Profiles of Khmelnitsky region investment proposals

Section / Commentary
Name of offer / Reconstruction of medical pavilion of Chaika Children's Holiday Camp in Holovchyntsi village of Letychiv district of Khmelnytskyi region
Investment offer description and goal / Reconstruction of medical pavilion of Chaika Holiday Camp in retaining the institution profile, possible creation of a rehabilitation center for handicapped people
Type of economic activity to implement investment project / Construction
Form of cooperation / Transfer of premises on the basis of private and state partnership, co-financing
Project total value, thousand USD / 112,5
Investment demand, thousand USD (%) / 90%
Form of ownership; share in state property / Property of territorial group of Khmelnytskyi city
Resources provision / -  total area of land ground – 0.8 hectares
-  total area of the building – 673.3 sq. m
-  distance to Khmelnytskyi – 45 km
-  E50 highway at road sector Khmelnytskyi – Vinnytsia - 5 km
-  location in recreational zone
2 deposits and water towers available on the territory
Investment offer completion level / Investment offer
Essential elements of the enterprise (organization) / Department of Education of Khmelnytskyi City Council
53, Hrushevskyi Str., Khmelnytskyi, 29000
Tel.: +38 (0382) 79-47-55
Initiator contact details / Head of department
Tel.: +38 (0382) 79-47-55
Section / Commentary
Name of offer / Construction of Palace of Sport in 5/1, Prybuzka Str. in Khmelnytskyi
Investment offer description and goal / Construction of sports and recreation complex with areas: sports pavilion with bleachers for 2000 lookers of size 44x26 m, sports pavilion (24x12 m), sports pavilion (18x12 m), football field, 2 playgrounds for hand ball, 2 playgrounds for basketball, playground for volleyball, race track of length 1000 m, 4 tennis courts
Type of economic activity to implement investment project / Construction
Form of cooperation / Concession
Project total value, thousand USD / 8750,0
Investment demand, thousand USD (%) / 40%
Form of ownership; share in state property / Property of territorial group of Khmelnytskyi city
Resources provision / Land ground
Investment offer completion level / Readiness of working project – 50%
Essential elements of the enterprise (organization) / Department of Architecture, City Construction and Land Resources of Khmelnytskyi City Council
10/1, Podilska Str., Khmelnytskyi, 29013
Tel.: +38 (0382) 76-43-00
Initiator contact details / Director of department
Tel.: +38 (0382) 76-43-00
Section / Commentary
Name of offer / Introduction of collection and utilization system for solid propellant wastes in Khmelnytskyi, withdrawal of biogas and recultivation of acting garbage dump
Investment offer description and goal / Construction of garbage sorting (recycling) plant in Khmelnytskyi, introduction of garbage distributed collection system, recultivation of acting solid propellant wastes ground
Type of economic activity to implement investment project / Construction, modernization
Form of cooperation / Lease, creation of joint enterprise on the basis of private-state partnership
Project total value, thousand USD / Defined by investor
Investment demand, thousand USD (%) / Defined by investor
Form of ownership; share in state property / Property of territorial group of Khmelnytskyi city
Resources provision / Right to use 16 hectares of land (8 hectares under acting garbage dump)
Investment offer completion level / Investment offer
Essential elements of the enterprise
(organization) / Spetskomuntrans City Communal Enterprise 1, Tolstoi Str, Khmelnytskyi, 29000
Tel.: +38 (03822) 2-13-94
Initiator contact details / Fedoshchuk Anton Stanislavovych
Tel.: +38 (03822) 2-13-94
Section / Commentary
Name of offer / Construction of underground passage complex at the crossing of Mir Avenue, Svobody Str. and Panas Myrnyi Str.
Investment offer description and goal / Underground passage complex provides a network of corridor communications adjoining the commercial premises. The underground passages link the crossings of Svobody, P. Myrnyi streets and Myru Avenue. It provides direct connection of underground parking, trade and public complex, roofed market and opposite sides of mentioned above streets.
