Basic data entry tips

A.Basic data entry tips

TMWSuite is designed to minimize the amount of typing you must do to record information. The following pages contain tips on entering data in the Order Entry application:

Moving from field to field on a screen

Moving from position to position within a field

Making an entry in a date/time field

Entering a date

Entering the time

Using shortcut keys to enter dates/times

Using the instant best match data entry feature

Making selections from drop-down lists

Moving from field to field on a screen

To move forward from one data entry field to the next, do one of the following:

  • Press TAB.
  • Use your mouse to position the cursor in the next field.

To move backward from one data entry field to the previous one, do one of the following:

  • Press SHFIT+TAB.
  • Use your mouse to position the cursor in the previous field.

Moving from position to position within a field

To move from position to position within a specific data entry field, use these keys:

If you want to / Press
Move one position to the right. / Right Arrow
Move one position to the left. / Left Arrow
Move to the first position in the field. / Home
Move to the last position in the field / End

Making an entry in a date/time field

In TMWSuite, a date/time field consists of ten digits. The first six are for the date; the remaining four are for the time.

Entering a date

When you enter a date, you must use this format:

  • The first two digits identify the month.
  • The second two digits identify the day.
  • The last two digits identify the year.

For example, to enter January 3, 2003, you would type 010303. The system automatically separates each pair of digits with a slash (/), so the date displays as 01/03/03.

Entering the time

When you enter the time, you must do so in military format (hhmm). For example, to enter 6:15 AM, you would type 0615. To enter 6:15 PM, you would type 1815.

Switching between the date and time

To move from the date to the time within a date/time field, press CTRL+Right Arrow. To move from the time to the date, press CTRL+Left Arrow.

Default dates and times

When you initiate the creation of a new record in TMWSuite, the system often displays default dates and times in date/time fields. The following defaults are used most often:

  • 01/01/50 00:00

This date (January 1, 1950) is used to represent the earliest date allowed in TMWSuite. It is also known as the genesis date.

  • 12/31/49 12:49

This date (December 31, 2049) is used to represent the latest date allowed in TMWSuite. It is also known as the apocalypse date.

Often, these default dates and times display in fields where a date range is expected. For online searches and reports, if you do not override the defaults, the system will list all applicable records from 01/01/1950 to 12/31/2049.

Using shortcut keys to enter dates/times

To save on keystrokes, you can use any of these shortcut keys when they are applicable:

Shortcut keys / Function
CTRL+EQUAL SIGN / Displays the current system date and time.
Note: This shortcut key is operational only if the [Misc] section of the TTS50.ini file contains the DatetimeEditMode=0setting
CTRL+ZERO / Displays the current system date (today).
CTRL+1 / Displays tomorrow's date (today + 1).
CTRL+2 / Displays the day after tomorrow's date (today + 2).
CTRL+3 to CTRL+9 / Displays a date x days from today (today +3, today + 4, etc.).
SHIFT+CTRL+ZERO / Displays yesterday's date.
SHIFT+CTRL+1 / Displays the day before yesterday's date (yesterday - 1).
CTRL+PLUS SIGN / Increases the time within a date/time field by one hour.
Note: You must use the + key in the numeric keyboard for this shortcut.
CTRL+MINUS SIGN / Decreases the time within a date/time field by one hour.
Note: You must use the + key in the numeric keyboard for this shortcut.
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW / Moves the cursor from the date to the time within a date/time field.
CTRL+LEFT ARROW / Moves the cursor from the time to the date within a date/time field.

Using the instant best match data entry feature

Many TMWSuite screens have data entry fields that allow you to identify:

  • A company
  • A driver
  • A tractor
  • A trailer
  • A carrier
  • A commodity
  • A city and state/province.

You must enter the ID code assigned to the specific entity in a company, driver, tractor, trailer, carrier, or commodity field. Names rather than codes are used to identify city and state/province combinations. As you begin to type an ID or name, note that the system tries to match your entry with the IDs or names on file. It automatically displays an ID or name that begins with the letter or combination of letters you have typed. This automatic search for the proper code or name is what is known as TMWSuite's instant best match feature.

For example, suppose you want to identify Richmond, Indiana, as the location for one of your customers. As you begin to type, TMWSuite will check the characters you enter with all city names within its city file that begin with the letter 'R'. It automatically displays the first city name on file that begins with the letter or combination of letters you enter. Each time you type a character, TMWSuite continues to search its city file to locate a match. In most cases, you will not need to type an entire city name and state/province abbreviation. When TMWSuite displays the entry you want, exit the field.

There may be times when you are not sure that the code or name that you have entered is correct. This is especially true with codes, since many of them may start with the same characters. To see other codes or names that begin with the character(s) you have typed, click the down arrow that displays at the right of the field. If other codes/names begin with the character(s) you have entered, they display in a drop-down list. This illustration shows an example of how such a list looks for a field requiring a company ID.

Drop-down list showing entries beginning with the same letter

When you position the cursor in a company, driver, tractor, trailer, carrier, commodity, or city/state field, a down arrow displays at the right of the field. Click on it to see a list of other codes or names that start with any characters you have already entered in the field. To replace the current entry with one of the other selections listed, highlight the desired selection.

When not all selections in the list can be shown at one time, a scrollbar displays on the right. To scroll additional selections into view, do one of the following:

  • Click the scrollbar
  • Use the DOWN ARROW or UP ARROW.

To replace the current entry in a field with one of the other selections shown in the drop-down list, highlight the desired selection and exit the field.

Note:Your system configuration may limit the number of selections displayed in drop-down lists for company, driver, tractor, trailer, carrier, commodity, and city/state fields.

TMWSuite can be configured to display 1, 8 (default), 16, or 24 selections. Be aware that not all valid selections may display in a drop-down list due to restrictions imposed by the system's configuration. See your TMWSuite system administrator for information on how TMWSuite is set up at your site.

If many codes or names start with the same characters, you can use the Quick Find scroll windows (accessed under the Tools menu) to look up a complete list. For details, see the TMWSuite Basics Guide.

Making selections from drop-down lists

For many fields within TMWSuite, only certain pre-defined values are valid. For such fields, TMWSuite displays drop-down lists of acceptable entries. When you position the cursor in a field that has a drop-down list, the list should display automatically. If the list does not display automatically, click the down arrow displayed at the right of the field to see it.

These illustrations show examples of fields for which drop-down lists are provided.

If you know the first character of the selection you want, type that character to have the system jump to the first entry that begins with that character. If the first entry is not the one you want, use the keyboard DOWN ARROW to display and highlight the correct entry. You can also use the scrollbar arrows or button to display the entry and then click on it.

Note:Selections in most drop-down lists are based on entries in TMWSuite's label file, in the System Administration application. Many of these entries are user-defined, i.e., set up by your company so that data elements can be identified by terms with which users are already familiar. An abbreviation is assigned to each label entry. In most cases, a drop-down selection is preceded by its abbreviation; selections are listed in alphanumeric order according to abbreviation.

Order Entry1Revised: 8/2011
