CSCI 2210 – Data Structures: Fact Sheet
- Section 001 meets 9:05 – 11:05 am on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It meets in room Nicks Hall 331.
- Section 002meets12:05 – 2:05 pmonTuesdays andThursdays. It meets in room Nicks Hall331.
- Recitation sessions meet on Fridays 9:00 – 11 am in Nicks Hall 436. More about this on the next page.
- Instructor: Dr. Don Bailes. Office: 459 Nicks Hall. Office Hours: posted on website (see below). E-Mail address: .
- Teaching assistant for section 001 is Matthew Dale, email:.
- Teaching assistant for section 002 is Ryan Thally, email: .
- Course web site: This courseDOES NOT use D2L. Assignments, lecture materials, and other materials are posted on the courseweb site.
- Software needed:If you are using your own computer rather than lab computers for this course, you will need to installVisual Studio 2017Enterprise(with its latest updates). Visual Studio comes in several editions. The Enterprise editionis the only one with all required features for the course. It is available free through Imagineand ETSU.
- After installing Visual Studio, also optionally installthe following free add-ins from Visual Studio Gallery:
Visual Studio Gallery
- Ghost Doc
- Productivity Power Tools
Though not an extension of Visual Studio, anothervery useful free tool we will use this term: Expresso
Course and Documentation Policies
Two policy documents are posted on the coursewebsite. One addresses coursepolicies such as attendance, grading, workingtogether, duedates, and so forth. The otherdocument gives specific information about codedocumentationpolicies. It includes information about what constitutes acceptable code documentation and about penalties for not providing appropriate documentation throughout all programming submissions.
Assignment Submissions
Most assignment submittals will be the code for your projects. Your submission should include the .sln, .csproj, .cs, and other files in your assignment. To prepare a solution for submission, please delete the OBJ and BIN subfolders. EVERYTHING else should be included in your submission. Rename and submit this file as described below. If your project contains any .exe, .dll, or .js files, the email system will block anything containing one of those files. Delete them before submitting.
Assignment submission and naming conventions: Unless otherwise specified, assigned work that is to be submitted for grading should be submitted as a zipped file with a specified name as an email attachment. Submit to both the instructorAND the teachingassistant,Matthew Dale (for section 001),() or Ryan Thally (for section 002), ().
- All files to be submitted as a single submission should be zipped into a file whose name is
where xxx is your section number, lastfirst is your name (last followed by first), and aaaaa is your assignmentname and number. For example, a Project 1 submission for Jim Nasium from section 001 should be named
- Any project not named correctly will not be accepted for grading. If a project is not named correctly, we cannot tell who submitted it, for which project in which course it is submitted. If you want full credit for your work, you MUST name it correctly.
- If submitting by e-mail attachment, please use the proper filename as the email subject.
- Please use your ETSU email address for your submission even though it may not be your preferred address. Off-campus email may not arrive for grading.
- Exceptions to these rules, if any, will be stated in the assignments and/or in class.
- Be sure to send all submissions to Dr. Bailes and to the TA for your section.
Recitation Sessions
In an experiment this semester, students enrolled in any section of CSCI 2210 – Data Structures will have an opportunity for extra sessions with the instructor on Friday mornings, beginning on September 7, from 9 – 11 am in room 436. Participation in these sessions is voluntary, and laptops are welcome.
The sessions will provide an opportunity for
- Review of materials covered earlier in the week to enhance understanding
- Asking questions of the instructor pertaining to materials covered, assignments, and other topics
- Discuss matters of interest in a smaller, more informal setting
- Address “how to” questions concerning aspects of assigned work
No graded work will be assigned or submitted during the sessions. No new material will be introduced. Attendance will be taken, but there will be no penalties for non-participation. At the instructor’s discretion, regular and active participation in the sessions may have a positive impact on grades (such as tipping the balance for borderline grades in a positive way).
The purpose of these extra sessions is to help students be successful in this course. Please take advantage of this opportunity for extra help and support. Your input concerning how to make these sessions more effective is encouraged.