The Brisbane Courier Tuesday April, 18, 1916


Mesdames Gibson and Foott are interesting themselves in providing comforts for the Australian Mining Corps and Engineers. A meeting of all interested in assisting will be held at Mrs Gibson’s residence, corner of Abbott and Sydney streets, New Farm, at 3 p.m. on April, 27.

The Brisbane Courier Tuesday May 9, 1916


A general meeting of the Comforts Fund for Queensland men in the Engineers and Mining Corps will be held in the Y.W.C.A. rooms, Adelaide-street, opposite the Norman School, next Friday, at 3.30 p.m. All interested are invited to attend.

The Brisbane Courier Tuesday May 30, 1916


The hon. Secretary of the Mining Corps and Engineers’ Fund reports that about £10 worth of goods has been despatched, and there is also £40 in cash. This is only from a few friends in Brisbane. The committee hopes to establish centres in all the large towns during next month. The following is a list of donations received:

Violet and Marjorie (bazaar) £2/11/; A.J.G., £2/2/; Mrs Cecil Foott, £2/2/; Miss Rage, £1/1/; K.H. 5/; Mrs H. May, 2/6; M.H.B. £1/1/; Mr Stanley £1/1/; Miss Day £1; Mrs D. Lahey £1/1/; Mrs Dodwell, £2/2/; Miss Fewtrell, £2/2/; Mrs P.L. Weston, £1/1/; Mrs C. Patterson, 2/6, Mrs Campbell, 5/; Mrs D. Evans, £2/2; Miss Dawson, 10/; Mr E.J. Barton, £1/1/; Mr W. Nicholson, £1/1/; Dr R. Thompson, 10/; Principals B.G.H.S., £1/1/; Miss Greenan (Roma), 2/6; Mr T.C. Beirne, £2/2/; Mrs Arthur Feez, £2/2/; Mr J.H. Hart, £2/2/; Mrs A. Doyle, £1/1/; monthly subscriptions, £1/8/6; Tobacco Fund—small sums, £3/6/; Mrs Midson, £1; Mrs T. Parnell, 10/; M.G. £1/12/; total, £40/1/. Engineer £19/12/3; Mining, £20/8/9. Goods forwarded: T.J.H. 100 towels, 218 soap; Miss Fewtrell, 6 towels, socks from Misses Dawson, Fewtrell (5 pairs), Mrs Brydon (4 pairs) Mesdames Jones (Corinda), Johnson, Scantlebury (2 pairs), Misses Bage and Thomson; T.J.H., 12 writing pads; books and papers, private packages, tins of soup. Donations in cash or kind may be sent to the hon. Treasurer, Mrs M.H. Brydon, Central Technical College, Brisbane, or to hon. Secretary, Mrs A.J. Gibson, Abbott-street, New Farm, Brisbane.

The Brisbane Courier Saturday June 10, 1916


The Executive of the Comforts Fund for Queensland men in the Engineers’ (including Pioneer) and Mining Corps was held in the Town Hall, room 39, on June 6. The following donations were acknowledged: Previously acknowledged, £40/1/; Messrs. J. and G. Dowrie, £1/1/; Mrs Hawken, £1/; Mr H. Hassall, £1/1/; Mrs G.A. Richard’s party, £4/4/; Mrs Russel, 5/; Mrs J. Wilson, £2/2/; F.F. Corrie, 3/; P. Lahey 12/; Cecil Foott, 10/; Roger, 1/; Mr F. Ross, £1; Mrs J.A. Walsh, 10/; total, £52/10/. Socks: Mesdame Busacott (2), Jones, James, Dowrie, Brydon, and Miss Thompson. Mittens: Mesdames Brydon and Gibson. Towels: Mesdames Henry and Feez; Private parcels: Wilson, Gordon, Adam, Welch, Avery, Reid, Cooper, Jones, Peets. Other gifts: Miss Eric Elliott, 12 toothpaste, 12 tooth brushes, 12 insectibano. Books, periodicals, handkerchiefs. The next general meeting was fixed for June 22, at 3.30 p.m., in the Y.W.C.A. rooms, Adelaide-street. All persons interested are invited to be present.

The Brisbane Courier Monday June 19, 1916


In last Friday’s issue a letter appeared from Lieut-Colonel Annand describing the journey of his battalion across France to their destination, 1½ miles behind the trenches in that part of the long line between the Channel and the Vosges now held by the British forces. In a previous letter to one of his sons, Colonel Annand suggests that the lad might meet some patriotic people who would like to do honour to the first Australian Pioneer Battalion to leave for the front, by providing a set of band instruments or the money necessary to purchase the same. A beginning has been made to meet Colonel Annand’s wish, and it is hoped that before long, a sum of money will be sent to him sufficient to provide the battalion with band instruments. Donations for this purpose may be sent to Mrs A.J. Gibson, Abbott-street, New Farm, hon. Secretary, and Mrs M.H. Bryden, Central Technical College, hon. Treasurer, Engineer and Mining Corps Comforts Funds, and they will from time to time be acknowledged in these columns. The first has been already received from the High School Department Central Technical College £7.0.0.

