AP Language & Composition

DIRECTIONS: On the course wiki, you have been drawn a literary term out of a hat. The terms on this list are essential for you to know on your AP exam this May. To assist with learning these terms as quickly as possible, you are going to create a lesson for your classmates on this term using some form of technology tool. You will then present and upload that lesson to the wiki for everyone to see.

The catch? You cannot use any Microsoft Office tool. Use the Tech Tools page on the wiki to assist you in finding something suitable. In addition, you must create 60% of the content in your project yourself; not simply get the entire project from the Internet. Any videos or other sources must be cited using MLA style. (Note: If you use Prezi or EduGlogster you must narrate or include a video) Step-by-step project instructions are on the class wiki

MY TERM(S): ______

Grading Rubric

Below Standards
(1-3 points) / Meets Standards
(4-7 points) / Exceeds Standards
(8-10 points)
Type of Content:
Over 60% of the content needs to be created by the student. / Student relies too much on other sources and does not create their own content or uses no resources whatsoever; information inaccurate / Student relies somewhat on other content, but has created roughly 60% or more of their own content; information is accurate / Student has created most of their own content and it is informative, entertaining and accurate
Quality of Content:
Lesson needs to be clearly understandable and of AP caliber. / Lesson does not display any creativity, originality, or organization in his or her planning; regurgitates or summarizes too much information / Student displays some creativity, originality, and organization in his or her planning; most information is helpful and insightful, but project seems rushed / Student’s project is extremely creative, original, and/or well-organized; all information is informative and insightful
The aesthetics should be neat, organized, not use MS Office, and of AP caliber. / Project uses an MS Office application or is not of AP-caliber; possibly messy or unorganized / Project is mostly well-organized and neat, mostly of AP-caliber, but could have some components missing or out of sequence / Project is exceptionally well created, of AP-caliber, and has a well-organized, creative approach
All sources should be cited using MLA Style; paper is proof-read / Student does not carefully proof-read their work and careless errors exist; citations are non-existent or incorrect / Contains some minor errors in citations or minor typos/grammar errors / All citations are complete, thorough, and cited properly; project was proof-read completely and contains no errors
Technical Details:
Technical details are adhered to on class website. / Project is not uploaded to the wiki on time, page is not linked properly or inserted in the proper folder. / Project is uploaded on-time, but may not be linked to the project page or properly placed in the appropriate folder. / The project is uploaded on time, the page is linked appropriately, and it is uploaded to the proper folder

TOTAL: ______/50 (x2)