Type of economic activity to implement investment project / Construction
Form of cooperation / Land ground is given on the basis of superficies agreement
Project total value, thousand USD / Defined by investor
Investment demand, thousand USD (%) / Defined by investor
Form of ownership; share in state
property / Property of territorial group of Khmelnytskyi city
Resources provision / Total complex area – 5019 sq. m including:
-  commercial premises – 2156.4 sq. m
-  corridors – 1629.6 sq. m
-  engineering and utility services rooms – 179.7 sq. m
-  parking – 1052 sq. m
Ceiling height of commercial premises – 3.6 m, corridors – 2.5 m Total structural volume of the complex – 19575 cubic m
Investment offer completion level / Investment offer
Essential elements of the enterprise (organization) / Department of Architecture, City Construction and Land Resources
of Khmelnytskyi City Council
10/1, Podilska Str., Khmelnytskyi, 29013
Tel.: +38 (0382) 76-43-00
Initiator contact details / Director of department
Tel.: (0382) 76 43-00
Section / Commentary
Name of offer / Reconstruction of the Taras Shevchenko cinema in Palace of Culture and cinema and construction of non-residential premises in the underground of the cinema
Investment offer description and goal / Reconstruction of the Taras Shevchenko cinema on Proskurivska Str, 40 in Palace of Culture and cinema and simultaneous construction on its base of new areas
Type of economic activity to implement investment project / Reconstruction
Form of cooperation / Land ground is given on the basis of superficies agreement. Built facilities in theater with area of 2000 square meters become the property of investor.
Project total value, thousand USD / 5000
Investment demand, thousand USD (%) / 5000
Form of ownership; share in state
property / Property of territorial group of Khmelnytskyi city
Resources provision / -
Investment offer completion level / Investment offer
Essential elements of the enterprise
(organization) / Department of Culture and Tourism of Khmelnytsky City Council
29000, Khmelnytskyi,
Proskurivska Str, 30
Initiator contact details / Head of Department
tel. (0382) 65-85-35
Section / Commentary
Name of offer / Reconstruction of integral property complex of the former tobacco factory (3, Krypiakevych Str, Kamyanets-Podilskyi) for an industrial enterprise of food sector
Investment offer description and goal / Reconstruction of integral property complex of the former tobacco factory for an industrial enterprise of food sector (as an offer - confectionery plant).
Type of economic activity to implement investment project / Industry (production of foodstuffs, drinks, and tobacco products)
Form of cooperation / -  sale of proprietary interest
-  establishment of coproduction
Project total value, thousand USD / 20 000
Investment demand, thousand USD (%) / 100%
Form of ownership; share in state
property / Private - 100%
Resources provision / Land ground – 5.8 hectares
Number of buildings and constructions – 14 units:
-  permanent accommodation and offices – 2 997 sq. m
-  manufacturing and storage facility – 13 244 sq. m
-  storehouse facilities – 9 616 sq. m
garages – 579 sq. m
-  Water supply
-  Power supply
-  Heating supply
Investment offer completion level / Developed concept of investment project
Essential elements of the enterprise (organization) / Contact trough the Department of Economy and Infrastructure Development of the city
Initiator contact details / Director of the Department of Economy and Infrastructure Development of the city
tel. (03849) 5-07-05
Section / Commentary
Name of offer / Establishment of a plant for rape seed processing into biodiesel fuel on the base of Kamyanets-Podilskyi Sugar Mill
Investment offer description and goal / Establishment of an object for oil processing into biodiesel fuel of capacity 75 thousand ton for us in Ukraine and export to EU countries. Mastering of rape oil production. Growing rape on the territory of Khmelnytskyi and Chernivtsi Regions
Type of economic activity to implement investment project / Industry (mining of fuel and energy mineral resources)
Form of cooperation / -  sale of proprietary interest
-  establishment of coproduction
Project total value, thousand USD / 61 000
Investment demand, thousand USD (%) / 100%
Form of ownership; share in state
property / Private - 100%
Resources provision / Ground area – 1.09 hectares
Water supply:
Central water supply line from Dniester water passage - ø150 mm
Heating supply:
Central heating supply from the town thermal power station
Access communications – town belt-way, rail way track adjoining the territory
Investment offer completion level / Developed concept of investment project
Essential elements of the enterprise (organization) / Contact trough the Department of Economy and Infrastructure Development of the city
Initiator contact details / Director of the Department of Economy and Infrastructure Development of the city
tel. (03849) 5-07-05
Section / Commentary
Name of offer / Establishment of intake and recycling system of solid domestic waste in Kamyanets-Podilskyi town
Investment offer description and goal / Implementation of new and expanding and modernization of acting
facilities for collecting and sorting solid domestic waste, creation of effective control system in the sphere of waste treatment
Type of economic activity to implement investment project / Rendering housing and communal services
Form of cooperation / State and private partnership
Project total value, thousand USD / Defined by investor
Investment demand, thousand USD (%) / 100%
Form of ownership; share in state
property / Economic activity will be carried out according to an agreement on joint activity
Resources provision / Town government will grant a land ground of necessary area to implement the project alongside with the acting domestic solid garbage dump.
