Final Project—Intro to Theatre

In this class, you have learned about different aspects of theatre and producing a play. It is now time to take what you have learned and put it into practice. You will be able to choose one of three options for your final project. Each option focuses on a different aspect of theatre: Acting, Directing and Technical Theatre. You will be choosing a play and creating a production portfolio which will outline specific aspects of producing your show.


By choosing this final project, you are someone who is most interested in perfecting their acting technique and apply acting methods and concepts used in class to create a believable and unique character. This final project may be done alone (as a series of 2 monologues) or as a group (duet or ensemble scene). However, if you choose to perform a scene, realize that the scene will be longer and each person performing will be graded individually.

IF PERFORMING ALONE: You must choose two (2) different monologues that are at least 2 minutes long total. The monologues may be of your own choosing, but they must fit 2 of the following categories: one (1) dramatic monologue; one (1) comic monologue; or one (1) Shakespearean monologue. All monologues must be approved by Mrs. Steffen by______.

IF PERFORMING A DUET ACTING OR ENSEMBLE PIECE: The scene may be from any play of your choosing, but it must be approved by Mrs. Steffen by______. For a duet scene, the cutting must be at least 5 minutes in length; for each additional actor, add another 3 minutes to the scene.



2-3 page paper organized in the following manner and answering the following questions (If performing monologues, then these should be two- 1page papers):

  • Introduction
  • What is the plot of the play?
  • Who are the main characters?
  • What is the setting of the play?
  • What is the theme (universal message) of the play?
  • Scene Analysis
  • What is the setting of the scene?
  • How does the scene you have chosen fit into the plot?
  • Character Analysis
  • What are your character’s objectives in the play? In the scene?
  • What are your character’s obstacles in the play? In the scene?
  • What actions does your character take to achieve their objectives in this scene?
  • What are the stakes?
  • What is the outcome of each of your character’s actions in this scene?
  • Conclusion
  • How does your character change during the course of the play? Be specific and use direct quotations from the play to support your assertions.

The entire scene/monologues should be memorized OFF BOOK and ready to perform during the scheduled exam time! YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CALL FOR LINE!

Copy of Ground Plan

CHARACTER COLLAGE: on a poster board, you will create a collage of pictures and words that you feel best represent who your character(s) is. These should include but are not limited to: clothing, music, faces (what you actually imagine your character looks like), hobbies your character might have, or anything else that defines your character.


Costumes and sets for all monologues or scenes must be furnished by you or your group (but see Mrs. Steffen if you need help)

  • All portfolios—ground plans, papers, character collage and script with beats—will be due on______. Performances of scenes or monologues will take place beginning on______.


By choosing this final project, you are someone who is more interested in being in control behind the scenes. You are someone with imagination who can work well with others and motivate other people to support your ideas. This final project may only be completed alone. You may choose any play you like, but the choice must be approved by Mrs. Steffen by______.



Production Calendar: in a five week rehearsal schedule, you will create a calendar for auditions, rehearsals, set construction, makeup ordering, and costuming.

Director’s Promptbook: you will create blocking notes on a script (you will have to photocopy a scene from your play, cut it out, and paste it to notebook paper) that designate movement on the stage for one scene of your play. You must use proper theatre notes (X=cross; UC=up center; DR=down right, etc). If your play is not broken up into scenes, you must block at least 4 pages of the script.

Director’s Script Analysis: you will complete all worksheets on director’s analysis and include them in the portfolio. These worksheets ask you to analyze Theme, Plot, Character and Setting.

A 2-3 page persuasive paper, analyzing the merits of the play—literary value, theatrical value, theme—and attempt to convince a local produce that your show should be produced.

  • After your portfolio is assembled in a large 3-ring binder (with dividers), you will be presenting your portfolio to the class. All portfolios must be completed by______. Presentations will begin on______. The presentation will be part of your 2nd quarter grade; the portfolio itself will count as your exam grade. Good luck and have fun!


By choosing this final project, you consider yourself a creative person who is more interested in a specialized aspect of backstage theatre. In this final project, you will explore 3 different areas of technical theatre: set design, costume design, and lighting design. You may choose any play you like, but the choice must be approved by Mrs. Steffen by______.



Set Design: you must create a design for your set, either a model or a sketch. It is up to you what kind of theatre you would like to present your play in—the round, proscenium or thrust. If you choose to create a sketch rather than a model, your sketch must be on poster board and it must be colored.

Costume plates: you will design costume renderings for ALL characters in your production. You must create both male and female plates and they should be colored and detailed.

Props list: you must include a typed list of all props needed for your show and indicate whether or not they are handheld props, set props (furniture, appliances, etc) or decorative props (knickknacks, magazines, candles, etc.).

Light/Sound Cues: you must include completed cue sheets will ALL light and sound cues recorded on sheets; additionally, you must provide a CD of recorded sound cues (including pre-show and bow music).

A 2-3 page paper analyzing the theme (universal message) of the play and explaining how that theme is echoed in/supported by your set design, costume designs and lighting and sound designs.

  • All portfolios must be completed by______. Presentations will begin the same day. The presentation will be part of your 2ndquarter grade; the portfolio itself will count as your exam grade. Good luck and have fun!