfast and lunch distribution
·  Field trip supervision and assistance
·  Arrival and dismissal supervision
·  Yard or visitor’s supervision
·  School beautification / · Leadership activities
o  Participate in the school’s site council, town hall, or school board of directors meetings
o  Plan/coordinate a school event (fundraising, prom, graduation)
o  Serve on a committee (such as Teacher Appreciation)
o  Serve as a coach and/or support the school’s athletic program
o  Engage in civic activities and advocacy on behalf of school

Academic Support

Possible volunteer activities to support your child academically include:

·  Parent workshop participation
·  Classroom observations
·  Parent-teacher conferences
·  Your participation in their IEP meetings
·  Counselor meetings
·  Parent volunteer coupons / · Leadership activities
·  Speak in the classroom
·  Talk on Career Day
·  Serve as a classroom helper
·  Mentor or tutor students
·  Lead a parent workshop
·  Participate in the Parent Leadership Academy (PLN)

If you would like to volunteer now for specific volunteer opportunities or if you have any questions, please contact the school’s Parent Engagement Specialist Yvonne Schueller (310) 221-0430. We truly appreciate your participation as a parent volunteer and we will make every attempt to match your interests and skills with projects or tasks that you are comfortable with. I hope you find the parent volunteer guidelines helpful as we work together as partners in your child’s education.



Parent Volunteer Overview

·  Each family is encouraged, but not required, to volunteer 40 hours per school year. You may wish to split that commitment between supporting the school and supporting your child academically. If you would like, you can receive recognition, like a Parent VIP Badge or Parent Superstar Medal, if you contribute and report 40 hours of volunteering in a year.

·  Parents, step-parents or legal guardians will be credited with volunteer hours. However, family members (21 years and older) who reside in the same household can also be credited with volunteer hours with the Principal’s approval.

·  All volunteer hours should be fulfilled prior to the last day of school in order to be eligible for recognition for volunteering efforts.

·  Parents are encouraged to attend 4 educational workshops, which count as volunteering to support the school.

·  Monetary contributions, while appreciated, do not count as volunteering hours for purposes of year-end recognition.

·  Volunteers who serve as parent leaders on a school committee or who participate in a special activity for the entire school year or work for the duration of a particular can count as 20 or more hours of volunteer credit for purposes of year-end recognition.

·  If a parent does not volunteer, it will have no effect on a student’s enrollment, grades, credits, ability to graduate or participation in graduation activities.

Parent Volunteer Requirements

·  Complete a Parent Volunteer Application.

·  Sign a liability waiver. (Note: The school must perform a Megan’s law check on each volunteer.)

·  Undergo a Department of Justice Live Scan Background Check prior to being cleared for service if staff does not directly supervise that service, and if that service requires contact with students.

·  Undergo a tuberculosis test and be determined to be free of active tuberculosis if the volunteer has frequent or prolonged contact with students.

How to Volunteer

·  Review the descriptions of possible volunteer activities and sign-up for a specific volunteer activity at the parent orientation or any time during the school year.

·  Feel free to call the school at the beginning of the school year or any time thereafter and make arrangements to volunteer at the school. Notify the school at least 24 hours in advance if you need to reschedule.

·  Submit the Parent Volunteer Hours Log to track volunteer hours on a monthly basis. The form is due by the 5th of the following month.

·  To participate in a workshop or special training for parents, please refer to the schedule of parent workshops for the year.

Volunteering at the School

·  The school will monitor the number of volunteer hours each family has accumulated through the Parent Volunteer Hours Log submitted by each family by the 5th of the following month.

·  All volunteers must sign in and sign out at the front office, as do all school visitors.

·  All parent volunteers need to wear identification before beginning any on campus volunteer activity or before going into the classroom. Each parent volunteer will receive a name badge.

·  Please respect classroom activities and the privacy of faculty and staff when volunteering.

·  Please do not engage your child’s teacher in personal matters, instead schedule regular conferences throughout the year.


·  Parents who have met or exceeded 40-parent volunteer hours in a year will receive a Parent VIP badge or Parent Superstar Medal.

·  All parent volunteers will be invited to an end-of-the-year “thank you” celebration. At this function, parent volunteers will receive an award certificate and if funding permits will be eligible to participate in a school raffle to win special prizes.