Julie A. Marshall

Page 20 of 30 – CV


Julie A. Marshall, Ph.D.

PRESENT POSITION Professor with tenure

Director, Rocky Mountain Prevention Research Center

Co-Director, Colorado Public Health Practice Based Research Network

Primary appointment: Epidemiology

Secondary appointment: Community and Behavioral Health

Colorado School of Public Health

University of Colorado Denver

Campus Box B119

Aurora, CO 80045 U.S.A.

Phone:(303) 724-4387 FAX:(303) 724-4476



Birthplace: Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A.

Family Status: Married to Richard H. Jones

Children Earl born 1985 and Katie born 1988

Present Address: 6076 S. Filbert Court, Centennial, CO 80121

Phone: (303) 741-4131


1971 Semester at Sea, Chapman College

1969 - 1973 B.S. Colorado State University

Major: Microbiology

1973 - 1975 M.S. School of Public Health, University of Hawaii

East-West Center Scholar

Major areas: Epidemiology and Biostatistics

1982 - 1987 Ph.D. Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Washington. Dissertation title: "The Role of Dietary Fiber in the Etiology of Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus". Advisor: Noel S. Weiss


1972 US Dept of Commerce, Inst of Telecommunication Sciences, Boulder

Special Achievement Award for sustained superior performance

1973 Colorado State University, Graduated with Honors

197375 East-West Center Population Institute, Center for Cultural and Technical Interchange between East and West (An educational institution of the U.S. government in cooperation with the University of Hawaii)

Degree Scholar Award

1986 Society for Epidemiological Research, Student Workshop, NCI funded

2009 Elected to Delta Omega, Honorary Public Health Society, Alpha Upsilon Chapter

2010 Anschutz Medical Campus Graduate School, Dean’s Mentoring Award. In Recognition of Exemplary Thesis Advising, UCD, 2010


1976 - 1978 Research Assistant, Cancer Center of Hawaii

1978 - 1980 Research Assistant, Department of Preventive Medicine,

University of Colorado School of Medicine

1980 - 1985 Instructor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics,

University of Colorado School of Medicine

1982 - 1983 Leave of Absence from University of Colorado, Graduate student in Epidemiology, University of Washington

1985 - 1988 Senior Instructor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine

1988 - 1997 Assistant Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics University of Colorado School of Medicine

1989 - 1990 Visiting Fellow, National Center for Epidemiology and Population Health, Australia National University, Canberra, Australia

1989 – present Faculty Affiliate, Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition, Colorado State University (1989-present)

1997 – 2005 Associate Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine

2005 – 2008 Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, University of Colorado School of Medicine

2008 – present Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Community and Behavioral Health, Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado Denver


Member, Society for Epidemiological Research (1980-2003)

Member, American Diabetes Association (1986-1996)

Member, North American Society for the Study of Obesity (1994-2006)

Member, American College of Epidemiology (1997-2003)

Member, American Public Health Association & Colorado Public Health Association (2003-present)

Member, Society for Public Health Education and Colorado affiliate (2004-2010)

Member, Society of Behavioral Medicine (2005-2007)

Member, Society for Clinical and Translational Science (2009-present)

Member, Academy Health (2010-present)


Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

Master of Science in Public Health

Member, Admissions Committee (1983-1986, 1994, 1997, 2007)

Member, Academic Policy Committee (1983-1995)

Member, Epidemiology Traineeship Committee (1993-1998)

Member, Publishable Paper Evaluation Committee (1994-1995)

Chair, Epidemiology Curriculum Review for MSPH accreditation (1998)

Ph.D. Program in Epidemiology - Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, UCHSC

Member, Planning/Policy Committee (1990-1993, 1995-1996, 1997-present)

Member, Admissions Committee (1996, 1998, 2000-2001, 2003, 2005)

Appointments and Promotions Committee - Member (1990-1994, 2005-2008)

Search Committees

Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science - Member (1994-1995)

Biostatistician - The Children’s Hospital and Department of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, UCHSC. Member (1996-1997)

Assistant or Associate Professor, behavioral interventions and community based participatory research, Member (2004-2005)

Annual Epidemiologic Research Exchange, Program Chair (1995, 2001), Program Committee Member (1996,1999,2003)

