UNIT I Test – Foundations of American Government

Part A – Multiple Choice – 75% of Test Grade


  1. During the times of colonial America, the colonists were in conflict with England. What was the vested interest of England that the colonists challenged?
  2. England needed more land and the colonists did not want to have to fight the Native Americans to get it for them
  3. England was trying to enslave the colonists and force them to work for free
  4. England was in need of money to pay off their debt they built up during their war with France
  5. England was in search of oil and took away the rights of the colonists because they could not find any
  1. Which of the following was the most effective method of protest for the colonists?
  2. Burning pictures of the King in town squares
  3. Boycotting goods that were usually bought from England
  4. Shooting English soldiers
  5. Destroying the property of government officials
  1. The Navigation Acts angered the colonists because
  2. the King was forcing colonists to house and take care of British soldiers
  3. they could only trade with England and this made the cost of goods higher due to lack of competition
  4. they did not want to pay any more taxes on tea
  5. the King closed the Port of Boston as a result of the Boston Tea Party
  1. The first colonists started their own governments because
  2. the British government was too far away to deal with daily problems
  3. they were angry about Stamp Act taxes
  4. they knew that England would reject the idea
  5. they were in debt after fighting the Native Americans

  1. Which of the following above does not go with the others and why?
  2. Glass – because it was cheap
  3. Tea – because it was taxed too much
  4. Fabric – because silk was made in Asia
  5. Tobacco – because the colonists grew it themselves
  1. Which of the following is not a component of a conflict?
  2. Having at least two sides
  3. Always coming to a peaceful compromise
  4. One side having a particular goal that they are trying to reach
  5. A challenge to an interest held by the other party

"By letters received from Boston in New England, there is an account of a dangerous mob, which arose in the middle of August, on account of the stamp duty, and did considerable mischief; but on the 16th of August they were more violent than before, which continued till Sunday the 1st of September, by which time the local government had raised and armed 500 men, and had committed several of the rioters to jail, but not till they had destroyed all the goods and papers of the comptroller, judge of admiralty, distributor of the stamps, as well as every individual article in the house of the lieutenant governor."

  1. The event described above that was published in the London Magazine in October of 1765 was written as a result of
  2. Actions taken by colonists against the passing and enforcement of the Stamp Act
  3. the Sons of Liberty leading the Boston Tea Party
  4. British soldiers firing on a crown of colonists during the Boston Massacre
  5. the Townshend Acts causing an increase in the price of tea
  1. The conflict between the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan was over what central issue?
  2. How should we elect a president for the United States?
  3. How should the people be represented in Congress?
  4. Should slaves count towards the population totals for a state?
  5. When should the slave trade be ended?


  1. Why didn't many loyalists support going to war against Great Britain?
  2. The loyalists believed that Thomas Jefferson was trying to take over the country himself
  3. The patriots threatened to kill any loyalists remaining after the American Revolution was over
  4. The loyalists felt it was foolish to believe that a group of mostly farmers with muskets had any chance of winning against the British military
  5. All loyalists respected the King and thought of him as their own father
  1. Which of the following was not an outcome of the Second Continental Congress?
  2. the colonists decided to create their own military called the Continental Army and placed George Washington in charge of it
  3. Thomas Jefferson was commissioned to write the Declaration of Independence
  4. John Adams was elected to become the leader of the Sons of Liberty
  5. The colonists decided to begin to print their own paper money so they could pay for a war against England
  1. Which of the following groups was most pleased with the government under the new U.S. Constitution?
  2. Slaves
  3. Workers
  4. Bankers
  5. Poor Farmers
  1. Who is known to be the "Father of the Constitution?"
  2. Ben Franklin
  3. John Adams
  4. James Madison
  5. Thomas Jefferson
  1. The name of the compromise the resolved that problem between the Virginia Plan and New Jersey Plan is the
  2. 3/5 Compromise
  3. Commerce and Slave Trade Compromise
  4. Electoral Compromise
  5. Great Compromise


