City of Southgate

Regular City Council Meeting

November 17, 2010

A Regular Meeting of the Council of the City of Southgate was held in the Municipal Council Chambers, 14400 Dix-Toledo Highway, Southgate, Michigan on Wednesday, November 17, 2010 and was called to order at 8:00 PM by Council President Phillip J. Rauch.

Present: Carol Batko, Jan Ferencz, Karen George, Phillip Rauch, Christopher Rollet, Dale Zamecki.

Absent: Patricia Ganzberger* (*Excused).

Also Present: Mayor Joseph G. Kuspa, City Administrator Brandon Fournier, City Attorney Ed Zelenak, Assistant Administrator/Finance Director David Angileri, City Engineer John Hennessey, Treasurer Sheryl Denman, City Clerk Thomas Alexander, DPS Director Keith Tackett, Fire Chief Douglas Gildner, Public Safety Director Thomas Coombs, Police Chief Jeff Meussner, Fire Fighter T.J. Manning, Planning Commissioner Chairman Charles Dunn, City Beautiful Commissioner Shea Kwiatkowski,

Plante & Moran Representatives Beth Bialey, Bill Brickey & Tim St. Andrew.

This meeting began with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by roll call.


Moved by George, supported by Rollet, RESOLVED, that the minutes of the Regular City Council Meeting dated November 3, 2010 be approved as presented. Carried unanimously.

Moved by Batko, supported by Ferencz, RESOLVED, that the minutes of the Public Hearing dated November 3, 2010 be approved as presented. Carried unanimously.

Mayor Kuspa designated November, 2010 as “Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month in Southgate"

Mayor Kuspa, City Beautiful Commissioner Kwiatkowski and Councilman George presented the Halloween Decorating Contest Awards:

1st Place: The Wright Family; 2nd Place: Sheila Farmer; & 3rd Place: Emily Mannarino

business minute:

Mayor Kuspa announced this is the 21st Business Minute. He noted it has caught the attention of Downriver Municipalities who want to incorporate similar programs in their communities. He reminded that the wooden plaque presented to all of designees is produced by Southgate Anderson students, which provides the students an opportunity to apply their skills and keeps costs down for the City.

Mayor Kuspa, on behalf of the City of Southgate and its Downtown Development Authority, recognized Southgate Surgery Center for being an outstanding business and recognized Administrator Linda Phillips and Staff for going above and beyond by contributing to the success and viability of our community.

Mayor Kuspa added since 1983, the Surgery Center has been providing same day ambulatory surgery services. Their reputation of providing high quality health care has allowed them to grow from one operation room to four. Their 19 surgeons and 10 anesthetists perform over 5,000 procedures annually, specializing in eye care and digestive health.

The Surgery Center has been named one of the top 100 places to work in the health care industry (country wide) by Becker’s Review. The center has a one percent turnover rate which lends itself to the family environment that exists at the center..

Regular City Council Meeting dated November 17, 2010

Further, the staff (and business) has given back to the community by contributing to the Relay for Life, Toys for Tots, Heritage Days, the annual adoption of a family for Christmas. The surgery center also plans to be a sponsor for the Santa’s Christmas Express Train Ride Weekend at Kiwanis Park.

Linda Phillips, Administrator of the Southgate Surgery Center, expressed gratitude for this recognition. She believes it’s an honor to be located in Southgate. She recognized the City, in particular the Mayor, Council and DDA for offering the BIG Program - noting it is very important for the Southgate Surgery Center to provide a nice atmosphere (because patients want health care in a place that looks pleasing - at first impression). She also thanked the Police Department, Fire Department, Building Inspectors, DPS and City Planners, who have all been very helpful to the Center.

scheduled hearings:

Moved by Ferencz, supported by Zamecki, RESOLVED, that Council hereby enters public hearings. Carried unanimously.

The regular meeting adjourned at 8:11 PM for scheduled hearings and reconvened at 8:15 PM.

Moved by Rollet, supported by George, RESOLVED, that public hearings be closed. Carried unanimously.

·  Reprogramming of Community Development Block Grand Funds for 2010/2011.

