February 23, 2006
Present: Kelly Larson, Mary Gassman, Marcos Rubenstein, Anthony Allen (Dubuque) Rev. John Ford, Rhonda McRina, Jerome Amos, Jr., Brian Krischke (Waterloo) Ralph Rosenberg (ICRC) Louise Lorenz, Dolores Reisenger (Cedar Rapids), Emily Chafa, Stuart Juarez (Des Moines), Karen Mackey, Judie Campbell, Silvia Santiago, Pat Johnson, Gail Dooley (Sioux City), Brenda Balvanz, Jim Day, Hari Shankar, Ibrahim Shehata, Larry Busch, Quinten Kruszka (Cedar Falls), Jim & Deb Ritters (Burlington), Jamie Anderson (Ft. Dodge) Judy Morrell (Davenport), Walter Reed (Iowa Dep’t. of Human Rights) and Alicia Claypool (Iowa Civil Rights Commissioner). * Please advise of spelling errors.
1. Call to Order by Larson at 10:50 a.m.
2. Legislative Breakfast Recap – Rosenberg reported about 50 legislators attended and asked the group tor feedback. Morrell commented the session was good. Rubenstein asked if the group could do more and if they as commissioners could be more structured to have more power. Rosenberg encouraged commissions to send thank you notes to legislators that commissioners talked with and remind them of issues discussed. Contact should be continued into the summer and fall. With half of the House and Senate up for re-election, it’s important to keep in touch.
Day mentioned the League needs to reach legislators representing smaller communities without HRC’s, as they’re new to the issues. Rubenstein added that at some point, the League needs to bring legislators procedures to do something about the issues. Shehata offered he thought the structure and information provided (goals accomplished, # of cases resolved, and League consensus) improved from 2005. Additional comments were made re: the need to work and communicate together. McRina suggested the need to know how candidates voted before the next legislative meeting and Rubenstein noted a scorecard approach could assist. Lorenz encouraged the group to take more responsibility for this. Rev. Ford said legislators should be informed of public forums and Rosenberg added commissions should invite Legislators to HRC meetings to talk about issues during the summer and fall when they’re more available. Morrell said Davenport’s HRC has had good success with Maggie Tinsman, as she emails/communicates with them. Jim Ritters offered he invited his legislator to attend “eggs & issues” meetings at their local community college.
McRina suggested getting members the talking points ahead of time and to have two or three concise statewide/League points and a few local points. One spokesperson could be designated from commissions that have numerous representatives. Discussion continued regarding having one priorities sheet for state issues and one sheet for local issues to differentiate.
3. Outreach & Education and Calendar – Walter Reed complimented the membership on the success of the legislative breakfast and proceeded to inform the group how the State of Iowa Human and Civil Rights Toolkit handout was developed (to get information to local agencies). He encouraged members to see the Iowa Dep’t. of Human Rights and ICRC websites for additional resources. A hate crimes handout was referenced, and it was noted that Reed and Rosenberg have been working with Hardin County. Busch suggested a city contact could be connected to a county contact. Day informed the group that Waterloo schools are having white supremacy issues and a website was circulated, just falling short of hate language. He noted this is happening in more schools than we know. Rosenberg mentioned other communities are having similar issues, and it was suggested that religious entities need to take the lead on community behavior to send the message to stop. The League can be used to communicate local efforts and Day suggested the Dept. of Education, diversity resources and AEA consultants can be utilized.
From the above handout, state and national training organizations and enforcement agencies were reviewed. ICRC’s reduced funding issues were discussed and Rosenberg summarized the number of cases per year and the need to educate regarding the value of human/civil rights. Further discussion continued regarding reasons for decreased funding, including the thought that some don’t know what discrimination is and the need to support the agency.
Reed informed the group a 30-year celebration for the Iowa Dept. of Human Rights would take place at Drake University on June 30th with the theme “Prejudice Isn’t Welcome.” He also provided a 2006 calendar and mentioned some local commissions have used it as a template for their own activities.
4 & 5. Spring 2006 Training & Feedback from Local Commissions re: Needs/Wants for Coming Year and 1-31-06 ICN – A working lunch was taken while this topic was led by Rosenberg to obtain feedback regarding how the League should get together (i.e. ICN, face-to-face meetings, training, etc.). Ideas such as having smaller regional meetings and having one person attend local agency meetings to train the trainer were offered. Another idea included having a training session the night before the legislative breakfast.
DVD’s for locals were discussed and due to their expense, local colleges, etc. were encouraged. Regarding the method of communication, the League has the list serve. Cross sharing with like groups was also suggested as a means to share information. Claypool asked what specific topics locals need. This topic was further discussed after League business was conducted (see below). Based on questions and discussion, it was decided that training priorities would be determined by having locals prioritize training topics discussed. Larson will create and distribute a survey. Training topics mentioned included sexual orientation, League jurisdiction, ICRA, wiretapping and others.
6. Approval of 11-17-05 Minutes: Chafa motioned for approval and Mackey seconded the motion. All Ayes. The minutes were later approved as amended when Morrell noted corrections to #7 regarding Davenport’s report. Motion to approve as amended by Shehata and seconded by Chafa. All Ayes.
7. Financial Report – Lorenz reported:
-19 agencies are members
-Checkbook balance = $2,802.39 less today’s breakfast expenses
-An annual audit needs to be completed by two members. Chafa and Allen volunteered and a motion was made by Jim Ritters and Shehata to approve of them completing the audit. All Ayes.
8. Approval of Amendments to Membership Provisions of By-Laws and Approval of Membership Application Form as Recommended by Executive Committee - Changes to the membership application were reviewed and it was suggested the form include the date revised and date of prior amendment(s). Lorenz motioned for approval and Chafa seconded. Busch further added an ownership footer be added to know who can revise the document. Reed clarified that one vote per agency will be accepted as previously discussed. Motion carried with all Ayes. Larson will revise and re-distribute.
9. 06/07 Proposed Meeting Schedule – the group reviewed Larson’s proposed meeting schedule and training topics were offered again. The proposed schedule includes an in-person annual meeting in September in Des Moines. The meeting will consist of election of officers, goal setting, and discussion of one or two critical enforcement and education issues. The next proposed meeting includes an ICN meeting 12/6 to plan the 2/07 legislative breakfast and determine League priorities. In May 2007, the ICN could be used again for a training topic. A motion was made by Morrell and seconded by Mackey to accept Larson’s proposed calendar and to proceed to establish dates as needed.
10. New Business – Shehata suggested meeting minutes be distributed more ahead of time and a March 15th date was established for this meeting’s minutes to be completed and distributed.
11. Adjournment – At 1:40 p.m., the meeting was adjourned as motioned by Chafa and seconded by Balvanz.
Submitted by Brenda Balvanz, League Secretary - City of Cedar Falls