Graduate School, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center

Graduate Education in Medical Sciences, Planning Committee Co-chair for 2-day practicum in Public Health (1991)

Curriculum Committee for Analytic Health Sciences, Member (1998)

School of Medicine, University of Colorado Denver

Committee on the Status of Women, Member (1993-1996)

Ad Hoc Committee on Governance, Center for Human Nutrition, Member (1997)

Faculty Senate, Senator (2000-2004), Chair-Ad hoc Committee on PRA Policy (2002-2003)

Clinical and Translational Research Advisory Committee (CTRAC) (2006-2010)

Clinical and Translational Sciences Award – Advisory Committee and Community Engagement Planning Committee (2006-2007)

Colorado School of Public Health

Center for Public Health Practice Workgroup, Member (2005-2007)

Implementation Task Force, Member (2006-2007)

Executive Committee. Member (2008-2010, 2011-present)

Search Committees

Chair, Dept of Health Systems, Management and Policy, Member (2007-2008)

Associate Professor of Oral Health – Department of Epidemiology, Chair (2011-2014)

Appointments, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Member (2008-2009)

Department Appointments, Promotion and Tenure Committee, Member (2009-2010, 2013- present)

Council on Education in Public Health Accreditation, Co-Director, Research, Service and Workforce Development (2009-2010)

Faculty Senate, Member (2009-2010), President-elect (2011-2012), President (2012-2013), Past-president (2013-2014)

Faculty Workload Committee, Member (2009-2010)

Faculty Senate Ad Hoc Finance Committee, Member (2012)

Doctoral Program in Public Health

Epidemiology Focus Area, Director (2010-2014)

Epidemiology Department, Growing and Improving Educational Programs and Student Body Committee, Chair (2011-2012), Member (2012-present)

CSPH Strategic Priority Committee, Strengthen the 3 campus enterprise, Chair (2013)

University of Colorado, Anschutz Medical Center

Colorado Clinical and Translational Science Institute, Community Engagement Core,

Scientific Staff (2008-present)

Community Health Data and Monitoring Committee, Co-Chair (2008-present)

SLV Community Health Survey, Co-investigator (2009-2012)

Community Immersion Training, SLV Coordinator (2009-present)

Ethics Committee (2012-present)


Advisory Boards and Consulting

Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

Colorado Cardiovascular Health Coalition, Surveillance Subcommittee Chair (1990-1994), Coalition Member (1995-1996), Co-Chair (2000-2003)

Colorado Diabetes Advisory Council, Surveillance Task Force, Member (2003-present); Steering Committee Chair (2004), Executive Committee Chair-Elect (2004-2005), Chair (2005-2006), past chair (2006-2008), member (2008-2010)

Colorado Physical Activity and Nutrition Program (COPAN)

Surveillance and Evaluation Task Force Co-Chair (2003-2008)

Colorado Prevention Leadership Council, Member (2006-2013)

Colorado Children & Youth Information Sharing Collaborative, Member (2010-2013)

CCPD Review Board, Technical Assistance, Building implementation science into the grant making process, (2014)

Colorado Department of Health Care Financing and Policy

School-Based Health Center Improvement Project, Advisory Board Member (2010-2015)

National Chronic Disease Conference Program Committee, Member (2000-2001)

CDC National Prevention Research Centers, Research Committee, Member (2003-2006)

Colorado Prevention Center, Board of Directors, Director (2003-2009)

Colorado Clinical Guidelines Collaborative, Obesity Guidelines Workgroup (2006)

San Luis Valley Health Trends and Data Committee, Member, (2006-2010)

Colorado Trust School Health Services Leadership Taskforce (2008-2009)

Children’s Environment Health Center funded by NIH, National Jewish Health, Community Advisory Board, Chair (2009-2014

University of Iowa Prevention Research Center, National Advisor (2006 - 2007)

Emory Prevention Research Center, Emory University, Scientific Advisory Consultant (2010-2012)

Boulder County Public Health, Local Public Health Performance Assessment Participant (2011)

Denver Public Health, Public Health Improvement Plan Steering Committee, Member (2011)