Moved by Zamecki, supported by Batko, RESOLVED, that the Southgate City Council concurs with the recommendation of the City Administrator and hereby approves the reprogramming of $10,043.25 from the 2009/2010 CDBG Budget (Housing Rehabilitation Program) to the 2010/2011 CDBG Budget for the Civic Center Elevator Project. Carried unanimously.

officials’ reports:

Councilman Batko reported on the following:

1.  The Southgate Anderson Band finished 5th in State Finals. If you would like to see a sample of the competition and material they have worked on throughout the year, please join us for Band-O-Rama on December 3rd, 4th, and 5th at the High School - Contact 246-4611 for information.

Historical Society/Commission Update:

1.  The Society hosted a very successful Halloween Workshop attended by 30 children at the library.

2.  The Society will be hosting a “Visit with Santa” from 1pm to 4pm on December 18th; Walgreen’s will be providing a complimentary photo, parents are welcome to bring a camera as well.

3.  Classes and Groups (like the Boy Scouts) have toured the Historical Home to learn about the City’s history; interested groups should contact the Historical Commission to make tour arrangements.

4.  Thanked the Historical Commission & Society for their Efforts, Generosity and Dedication.

Councilman George reported on the following:

1.  The City Beautiful Commission will be decorating the Gazebo for Christmas on November 28th and announcing details about the Snow Man Contest shortly.

Library Commission Update:

2.  At the Library Commission Meeting, Administrator Fournier announced plans to offer Wireless Internet Access at the Library; Lap Top users will have internet access in the near future.

3.  The first meeting of the Library Reorganization Committee, which was established to study the merits of different Library Service Delivery Methods (Independent, Wayne County, or District Library) was held on November 17, 2010. Next meeting: December 1st at 4PM.

4.  The City hired Donna Milton as the Part Time Youth Librarian; she has substantial experience as a Librarian and is very excited to begin working as the Youth Librarian.

Regular City Council Meeting dated November 17, 2010

5.  Commented on attendance (w/ Councilman Ganzberger Mayor Kuspa) at the Little Risers Learning Center opening, a nursery/day care center. Wished them success.

6.  Asked if the Senior Snow Shoveling Program will continue (given the decreased work pool).

Administrator Fournier replied although the work pool has decreased, the program will continue. Eligible individuals can contact City Hall or the District Court to apply.

Councilman Zamecki reported on the following:

1.  For many years, the DDA has been the primary sponsor for the City’s Annual Heritage Days Celebration. He is pleased to announce that revenues for the 2010 celebration exceeded expenditures, which is a substantial improvement because revenues did not exceed expenditures last year. He thanked all the sponsors, the Heritage Days Committee, Staff, Business Coordinator Batko & Citizen Volunteers who made this event an overwhelming success. He noted Fifty Amp Fuse was a big attraction that drew many to the event.

2.  The DDA has started a series of surveys to vision priorities and concerns of the DDA Business Community. The results indicate that a majority of business owners see redevelopment of the Southgate Shopping Center as a top priority and believe that redevelopment of the site would have a major impact on the commercial district. Therefore, Administration and the DDA are working with the property owner to discuss ways to reinvigorate the site. The first step will be a visioning workshop in December (conducted by the Project for Public Spaces, an internationally recognized organization, who specializes in development/redevelopment of market places and people spaces). We look forward to returning the Southgate Shopping Center to its former stature as a primary gathering place.

3.  Announced that the YMCA is hosting a “no fee” Aerob-a-Thon from 8:30am to 10am on November 25th; urged attendees to bring a non perishable item or paper product for donation to a local food bank.

Mayor Kuspa reported on the following:

1.  On November 3, local approval was given for tax incentives for a $28 million investment that will create 200 additional employment opportunities at AJM Packaging. Today, he attended the Michigan Economic Growth Corporation Meeting where the State concurred with the importance of keeping AJM in Michigan by approving AJM’s request. He thanked State Representative Kandrevas and Wayne County Economic Development Engine Administrators, Bryce Kelley and Jim Paquette, as well as Administrator Fournier and Assistant Administrator/Finance Director Angileri - because if not for their pro-active efforts, this $28 million investment was headed to New Jersey. The project is expected to begin next year.

2.  “Less Paper Agenda Initiative”, which involves use of Lap Tops to transmit Council Agenda Packets & most correspondence, continues to garner national attention. He was contacted by a community in New York who inquired about the program. They are very impressed with the City’s initiative and look to incorporate Southgate’s model in their City.

