Please remember

  • You are raising money for your Team Ontario Fees
  • Be polite and sincere
  • Read through the information before you hand it out
  • Please leave all of the forms with your prospective sponsors except the Sponsorship Form which we would like you to enclose with the cheques you receive.
  • All cheques are to made payable to Ontario Football Alliance

You are to mail all cheques to (with a Sponsorship Form):

Ontario Football Alliance

7384 Wellington Rd 30 Unit B

Guelph, ON N1H6J2

Visit local Businesses(stores, restaurants, gyms etc.)

  • Present them with the Sponsorship Letter and the description of the Football Canada Cup. Ask for sponsorship (any amount) or sell an add in the program ($50 business card, $200 ½ page, $400 full page)
  • Physiotherapy and massage therapy clinics are perfect
  • Your doctor or dentist

Ask at your school

  • Often overlooked, but most schools will have special scholarships for events like the Football Canada Cup. Bring the Sponsorship Letter and the description of the Football Canada Cup to your Principle or VP. They may have funds for you or may be able to help you raise funds through the school.

Ask your summer teams

  • Many of your summer league organizations will be able to sponsor you in some form
  • They may not have reserves for it but they may be willing to help. Ask them if you can help at the concessions at some games and have the proceeds for that day for your team fees.

City Hall

  • Municipal Governments always have unused funds for sponsorship.

Local Clubs

  • The Lions Club, The Rotary Club, The Legion, The Kinsmen, Knights of Columbus
  • Find the location of these clubs in your area (online) and visit them. Present them with the Sponsorship Letter and the Description of the Football Canada Cup. All of these Clubs reserve funds for sponsorship of local athletes and kids.

More Obscure Methods

  • Organize a football camp for younger players in your organization
  • One Year we had a player stand in shopping mall in a football shirt carrying his helmet. He handed out letters and collected change in his helmet! He collected over $600.
  • Bottle drives
  • Aunts and Uncles (any family member) may be willing to help

Feel free to personalize/adapt the Sponsorship Letter. We had a player put his picture and a bio in the letter and raised enough moneytwo years in a row. Also, if you have any ideas that may help other players, please share them.

Finally, please don’t be afraid to go out and ask. Fundraising builds character and you will be surprised at the support you will get. You have the opportunity of a lifetime in front of you and it will be one of the best experiences of your life. Don’t let money be the deciding factor!

If you can pay the $1,200 please do so as soon as possible. Please make all payments to Ontario Football Alliance and mail them to the address above. If you are not paying in full, we ask that you please follow the payment schedule listed below.

  • $400 June 2nd
  • $400June 8th
  • $400 June 22nd

We are asking that all the team fees be paid, at the very latest, by June 22th.


Tina Turner

Executive Director

Ontario Football Alliance