March 26, 2008

The meeting was called to order by David Mitchell, Secretary, Department of Safety and Homeland Security, at the Blue Hen Corporate Center, in Dover. Those in attendance were as follows:

Council Members

James Cubbage DE Volunteer Fireman’s Association

Lawrence Tan Chief, New Castle County EMS

Allen Metheny Kent County EMS (alternate)

Mike Duva DE Healthcare Association (alternate)

Dr. Sue Kost ACEP (alternate)

Sgt. Ben Parsons DSP Aviation

Marvin Sharp State Fire Prevention Commission (alternate)

Glenn Luedtke Director, Sussex County EMS

Council Staff

Steve Blessing OEMS

Laura Cygan OEMS (alternate)

Guests in Attendance

Marie Renzi OEMS

Jennifer Dittman DEMA

Sandy Hypes OEMS

Diane Hainsworth OEMS

MarySue Jones OEMS

Terry Whitham 911

Tom Steele DSHS

Lauren Vega University of Delaware

Lauren Degliobizzi University of Delaware


DEMSOC members, staff and guests introduced themselves.


The minutes from the February 27, 2008 DEMSOC minutes were reviewed and approved.


Mr. Blessing gave a report of the following for PHPS:

Public Health Grant Guidelines

The grant guidance for both grants (CDC and ASPR) has been delayed for at least another month. PHPS is expecting a 30% funding cut from CDC.

Mass Fatality Exercise

Over 50 people attended the Mass Fatality Exercise that was held on March 12, 2008 including key persons representing funeral directors and cemetery associations. Several good “fixes” to problems were identified including the capability to store bodies temporarily on –site using Modular Medical Field Unit in the event of IED; surge for investigators; explore pre-canned Executive Orders. An After Action Report will detail the next steps. There will be a Medical Evacuation Exercise held on April 1, 2008 at the Duncan Center in Dover.

Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) Assessment

CDC will assess Delaware’s capability to receive, store and dispense federal caches of medication on March 27th and 28th. Previous assessments have been very good. In addition to Public Health, key agency representatives who will participate in the assessment include the Delaware National Guard, DEMA, Delaware State Police, and pharmaceutical industry partners. This is a critical performance measurement for several reports and indicator of overall state of preparedness for grants. It is critical that the Delaware maintains a high level of demonstrated competency in this area.

Pandemic Influenza Operational Plan Guidance

On March 14, 2008 the CDC sent new guidance and has asked all States to resubmit their updated plans by June 16, 2008 for another rating. DPH has provided funds to DTI for a COOP license for several state agencies including courts, police, corrections, education, agriculture, labor, AG’s Office, and OMB to enhance their COOP and pandemic influenza response capability. There is no additional pandemic influenza funding slated for any state in the upcoming years.

Mrs. Hainsworth reported that the transport ventilators have been pulled from the field. The company is accepting the units back. When new units are received they will not go back in service until they have been tested by an independent testing company. Christiana Care and Nanticoke Hospitals have offered to help with the testing. FDA reporting of these devices is mandatory. Reporting should be done by Public Health. Mr. Blessing will talk to DPH Deputy Director Barbara Jarrell about the reporting.

Secretary Mitchell recommends that all agreements of the contract with the vendor must be followed.


1) Diversity Committee Update

No report.

2) EMS Funding Issues

A meeting was held last week to discuss statewide EMS funding needs. It was determined that the EMS system needs additional funding. The cost of doing business has greatly increased and EMS Responders have had increased amounts of calls. It was decided that the finance section of the DEMSOC Annual Report draft would be rewritten to highlight the problem.

3)  Scope of Practice Presentation

Mrs. Hypes reviewed the National Scope of Practice Model handout that was given to DEMSOC members. The NHTSA “EMS Education Agenda for the future” recommends that EMS develop standards for uniform scopes of practice. States should enact and implement this national scope of practice. The National EMS Education Standards are scheduled to be completed in September 2008, and will eventually replace the current National Standard Curricula.

Secretary Mitchell recommends a letter to the Police Chief’s Association with an explanation of possible updates and contact information.

It was suggested to speak with DelTech about increasing students, and expanding the EMS program. System funding is also an issue for training.


1) Chairman’s Report on Council Activities

Secretary Mitchell reported that he is trying to find funding sources and specific fees that could be raised in order to increase EMS funding.

2) Agency Reports

Sussex County

Mr. Luedtke thanked everyone for well wishes during his illness.

Sussex County has had one resignation which will leave six open vacancies. Currently six students are enrolled in the paramedic program at DelTech.

New Castle County

Mr. Tan reviewed the handout of the published article on cardiac arrest management written by New Castle County paramedic Robert Sullivan.

One of New Castle County’s paramedic units was forced off the road by another vehicle. The other vehicle was found and charges are pending. The two paramedics received minor injuries. The unit will either be repaired or replaced.

Kent County

Mr. Metheny reported that Kent County is short of funding and only two open positions have been approved to fill.


Mr. Blessing reported that due to FY08 and FY09 budget issues, OEMS was asked to give up some office operational funds. Currently there are two Management Analyst positions open in the OEMS but are unable to fill due to the state hiring freeze.

Deadline for any changes to the DEMSOC report is close of business April 2, 2008. Secretary Mitchell would like a copy of the final report on disc.


Sgt. Parsons reported that the new 412 helicopter will be unveiled on April 9, 2008.


Mrs. Renzi reported that the Childhood Injury Report should be completed by the end of April. This report reviews child death and hospital data for cause of injury in Delaware.

The EMSC Advisory Sub-committee is developing Emergency Department Standards that will be going before the Advisory Committee for approval.

NEDARC in Utah sent out surveys on behalf of Delaware EMSC to hospitals on transportation and fire stations on pediatric equipment in Delaware. These surveys were completed 100% by the hospitals and 80% by the fire stations.

3) Data Report/Medical Directors Report

No report.

4) Medical Information Steering Committee

This committee did not meet in March. The email system is going well. Information has to be encrypted or password protected per HIPPA laws. The hospitals do not want the information to be password protected.

The CAD vendor New World expects the CAD connection program for EDIN to be completed in June and will be ready to test. An update will be given at the next DEMSOC meeting.

Mrs. Hainsworth reported that OEMS is currently waiting for the EDIN RFP bids. The deadline for receiving these bids is mid April. An update will be given at the next DEMSOC meeting.

5) Mass Gathering Group Update

No report.

6) Legislation

No report.


May 28 & June 25