PLTW –Principles of Engineering
Project Lead The Way Engineering Instructor
B – 219 and the Engineering Lab
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COMMUNICATION: I believe that good communication is the key to helping your child do their best. Below is a list of different systems that you will be able to use to monitor your child’s progress.
Principles Of Engineering (POE) is a high school-level survey course of engineering. The course exposes students to some of the major concepts that they will encounter in a postsecondary engineering course of study. Students have an opportunity to investigate engineering and high tech career POE gives students the opportunity to develop skills and understanding of course concepts through activity-, project-, and problem-based (APPB) learning. Used in combination with a teaming approach, APPB learning challenges students to continually hone their interpersonal skills, creative abilities, and problem solving skills based upon engineering concepts. It also allows students to develop strategies to enable and direct their own learning, which is the ultimate goal of education.
To be successful in POE, students should be concurrently enrolled in college preparatory mathematics and science. Students will employ engineering and scientific concepts in the solution of engineering design problems. Students will develop problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge of research and design to create solutions to various challenges. Students will also learn how to document their work and communicate their solutions to their peers and members of the professional community. Principles Of Engineering is the second of two foundation courses in the Project Lead The Way high school engineering program. The course applies and concurrently develops secondary level knowledge and skills in mathematics, science, and technology.
The course of study includessecondary level knowledge and skills in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) concepts in the course of studies including:
- Mechanisms
- Energy Sources
- Energy Applications
- Machine Control
- Fluid Power
- Statics
- Material Properties
- Material Testing
- Statistics
- Kinematics
Grade Breakdown By %: / Grading Scale:
Tests/Projects/Classwork/Quizzes: 90%
10% / A = 100 – 90
B = 89 – 80
C = 70 – 70
D = 69 – 60
F = 59 or less
- Missing Work Due to Absence – must to turned in within 3class days of their return to receive full credit
Attendance Policy
- If you are absent from my class, you are responsible for copying class notes from someone, finding out any missed assignments, and scheduling make-ups tests or assignments (for excused absences only) with me. Make-ups will be given by me at an agreed upon time between me and you. IMPORTANT: If you only miss the day before a scheduled test, you are REQUIRED to TAKE THE TEST on the original test date, unless otherwise determined by me. Make-ups not completed within 2 weeks will remain a zero.
- Engineering Notebook (provided) – this will be provided to the student.
- Pens or Pencils – Students will be writing in their engineering notebooks, they will need good pencils or pens for class. (I highly recommend several different colors)
- Flash drive – Students will need a flash drive to save classwork and projects.
- 1 inch 3 Ring Binder – Students will need a binder to hold additional worksheets and class notes.
- Non-Graphing Calculator – Students will need a simple calculator for a variety of math related problems.
- Please be sure to join our text reminder service to get updates and reminders. There is a $25 fee for students taking this class. You can send the payment to me or you can pay on – line. Please make checks payable to PHS or go to the school’s website and pay on – line using E – payment under Latest News.