  1. Which was not a fundamental problem of the U.S. under our first government?
  2. The national government was not given enough power
  3. The lack of a national court system made it difficult to enforce national laws created by Congress
  4. The new president was given too many powers
  5. It was basically impossible to change the government due to constant gridlock
  1. A constitution is a document that
  2. lists the structure and function of government and its relationship with the government's citizens
  3. lists all of the laws of a nation and the punishments given if individuals commit crimes
  4. details only the powers of a nation's leader
  5. describes the rights denied to the people
  1. What impact did Shays' Rebellion have on the U.S. government?
  2. It caused many to realize that the government was too weak and needed to be changed
  3. It caused many to realize that the government was too strong and we needed to remove our new president
  4. It caused many states to decide to revolt against the new government and another war broke out
  5. It caused Congress to pass a new law giving judges the power to put anyone in jail what went against the new U.S. government
  1. Which of the following is not a provision held under the U.S. Constitution?
  2. States have more power than the federal government
  3. Congress has the power to tax the people
  4. The U.S. government has three branches that work with the laws in different ways
  5. The U.S. has a bicameral legislative branch
  1. The central issue of conflict between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists was
  2. How much power should be given to a governor of a state?
  3. How much voting power should be given to the people?
  4. How much power should be given to U.S. Supreme Court justices?
  5. How much power should be given to the national and state governments?
  1. What aspect was missing in the Constitution in the minds of the Anti-Federalists?
  2. A guaranteed protection of rights
  3. A powerful leader
  4. A national judicial system
  5. A system of checks and balances

"The national government could not become tyrannical because of the limitations placed on it by the system of checks and balances and separation of powers."

  1. The previous quote would most likely be a statement made by
  2. a Federalist
  3. a Loyalist
  4. a Patriot
  5. an Anti-Federalist


  1. Which category of the Declaration of Independence does the phrase "All men are created equal" belong in?
  2. Preamble
  3. Natural Rights
  4. Grievances
  5. Resolution of Independence

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, that whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the people to alter or abolish it..."

  1. The previous quote from the introduction to the Declaration of Independence can be interpreted to mean
  2. only men can run the new U.S. government and if women try to run the government it will fail
  3. in order for the people to have their rights, the government must only get its power from the people and if the government does not do what it is supposed to the people can get rid of the government
  4. the rights of the people are not as important the power of the government and if the people try to gain too many rights the government can punish them
  5. governments are created to make sure the people behave themselves, therefore the government can never be abusive or wrong
  1. The Pilgrims created a government based on the “consent of the governed” with the Mayflower Compact. Which of the following principles does this idea connect to?
  2. Limited government
  3. Popular sovereignty
  4. Checks and balances
  5. Federalism

Federalist No. 51

If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.

  1. The previous document was written to demonstrate the need for a
  1. Theocracy.
  2. Bill of rights.
  3. Check and Balance system.
  4. Strong President.
  1. Which of the following is not an issue created by federalism?
  2. Flag burning
  3. Same sex marriage
  4. Marijuana
  5. Gun laws
  1. Many states are now beginning to create Voter ID Laws that require voters to show a valid state ID before they can vote. This has been a controversial issue because many believe that the requirement will hurt which principle?
  2. Popular sovereignty
  3. Rule of law
  4. Religious freedom
  5. Freedom of expression


“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning

To breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your

Teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless,

Tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the

Golden door!”

  1. The previous statement is a famous American quote that can be found on the Statue of Liberty. What is its message?
  2. The U.S. only wants those who are struggling to come immigrate to the country
  3. The U.S. is meant to only accept those who struggle
  4. The U.S. should be a safe haven for those who want a better life to come to
  5. The U.S. does not want anyone else immigrating into the United States
  1. Which is not a common characteristic associated with Americans?
  2. Hard working
  3. Melting pot
  4. Tyrannical
  5. Independent

  1. The political cartoon is expressing what message?
  2. Americans are too overweight and need to become more active
  3. The American Dream is no longer what it used to be
  4. American women are no longer interested in American men
  5. The American Dream can still be achieved through determination and hard work
  1. The principles and ideals that many Americans believe in today began
  2. During colonial America
  3. After the adoption of the Bill of Rights
  4. During the Civil War
  5. After the attack on September 11, 2001


All answers should be done on sheet provided. DO NOT WRITE ON THIS TEST!

Honors – Choose 3 of the following prompts to complete

Regular – Choose 2 of the following prompts to complete

  1. During the 18th century, the Enlightenment Period changed the way many people thought. This change included thoughts on government and rights of the people.
  2. Identify an 18th century Enlightenment philosopher
  3. Discuss the main belief/philosophy of the person you chose
  4. Explain how this person’s view influenced the U.S. government
  1. The debate over the Constitution created two groups of individuals.
  2. List 2 reasons why the Federalists supported the U.S. Constitution
  3. List 2 reasons why the Anti-Federalists did not support the U.S. Constitution
  1. Many principles and ideals are held within the Constitution that we find to be very important to running our government. Define each of the following principles:
  2. Federalism
  3. Separation of Powers
  4. Checks and Balances
  1. Great Britain passed many laws that caused conflict between them and the colonies. ChooseONE of the acts listed below and then answer the following questions.
  2. Stamp Act
  3. Navigation Acts
  4. Tea Act
  1. What did the act do?
  2. Why didn’t the colonists like the act?
  3. How did the colonists react to the act?

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