The Brisbane Courier Thursday June 22, 1916


The next general meeting of the Engineers’ (including Pioneers) and Mining Corps Comforts Fund will be held in the Y.W.C.A. rooms this afternoon, at 3.30, and in future meetings will be held every fourth Thursday of the month. Donations in cash or kind may be sent to the hon. Treasurer, Mrs Brydon, Central Technical College, or to the hon. Secretary, Mrs Gibson Abbott-street New Farm. The following donations have been received: Mr H. Perrers, 10/; Mrs Cobcroft, £1/1/; Mrs Fitzgerald, 5/-; Mrs Pringle, 2/6/; Misses Foott and M’Donald, 1/6; 32nd Fortress Co., engineers, officers and men, £2/2/; High School Department, Central Technical College, band fund for pioneers, £7; making, with the amount previously acknowledged, £64/0/9. Gifts in kind: Socks: Miss Johnston, Dr Greenham, Mrs Foott (5 pairs); washers, Mary Henderson, Violet and Sydney; soldiers’ candles, Mrs Wallace Brown; tinned fruit and cocoa and milk, Mrs Foott; private parcels, Lieutenant Tooth (2), Pringle, Chandler; towels, handkerchiefs, books and magazines.

The Brisbane Courier Thursday June 27, 1916


In response to a wish expressed by Lieut-Colonel Annand in a letter from “somewhere in France,” it is hoped to forward him a sum of money sufficient to provide band instruments. Donations for this purpose may be sent to Mrs A. J. Gibson, Abbott-street, New Farm, or to Mrs M.H. Brydon, Central Technical College, hon. Secretary and hon. Treasurer respectively of the Comforts Funds for Queensland Men in Engineer and Mining Corps: Previously acknowledged, £7; Mrs C.W. Coulton (Sydney), £1; Miss Bage, 10/; Mrs R.A. Stanley, 2/; total, £8/12/.

The Brisbane Courier Friday July 7, 1916


The following donations are acknowledged by the committee: Miss Bryden, 10.; Mrs Henry, £1/1/; Mr Goldsmith, £1/1/; Miss Warren, 4/; Mrs Gilmour, 4/; monthly subs., £1/11/; sale of wool, 3/; tobacco, 11/; Mrs Coulton, £1; Miss Bage, 10.; Mrs Stanley, 2/; Mr Douglas Annand, £1; Miss Wills, 2/; Mrs Hornwood, 1/; Miss Brydon, 12/; Mrs Hooper, 10/6; Mrs Real, £1/1/; Mrs Pringle, 2/6; tobacco money collected by Mrs J.C. Hassell, £3; total, £77/11/3; Messrs Watson, Ferguson and Co., Ltd, 1000 headed paper and envelopes; Mrs W. Avery, towels and handkerchiefs; Mrs Gibson, 7 tins cocoa and milk; also a number of private parcels.

The Brisbane Courier Friday July 14, 1916


A bazaar and sale of work will be held at Gainsboro, Moray-street, New Farm, next Saturday, in aid of the Comforts Fund for Queensland men in the Engineer, Pioneer and Mining Corps. All friends are invited to attend.

The Brisbane Courier Thursday July 27, 1916


The hon. Secretary acknowledges receipt of the following amounts: Previously acknowledged, £77/11/6; Mrs W. Schwabe, £1/1; Mrs Tipping, 10/; “A. Friend”, 5/; Misses M.H. Robinson, 5/; Brydon, £1/6/; Day, 10/; E. Robinson 10/; Gainsboro garden fete, Mesdames Elliott and Lightbody (first instal.) £25; Presbyterian Girls; College, Toowoomba (Per Miss Carson), £10; total £117/1/3. Socks have been received from Mesdames Lydement (2); Dodwell (2); Lahey (5), Fewtrell (5); Johnson (1); Woodcock (2); Foott (3); Other articles have been received from Mesdames Avery, Hawkins, Stanley, Dodwell. A number of private parcels are also acknowledged.

The Brisbane Courier Thursday August 17, 1916


The committee of the Engineers and Mining Corps Comforts Fund acknowledged the following donations: Previously received £212/12/6; Mammoth Copper Mine Ltd, £8/10/; H.W. May, £1; K.M.B., £1/1/; E.G. Barton, £1/1/; Mesdames Deitrich, 2/; Lukin, 5/; Halford (per Miss Richard), 5/; Pringle 2/6; Weston, 3/6/; Schwabe, £1; balance for £20/13/, cabled to 2nd Pioneers, 1/; monthly subs, 6/; discount of wool, 3/6; total, £226. Gifts in kind; Mesdames Warwick, Watts, Cummins, G. Brown, Macfarlane, Gray (2), Stretton, Armour. Donations in cash or kind will be received by the hon. Treasurer (Mrs Brydon), Central Technical College) or Mrs A.J. Gibson, Abbott-street, New Farm.

The Brisbane Courier Thursday August 24, 1916


A meeting of the Comforts Funds for Queensland men in the Engineers and Pioneer Mining Corps will be held in the Y.W.C.A. rooms, Adelaide street, to-day, at 3.30 p.m. and in future on every fourth Thursday of the month.