El Paso County Public Health Department, Public Health Improvement Process, Consultant (2011)

Gaining Ground Initiative funded by the National Network of Public Health Institutes to support public health accreditation, performance and quality improvement in Colorado, Colorado Foundation for Public Health and Environment, Member (2014-2016)

Editorial Boards

Health Education and Behavior, Editorial Board Member (2003-2009)


American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

American Journal of Epidemiology

American Journal of Physical Anthropology

American Journal of Preventive Medicine

American Journal of Public Health

Annals of Epidemiology

Cancer Causes and Control


Diabetes Care

Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice

Ethnicity and Disease

Frontiers in Public Health Services and Systems Research

Health Education and Behavior

Journal of the American Dietetic Association

Journal of Nutrition

Journal of Women's Health

Journal of Rural Health

International Journal of Epidemiology

Obesity Research

Meeting Abstracts

Society for Epidemiologic Research (1995, 1996)

Annual Epidemiologic Research Exchange (1995, 1996, 1997, 2001, 2003)

Academy Health, Public Health Systems Research Interest Group (2014)

Study Sections/Protocol Review:

NIH Ad Hoc Study Section, Diabetes in minority populations (1991)

Canadian Diabetes Association, Ad hoc grant review (1996)

Pediatric General Clinical Research Center, The Children’s Hospital (1996-1997)

CDC Review Panel, RFA on Community-Based Participatory Research (2002)

NIH Special Study Section, Translational Research in Diabetes Prevention

(2003, 2004, 2005, 2007)

RWJF Review Panel, Research Implementation Awards, Quality Improvement in PH (2010)

Invitation to join NIH Study Section, declined due to competing commitments (2011)

Public Policy Documents

Obesity: Guidance for Treatment, In response to a request from Drs. Barbara Moore and

Richard Atkinson for Dr C. Everett Koop (1996)

Student Scholarships

Academy Health, Public Health Systems Research, Student Scholarship Selection Committee, Member (2010)



1979 - 1981 Methods of Inquiry in Medicine, graduate students, 4.5 quarter hours

Member of Faculty Teaching Team in yr 1, Coordinator in yr 2

1983 - 2003 Epidemiology (PRMD 6630), graduate students, 4 quarter hours.

Co-instructor 1983, Course Director 1984-85, Discussion Leader 1992, 1994-96, 1999, Lecturer 2003

1986 Quantitative Methods in Medicine, required for medical students, 4 qtr hrs

Discussion Leader

1987 Chronic Disease and Injury Epidemiology, graduate students, 3 qtr hr

Course Co-director

1990-1998, Advanced Epidemiological Methods (EPID 6632), required for PhD and DrPH

2000-2008, students in epidemiology, 3 semester hours, Course Director

2010, 2012-13

1995-96, 1998, Field Practicum: Field Study in Epidemiology Methods, graduate students, 2000-02, 06-07 2 qtr hrs, Faculty

1995-96 Epidemiologic Field Methods, Epidemiology PhD students, variable credit

Course Director

2006 Evidence-based Health Promotion Workshop, 30 community members from the six county San Luis Valley, Faculty

2011 DrPH Seminar (PUBH 6842), DrPH students, 1 credit, Course Director

Lectures for courses directed by other faculty have included the topics: Epidemiology of Diabetes and Obesity, Nutritional Epidemiology, Confounding and Rate Adjustment, Bias in Medical Studies, Health and Population Data Sources, Primary Prevention of Chronic Disease, Intervention Planning: The Healthy Family Project; Public Health Systems and Services Research; . Small group leader for problem based learning on obesity in BBGN Principles of Nutrition for first year medical students (1993-95), Medicine to Molecules (2009). Supervise students on course projects for Social and Community Factors in Health; Community Health Practice, and Epidemiologic Field Methods. Academic advisor for 4-8 MSPH students (1990-2008), 2-4 MPH students and 2-4 DrPH students (2010-present).

Faculty Mentor

Tracy Nelson, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Health and Exercise Science, Colorado State University Co-primary mentor, NIH K01 (2003-08) Gene Environment Interactions in Obesity & Diabetes.

