Minutes The Housing and Neighbourhood Partnership

Tuesday 24th June 2014, 14.00 at River Tees Watersports Centre, Northshore Road, Stockton on Tees

Stewart Tagg (Thirteen Group)
Val Scollen (Northern Locality); Jim Scollen (Northern Locality); Kay Glew (Thirteen Group); Joanne French (Community Campus); Barbara Watson (Coast & Country Housing); Michelle Street (Stockton Flats); Emma Gordon (SDAIS); Philip Addison (Western Area; Suzanne Fletcher (Central Area Forum)
Beverley Bearne (SBC Strategic Housing) Katharine Burchell (SBC Housing Regeneration)
Dave Pickard (Thirteen Group); Steve Simpson (National Landlords Assoc); Carol Straughan (SBC); Sara Herrington (Endeavour); Janet Stubbs (Job Centre Plus); Sue Thompson (National Landlords Assoc); Cllr Steve Nelson (SBC); Cllr Julia Cherrett (SBC)
Item/Issues / Action
  1. Welcome and apologies

  1. Minutes of last meeting held on 22.04.14
Area forum progress - Update given by Bev Bearne to say that she and Dave Pickard had met with Catalyst and explained that there were two options available; one was to approach each Locality Forum and ask for nominations or Catalyst can act on our behalf, this would be an interview type scenario with a role description etc. A discussion followed as to what would be the best way forward.Members agreed to amalgamate the approaches and for the Partnership to contact each Locality Forum to ask for representatives based on an agreed role description.
  1. Any matters arising
No items raised.
  1. Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair
Stewart explained that Dave has now stood down as Chair of the partnership;Stewart was then elected to be the new Chair. Vice Chair will be opened up to nominations once the locality representatives are sorted.
  1. Housing Regeneration Schemes Update
Katharine Burchell gave a summary of all the Housing Regeneration Schemes that are ongoing at the present time, she explained that they are all at different stages of development and are being delivered in partnership with Registered Providers, Private Developers and SBC. (Details of each scheme are attached with these minutes).
  1. Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Bev Bearne gave a brief outline of the Affordable Housing SPD briefing note (copy attached to these minutes) which gives guidance on how we will work with developers and Registered Providers to deliver affordable housing as well as providing guidance on how development planning policy regarding affordable housing is applied. The supplementary planning document is being tabled on 17th July at Council’s Cabinet and if endorsed will go to full Council for adoption on 23rd July.
  1. Refreshed Tees Valley Tenancy Strategy
Bev Bearne gave an update on the Tees Valley Tenancy Strategy which was originally produced in 2012,this document sets out objectives for how tenancies should be used and managed across the Tees Valley Area; the five Tees Valley Local authorities worked together to produce a draft and then complete the first refresh of the document in 2014. (Copy attached to minutes)
  1. Welfare Reform Update
Various housing provider representatives explained that in some areas the debt recovery side was going ok and that the landlord discretionary housing fund was impacting on reducing the arrears, tenants were being helped to find alternative smaller properties but then letting the larger property then becomes difficult. Two bedroom flats are more difficult to let – in some areas the bedroom tax is written off in order to make them more attractive to let. Numbers of claimants receiving DHP was up this year, there are lots of voids in certain areas but other areas are ok and sustainable. Various RSP/landlords around the table gave examples on how it is affecting their business.
  1. Work Programme
Draft work programme was given to HNP members, any ideas for adding to work programme to be forwarded to AP/BB for programmeto be endorsed at future meeting.
  1. A.O.B.
Members requested that a formal “Thank You” letter should be sent to Dave Pickard for his time and input into the Partnership as well as his time as chair.
Future meeting dates have been arranged for Tuesday 16th September, Tuesday 9th December and Tuesday 17th March at 2pm at River Tees Watersports Centre.
  1. Time and date of next meeting
Tuesday 16th September at 2pm at River Tees Watersports Centre, Northshore Road, Stockton