November 16, 2016
WRI Board Minutes / 1

WRI Board Annual Meeting

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Dunn County Job Center

Menomonie, WI

Meeting Minutes

Current WRI Board Members Present:Jess Miller, Joe Waichulis, Steve Rasmussen, Colleen Bates, Ben Plunkett,Larry Jepsen, Roger Larson

Incoming WRI Board Members Present: Todd Breneman, Lori Moen, Teresa Ritzinger, Brad Gingras

Others Present: Deb Leslie, Richard Price, Bambi Penning

  1. Call to Order - The WRI meeting was called to order.
  1. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the September 28, 2016, meeting were reviewed.

WRI Board Action

Motion by Miller, second by Jepsento approve the September 28th meeting minutes. Motion carried.

  1. Discussion/Action Finance and Performance Reports
  1. Grant Performance Reportand Leverage Report

The September 2016 Grant Performance and Leverage Reports were reviewed without comment.

  1. Update on DWD and Wipfli Audits

The Department of Workforce Development audited WRI the week of November 7th. There were no findings reported at the exit. Wipfli’s annual audit also occurred the week of November 7th with good results.

  1. Update/Action on Financial Procedures Manual

The Financial Procedures Manual was updated and presented without comment.

  1. Update/Action on Related Grant Submissions

The Board was updated on grant activities.

  1. Update/Action on DOL Findings Related to Building

Bates provided a historical update. She summarized the payout options and reported

DOL and the State of WI continue to negotiate.

  1. Update/Action on New WRI Board Member Appointments

The Board reviewed WRI Board member nominations for:

Todd Breneman, Plant Manager, Cummins Filtration, Neillsville

David Seitz, HR Representative, Jennie-O Turkey Store, Barron

WRI Board Action

Motion by Rasmussen, second by Miller to approve Breneman and Seitz as WRI Board members. Motion carried.

  1. Discussion on Job Center Offices: Pepin, Price, St. Croix Valley and Opportunity Center.

Leslie provided an update on potential office locations. The Pepin Job Center does not meet accessibility requirements so WRI continues to look for an accessible space. The St. Croix Valley Job Center will move to a new space in downtown River Falls by January 1st. The office in Phillips is not accessible. Space has been located in the government center andWRI is planning to move there in April 2017. The Opportunity Center is not accessible and has more space than is needed. WRI is looking for a new space to house the Opportunity Center.

  1. Review/Action on Human Resource Policies

The Board reviewed the modified Drug Free Workplace policy.

WRI Board Action

Motion by Plunkett, second by Larson to approve the modified Drug Free Workplace policy as presented. Motion carried.

  1. Approval of Annual Report

The Board reviewed and discussed the WRI 2015-2016 Annual Report presented at the


WRI Board Action

Motion by Rasmussen, second by Waichulis to approve the WRI 2015-2016 Annual Report as presented. Motion carried.

  1. Adjournment

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.