Minute of the meeting held on Monday 14 November 2005
7.30p.m. at Brae Community Office, 4 Havragord, Brae
Present: John Alex Cromarty, Ivor Johnson, Maree Hay, Margaret Roberts, Christina Nicholson, Alistair Williamson
Pat Christie, Alex Purbrick, Bob Holyoak
Bill Manson
In Attendance: Bryan Leask, Hjaltland Housing Association
1. Apologies Geoff Bevan, Maureen Stewart, Sarah Dell, Ronnie Johnson, Jane Thomas
2. Minutes of Meeting 24 October 2005
App. Margaret Roberts Sec. Maree Hay
3. “High Ropes” Project Presentation and Questions
Paul Lee had cancelled the presentation
4. Unplugged Workshops
The proposed workshops are at the outline planning stage, plans are available to see, and it is hoped they could be built in the summer of 2007.
Bryan Leask had met with Sarah Dell and David Watson to discuss this. Two main points arose out of this:
1. Identification of need
2. Ownership issues e.g. Hjaltland Housing Association, Shetland Enterprise, Northmavine Development Company
Bryan to meet with Sarah again on her return.
A few people had already verbally registered an interest with the NDC e.g. shellfish unit, engineering base, office etc. This now needs to be confirmed in writing. Bryan urged people to get in touch with him and he could then look at issues such as water usage.
It is hoped these workshops might attract people to the area and so far feedback has mostly been positive. The NDC should direct anyone with concerns to Bryan or Planning Dept. There will also be a public meeting at a later date.
5. Matters Arising
a. Charitable Status: John Alex, Bob & Margaret have met regarding the Memorandum and Articles of Association. Legal advice is needed, in order that the finished document is acceptable to the Inland Revenue for charitable status and also fits into the Land Reform Act legislation. The Community Land Unit will pay for legal fees. 3 quotes are needed for 100% grant. Market leaders Oswalds have given an estimate of £500. Margaret Roberts proposed and John Alex Cromarty seconded a motion that this go ahead and other quotes be asked for
b. Administration Post: Alex Purbrick was welcomed to her new post as Administration Assistant
c. Office Accommodation: Ivor Johnson has offered the NDC half of the premises at Greenbrae, Collafirth for office accommodation. It is a good size and would comprise of 2 office rooms, a meeting room, kitchen and toilet. It is ready to move in at the end of the month, heated and has a car park. Rent would comprise £1,000 per annum with heating and phone on top. There are 2 exits, which would meet fire regulations, needs to be insured, get change of use, insurance etc. Notify Hall of intention to leave, get phone connected
d. Away Day: Sunday 19th November at Eshaness Café. Ask Maureen & Paul Lee to facilitate
e. Tourism Strategy Group Meeting: good turn out, Davy Murray to lead group of 9, Alistair to represent NDC. Need to get notification of meetings out quicker
f. Student from Netherlands: is in dialogue with Pat and the placement is progressing well
6. Visit by Rhona Brankin, Deputy Minister for Environment & Rural Development on Friday 4th November 2005
This meeting had gone well and the minister had promised to get back to Pat regarding answers to questions raised
7. Renewable Energy Meeting:
Margaret & Pat had met with HIE Community Energy Company (CEC) representatives Nicholas Gubbins and Lorne Macleod at Brae. They had given good advice and said that if we had identified need for “unplugged workshops” other than Eshaness then we should consider building elsewhere. They suggested a renewable energy audit, which looked at existing and potential projects.
Margaret has been in dialogue with Sandy MacAuley the CEC agent in Unst about a possible project and funding and she asked the meeting if they felt that this should go ahead. Everyone at the meeting agreed that it should.
There is a need strategic thinking on this project. Possible small projects are schools, halls etc. Also the St Magnus Bay Hotel. Lorne indicated that a group from Gigha are to visit Unst and it would be good to get together with them to discuss the Gigha community owned hotel. We are waiting for them to contact us with a date
8. Projects Update – including progress on St Magnus Bay Hotel, Website, Youth Consultation
1. Northmavine Sign: 2 quotes in. Pat & Ivor need to work up funding application
2. St Magnus Bay Hotel: Bill Manson may visit Canterbury Travels while in London week beginning 21st November. Feasibility study could possibly go ahead now to look at possible uses for the building.
3. Website: taking shape now. A meeting is planned
4. Crofting Focus Group: progressing
5. Youth Consultation: went well with many ideas coming forward. Another meeting is planned to finalise the Plan
6. Cruise Liners Pilot Project: ROA funding will apply to this
7. Geopark Status for Shetland: Maree to attend meetings with Christina & Pat
10. Date of Next Full Meeting Monday 5 December, 7.30 p.m. Greenbrae