Jill Litt, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine and Biometrics, UCDHSC. Primary Mentor, CDC K01 (2004-08) Community Design and Health: Starting from the Ground Up

Jenn Leiferman, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Community and Behavioral Health, CSPH, UCD, Primary Mentor, CDC K01 (2007-2010) My Baby, My Move: A Perinatal Physical Activity Intervention

Emily Burns, MD, MSPH. Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, CSPH, UCD. Primary Mentor, RWJF Public Health Services and Systems Research award (2011-2012)

Elaine Scallan, PhD, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, CSPH, UCD, Faculty Mentor, (2012-present)

Doctoral Thesis Advising and Examinations (*Committee Chair or mentor)

Becky Bucher. Comprehensive oral examination committee. Ph.D. in Biometrics 1992

Maureen W. McClatchey. A Sequence of Methods for Estimation of Human Energy Expenditure by Doubly Labeled Water Techniques. Ph.D. in Biometrics 1993

Nancy A. Sowan, RN. Factors that Influence Development of Obesity in Infants. Ph.D. in Nursing 1995

Gloria M. Icaza. State Space Methods for Generalized Linear Mixed Models. Ph.D. in Biometrics 1996

Janet Tooze. Analysis of Repeated Measures with Clumping at Zero. Ph.D. in Biometrics 2000

* Marci Sontag, M.S. Determinants of Immunoreactive Trypsinogen in Infants and Children with Cystic Fibrosis. Ph.D. in Epidemiology, 2004. (see publication #60)

Todd Weaver, M.P.H. Examining Heterogeneity of Type 2 Diabetes in Obese and Normal Weight Families in the San Luis Valley Genetics Study. Ph.D. in Epidemiology, 2004.

*Kathy James, M.S.P.H. The Association of Arsenic in Drinking Water with Coronary Heart Disease and type 2 Diabetes in the San Luis Valley. Ph.D. in Epidemiology, 2010. (See Publication #75)

Heather Williams, M.A. Food Habits and Physical Activity Patterns among Children in the San Luis Valley. PhD in Anthropology 2010.

Ph.D. and DrPH in Epidemiology Preliminary Examinations, (1995-2008, 2011-2013)

Molly Gutilla, M.A. Methods for obtaining meaningful local data for community health assessments. DrPH in Epidemiology, in progress.

Masters Thesis Advising (*Committee Chair or mentor)

Nancy W. Gegen, A Case-control Study of Obstetric Risk Factors for Intra-uterine Fetal Constraint and Their Association with Craniosynostosis in the Offspring. M.S.P.H. 1991

* Theresa Keough Lopez. Nutritional Factors and Diabetic Retinopathy. M.S.P.H. 1991

* Renea L. Amidei. Birth Prevalence of Cleft Lip and Palate in Colorado by Sex Distribution, Seasonality, Race/Ethnicity. M.S.P.H. 1992 (see publication #29)

* Sharon Hoag. Low Fasting Insulin Levels Predict Weight Gain in Individuals with Normal Glucose Tolerance. M.S. in Biometrics 1992 (see publication #30)

* Holly Woods Halvorson. Adolescent Diet, Age at Menarche and Breast Cancer. , M.S.P.H. 1992

* Elizabeth Ratzlaff. Relationship of Carbohydrate and Dietary Fiber with Measures of Metabolic Control among Persons with NIDDM: The San Luis Valley Diabetes Study. M.S. in Food Science and Human Nutrition, Colorado State University 1994

Stephen Bartlett, R.Ph. A Follow-up Study of the Short-Term Clinical and Economic Outcomes of Converting Hypertensive Patients from Sustained-Release Nifedipine to Immediate-Release Nifedipine. M.S.P.H. 1996

* Katherine J. Barriga, M.S. The Association of Alcohol Consumption with Fasting Insulin and Risk of NIDDM among Subjects with Impaired Glucose Tolerance. M.S.P.H. 1997

Jennifer Johnsen. Contaminated Total Parenteral Nutrition as a Cause of a Nosocomial Outbreak of Candida parapsilosis at a Children’s Hospital. Won the Student Abstract Award at the 1996 Annual Epidemiologic Research Exchange. M.S.P.H. 1997