North Staffordshire Sustrans ranger meeting – Spring 2015

6 pm 19 March 2015 at the White Star in Stoke

Apologies: Alison Thomas
Present: Mike Barr, Helen Bowes, Mike Durkin, Lisa Hartley, John Kay, Pam Lovatt

1 welcome

Welcome to new ranger Pam Lovatt and to Lisa Hartley (WM Sustrans).
Lisa spoke about different volunteer types e.g. ranger, active travel, ride leader, wildlife champion. Lisa’s WM area is very large – 46(?) ranger groups - and includes Herefordshire. Local Sustrans projects include BikeIT (Stephen Dyster), a schools officer (Andy Barratt) and “pocket places” (Daryl Colbourn).

2 suggested activities in 2015 (see draft programme)

signing needed for 551 (after Ed Healey agrees route with MB). MB/MD/PL to check china cycle trail. MB hopes to get some “bolt on” clips for NCN signs to replace some “strap” clips that have come lose and can not be tightened.

workdays – All rangers to check their routes and tell MB if a work day is needed for litter picks, pruning etc

rides – MB to confirm rides programme as soon as possible. Lisa to inform MD and PL of next ride leader training course. David Hopwood has already been trained. PL does rides for Cheadle and Longton U3A.

MB/PL/MD will be on a ride (Westport to Kidsgrove) with trained ride leaders from Stoke schools on (Sunday 22 March).

Stalls – HB to organise Sustrans stall at Stone Festival on Sat 13 June.

Events publicity – Sustrans will print posters for events. JK will liaise with Lisa on publicity via social and other media. All rangers to identify locations near them for poster/leaflet publicity.

3 local issues

3 major recent cycle schemes – Birches Head (55 to Caldon link), Berryhill (Bentilee to Fenton), Caldon canal towpath (Stockton Brook to Cheddleton). All are included in proposed Leisurely rides. Also there is now a cycle hub - covered cycle parking, pump and tools – off Old Hall Street, Hanley.

Developments affecting cycling – Etruria Valley (A500 widening + link road to Festival Park), Hanley (paving works on route 5 in Piccadilly + action needed on route 5 in Stafford Street)

MB thinks Stoke and Staffordshire councils need to update their cycle strategies (like Cheshire East) and do map of desired future cycle network so can better prioritise cycle schemes for funding bids. Please tell MB if you have suggestions for cycle schemes.

4 autumn meeting

Provisionally the date and venue for the autumn meeting will be 6 pm on Thursday 8 October again at the white star in Stoke.