Investment offer completion level / Ready business case of investment offer
Essential elements of the enterprise (organization) / Executive Committee of Kamyanets-Podilskyi Town Council,
Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Vidrodzhennia Square, 1
Tel.: +380 3849 5-16-50
Fax: +380 3849 5-06-00
Web site:
Initiator contact details / Director of the Department of Economy and Infrastructure Development of the city
tel. (03849) 5-07-05
Section / Commentary
Name of offer / Reconstruction of Old Fortress barracks in to recreation and tourist complex with tourist infrastructure
Investment offer description and goal / Creation of tourist complex with proper infrastructure on the basis of
the state historical and architectural monument «Old Fortress barracks»
Type of economic activity to implement investment project / Activity of hotels and restaurants
Form of cooperation / Sale of proprietary interest
Project total value, thousand USD / 18750
Investment demand, thousand USD (%) / 100%
Form of ownership; share in state
property / Communal – 100%
Resources provision / Ground area – 1.4360 hectares
Building complex of total premises area 5 246 sq. m
Investment offer completion level / Developed concept of investment project
Essential elements of the enterprise (organization) / Executive Committee of Kamyanets-Podilskyi Town Council,
Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Vidrodzhennia Square, 1
Tel.: +380 3849 5-16-50
Fax: +380 3849 5-06-00
Web site:
Initiator contact details / Director of the Department of Economy and Infrastructure Development of the city
tel. (03849) 5-07-05
Section / Commentary
Name of offer / Construction of sight cableway over the Smotrych river canyon along the perimeter of the Old City in Kamyanets-Podilskyi
Investment offer description and goal / -  establishment of additional attraction of European level;
-  increase of tourist flow in 3-5 times
Type of economic activity to implement investment project / Tourist and recreation sector
Project total value, thousand USD / 15 000
Investment demand, thousand USD (%) / 100%
Resources provision / Personnel, transport communication
Investment offer completion level / Developed concept of investment project. Prepared engineering decisions.
Essential elements of the enterprise (organization) / Executive Committee of Kamyanets-Podilskyi Town Council,
Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Vidrodzhennia Square, 1
Tel.: +380 3849 5-16-50
Fax: +380 3849 5-06-00
Web site:
Initiator contact details / Director of the Department of Economy and Infrastructure Development of the city
tel. (03849) 5-07-05
Section / Commentary
Name of offer / Formation of therapeutic infrastructure of Kamyanets-Podilskyi balneotherapeutic health resort
Investment offer description and goal / Creation of a modern therapeutic complex on the basis of premises of town policlinics No1 in 30, I.Franko Str., as one of stages in creation and development of a balneotherapeutic health resort in Kamyanets- Podilskyi
Type of economic activity to implement investment project / Tourist and recreation sector
Form of cooperation / State and private enterprise
Project total value, thousand USD / 490.0
Investment demand, thousand USD (%) / 100%
Form of ownership; share in state property / Communal
Resources provision / Premises of town policlinics No1 located near park zone in 30, I.Franko Str.
Investment offer completion level / Developed investment project
Essential elements of the enterprise (organization) / Executive Committee of Kamyanets-Podilskyi Town Council,
Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Vidrodzhennia Square, 1
Tel.: +380 3849 5-16-50
Fax: +380 3849 5-06-00
Web site:
Initiator contact details / Director of the Department of Economy and Infrastructure Development of the city
tel. (03849) 5-07-05
Section / Commentary
Name of project / Restoration and renovation works on the adaptation of architectural monuments XVI - XVIII centuries «Kushnirs'ka Tower» by placing authentic restaurant with thematic restaurant and mini-brewery
The essence and purpose of project / The project is expected to create at the architectural monuments of XVI-XVIII centuries «Kushnirs'ka Tower» complex, which form the authentic accommodation facilities for 27 persons, a themed restaurant restaurants with 42 seats and mini brewery capacity 300 liters / day of distilleries for their own consumption.
Estimated number of employees - 14 people
Type of economic activity to invest / Tourist and recreational activities
Form of cooperation / Public-Private Partnerships
Project total value, thousand USD / 1092.0 (with exchange ratio of 1:8)
Investment demand, thousand USD (%) / 100%
Form of ownership; share in state property / Communal
Resources provision / Spaces architectural monuments XVI-XVIII centuries «Kushnirs'ka Tower», located in the National Historical and Architectural Reserve «Kamenetz»
Investment offer completion level / Prepared investment project
Essential elements of the enterprise (organization) / Executive Committee of Kamyanets-Podilskyi Town Council,
Kamyanets-Podilskyi, Vidrodzhennia Square, 1