The Brisbane Courier Monday September 18, 1916



Among the donations mentioned the following was listed:

The Engineers’ and Miners’ Comfort Fund sent £5.

The Brisbane Courier Wednesday October 11, 1916


The hon. Treasurer of the Comforts fund for Miners and Engineers acknowledges the following additional donations to October 3:—Previously acknowledged £243/8/2; Mesdames Brydon, Foott, Henry, Gibson, Noll, Robinson, Nicholson, Gray, Gilmour, Hawken, Raymond, Stanley, Orton, Miss Dawson (month’s subs), £1/4/; Mrs Hooper , Misses Jooper, D. Hooper, 9/, Mr E.G. Barton, £1/1; Mrs Stable, £1; Miss A. Jackson 6/; Mesdames Noll and Nicholson 4/; total £247/12. Gifts in kind; Mesdames Lahey, Robinson, M’Donald, Misses Delpratt and Forsyth, and anonymous. Parcels and contributions may be sent to Mrs Brydon (treasurer), Central Technical College, Miss Roe (secretary), Croydon-street, Toowong, or 39 Town Hall.

The Brisbane Courier Wednesday December 20, 1916


The Comforts Funds for Engineers, Miners, and Pioneers acknowledges the following additional donations: Previously acknowledged £251/5/6; sale of lilac sent by Mrs Martin, 5/6; monthly subs. £1/8/6; M.H.B., £1; Mrs Fewtrell, £1; Mrs Lightbody’s fete (for flag), £2/15/; Mrs Whelan, 2/; Mrs Sinclair, £1/1/; total, £258/17/6. The next meeting of the fund will be held on the fourth Thursday in January, 1917. Up to December 12, £80 has been sent to commanding officers for the use of men in the Engineering and Mining Corps; £21/13/ to Colonel Annand for band for 2nd Pioneer Battalion, and cable expenses; £2/5/6 to Mrs Steele, to buy gifts for individuals; £34/12 expended on tobacco (including £3, collected by Mrs Hassell); £16/5/ expended on goods, £14/10/ on wool, £14 petty cash, and £5 donation to Christmas Box Fund. A letter acknowledging £20 for comforts, and conveying gratitude has been received from the headquarters of the 4th Australian Pioneer Battalion; one acknowledging a draft of 280 francs has been received from the Engineer headquarters, mentioning that it has been distributed amongst the signaller and three field companies for the benefit of the Queenslanders; and a third letter mentions receipt of £60, which has been divided amongst Queensland in the Engineers, and expresses thanks on behalf of the sappers. The next meeting of the fund will be held on the fourth Thursday in January.

The Brisbane Courier Wednesday February 28, 1917


The Comforts Fund for Queensland men in the Engineer, Pioneer, Signalling, and Mining Corps acknowledged the following additional donations—Previously acknowledged £36/0/6; Mrs A.S. Kennedy, £1; Mises Kennedy, £1; Mr R.J. Webb, 5/; Misses Hooper, 6/; discount from Cribb and Foote, 2/3; total £363/17/9. Donations may be sent to the president (Mrs C. Foott, Claverhouse, Manly), or to the hon. Treasurer (Mrs M.H. Brydon, Central Technical College, Brisbane).

The Brisbane Courier Thursday March 8, 1917


The Comforts Fund for Queensland men in the Engineer, Pioneer, Signalling, Tunnelling, and Mining Corps acknowledged the following donations—Previously acknowledged £363/17/9; Mrs Huxham £1; Miss Bage, 10/; total £365/7/9.

The Brisbane Courier Friday March 23, 1917


At a meeting of the Engineers and Mining Corps Comfort Fund, held in the Y.W.C.A. rooms yesterday, it was announced that the winners of the sock competition were Mrs Smith, Coorparoo, 1; and Miss Ina Whitehill, Auchenflower, 2/ Mittens: Mrs Kames A. Gibson, Mowen-terrace, 1; Miss May Raymond, Kelvin Grove, 2.

The Brisbane Courier Tuesday April 24, 1917


A general meeting of the Engineers, Pioneers, and Mining Comforts Fund was held on Thursday, at the Engineer’s depot, Mrs Lahey in the chair. The treasurer acknowledged the following donations:—Previously acknowledged, £367/18/9; Mrs C. Foott, 10/, Mesdames Kay, Flay, Roche, Hawken. Bomford, Hanford, Raymond, each 1/-. Final arrangements were made for the coin tea to be held from 2.30 to 5.30 this afternoon at the Engineer’s depot, Alice-street. The military authorities have kindly promised band music, and refreshment, fancy goods, ice cream, and sweets stalls have been arranged. A ring table, competitions, and an exhibition of souvenirs from France, Egypt, and Gallipoli will be on view. Books of snapshots from Egypt and elsewhere will be sold.

The Engineers, Pioneers and Mining Corps Comforts Fund benefited by over £40 as the result of a coin tea held on Saturday afternoon. Rhoades and Co., Valley assisted by the loan of chairs and tables. The next committee meeting will be on Tuesday, May 1, at 4 p.m. at the Engineer’s Depot, Alice-street.