Certificate/Diploma in the SOAS Language Centre

2015/2016 Academic Session

Please complete all relevant sections clearly in BLOCK LETTERS and BLACK INK

Student Details
Title / Date of Birth
Surname / First Name(s)
Previous Surname / Nationality
Contact details for correspondence
Postcode / Telephone
Country / E-mail
Sex Male Female
Course Details
Please tick the language course you wish to study

Communicative Arabic (Cert/Dip) Communicative Korean (Cert/Dip) Communicative Persian (Cert/Dip)
Communicative Chinese [Mandarin] (Cert/Dip) Communicative Japanese (Cert/Dip)
Have you studied this language before? Yes No
If yes, please give details.
Have you studied at SOAS before? Yes No
If yes, please give details; Level (delete as applicable) BA/ BSc/ MA/ MSc/ PhD/ Certificate/ Language Centre
Subject: Year attained:
What is your current occupation?
Please give details of any physical or other disabilities which might necessitate special arrangements.
Please give details of any educational qualifications you hold, listing the most recent first
Name of establishment Qualification Year


Referee 1 Referee 2

Name Name

Address Address

Postcode Postcode Telephone Telephone e-mail e-mail

Undertaking to comply with SOAS regulations Office use only

At the beginning of the course and at the start of each subsequent term,

students are required to register with the SOAS Language Centre.

No students may enter upon the course until the appropriate fees have been paid to the SOAS Language Centre.

Throughout the course, students are required to inform the SOAS Language Centre of any change to their contact details.

The continuance of a students course and/ or membership to the School will be conditional on satisfactory academic performance and compliance with the Schools' regulations.

I, the undersigned, undertake to comply with the regulations of the

School as laid down from time to time by, or with the Governing Body.

Registration Approved

Signed: Date:

Term F/T P/T Session Exam Date

Signed: Signed: Date: Date:

How did you hear about the SOAS Language Centre?

Personal Statement

Please express in no more than 400 words your reasons for applying for this course and what you expect to achieve with it.

Notes on completing this application form

Contact details Qualifications Occupation



Please give information on how we can correspond with you throughout the application process. You will be asked to provide up-to-date address and emergency contact details when you enrol for the course.

This section is for educational and professional qualifications. Please ensure that you give as much detail regarding your past achievements as possible.

Please let us know your current occupation. You may add details regarding the company or sector you work in, but this is not compulsory.

At least one of your referees should be in a position to comment on your academic ability. The second can be a personal or professional reference. However, if you have been out of education for some time, a professional reference would be acceptable in place of an academic one.

Please read the regulations regarding admission to the course carefully and remember to sign and date your application. All information contained on this form will remain confidential to the Language Centre.

Please send the application form along with a completed payment form to

The Course Secretary

The SOAS Language Centre

School of Oriental and African Studies

Thornhaugh Street



If you have any queries regarding your application, please e-mail using the relevant contact below.

Course Officers:

Colleen Woods (Japanese, Korean, South East Asian and African languages)

Mandy Payne (Arabic and Near Middle Eastern languages)

Besheer Abbaro (Chinese and South Asian languages)