3.  Receipt of a letter from the Gateway Church of Christ as follows: “On behalf of the members of the church, they would like to personally thank the DPS Staff & Director Tackett for their efforts to resolve a sewer issue, which has been a mystery to the church and many different specialists. The DPS Team went out of their way to take care of a problem that specialists were unable to resolve. They deeply appreciate the City’s efforts as Gateway likes to host large church related events, and without the City’s diligence, they would not be able to do so in the future”. He commended the DPS Crew that made it possible for the Church to function as desired.

4.  Replacement Batteries (for smoke detectors) will be available (free of charge for Southgate Seniors and those in need) compliments of a grant obtained by the Southgate Fire Department. Batteries can be picked up at the Senior Center. He commended Fire Chief Gildner & Staff for securing this grant and continuing to work to keep our community as safe as possible.

5.  The DCC is sponsoring a Winterization Program to assist people who cannot afford heat. As a DCC Board Member, he is proud that we can continue to offer this program. For more information contact 734.362.3473 to see if you qualify.

Regular City Council Meeting dated November 17, 2010

6.  The Southgate Rotary is sponsoring a Hat & Mitten Drive to collect the same for children (3 to 5 years of age) who are enrolled in the Guidance Center Head Start Program for low income families. City Hall, Ray Hunter Florist and the Guidance Center are accepting donations.

7.  The Annual Municipal Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held on December 1 at 6PM; encouraged residents to join in this special event which will feature the live musical talents of Grateful Praise, an acappella group from the Gateway Church of Christ, Light Refreshments and a special visit from Jolly Old St. Nicholas.

8.  On December 10 and 11, the Great Lakes Live Steamers will be presenting their first annual Santa’s Christmas Express; welcomed all to enjoy a train ride to the North Pole.

9.  Wished everyone a Happy Thanksgiving:

a.  Southgate has had a great year, primarily due to a great staff; he commended his staff and all the employees that work diligently to keep us within budget.

b.  Commended his wife and daughter who have given up a lot to allow him to diligently serve this great community.

c.  Expressed appreciation for all who make efforts in the best interest of the community.

Council President Rauch reported on the following:

1.  The Southgate Community Players Young People’s Theatre in conjunction with Parks & Recreation will open their next show, the “Wizard of Oz”, on December 3, 4, & 10, 11. Curtain at 7PM. Tickets $10. Interested individuals should contact 282.4727 for more information.

communications a:

1.  Memo from Assistant Administrator/Finance Director; re: FY 2009/2010 Audit was read.

Beth Bialey, Auditor, explained that a full report on the Audit was offered during the Study Session. She offered a brief overview of that presentation as follows:

The City is doing a commendable job balancing their budget while dealing with the circumstances of the economy. She noted $200,000 was added to the City’s General Fund: Fund Balance. However, those funds are actually reserved for the potential/eventual payback of monies received through the Wayne County Delinquent Revolving Tax Fund. She fully expects, in today’s environment, that the City will be charged back. She explained that the County floats a bond and makes payment to cities to cover unpaid taxes (in an effort to make them whole with bond proceeds). It is a great benefit to communities, but if the County is unable to collect those tax dollars, the City will have to pay back the County. There is a trend of charge backs so $200,000 has been set aside for repayment. She elaborated on difficulty encountered by Wayne County to issue these bonds; hence the City has only received payment for 85 percent of delinquent taxes. Normally, it is easy to find a buyer; but it looks like it will become more difficult in the future. If this service is unavailable, it will impact the City’s cash flow and is one more reason to maintain an adequate level of fund balance.

She continued, a $1.6 million revenue shortfall was projected and did happen. However, necessary cuts were made to offset the shortfall. The challenges are not over. Property tax decreases will continue for the next couple years and revenue sharing will be flat – at best. Property taxes and revenue sharing are the two major revenue sources - so it would be prudent to be cautious during the budgeting process.

She thanked Assistant Administrator/Finance Director Angileri and his Staff who worked hard to make sure that the audit went as smooth as possible.

Mayor Kuspa commended the Finance Department, under the leadership of David Angileri, as well as Darcie Cheney, Assistant Finance Director, for her efforts. Administration is very pleased with the progress she has made.

Regular City Council Meeting dated November 17, 2010

Moved by Batko, supported by Rollet, RESOLVED, that the Southgate City Council concurs with the recommendation of the Assistant City Administrator/Finance Director and hereby accepts and approves the Audit for FY 2009/2010 as presented; FURTHER, Fund Balance is restated as follows: