Schools Finance
Budget Planner User Guide 2016-17
To enable detailed monitoring to take place within Star Accounts each forecast line entered into a Staffing Forecasts should be linked to a staff code of a staff member at the school.
The staffing details held within the budget planner should be kept up-to-date to ensure that this monitoring is as accurate as possible. From the Main Menu, click the ‘Manage Staff Details’ button.
When opened this screen contains a list of all staff members currently held within the Budget Planner.
Import Staff from Star
To update the staff list with the details held within Star Accounts click the ‘Import Staff from Star’ button.
This process uses the Star Accounts Datafile details entered into the school details screen (see Section 2). Any issues identified connecting to the files specified in the School Details screen will be reported and must be corrected before the import can take place. If no issues are found the following message will appear:
Click ‘Yes’ to continue or ‘No’ to cancel. If ‘Yes’ is selected the staffing list within the budget planner will be updated – new members of staff within Star Accounts will be added and the name / position of matched staff details will be updated to match those in Star Accounts.
Import Staff from Excel
If any issues connecting directly to the Star Accounts datafile specified in the school details screen cannot be resolved an Excel export of the staffing details held within Star Accounts can be produced (see Section 5 of the Star Accounts User Guide).
This file can be imported into the Budget Planner by clicking the ‘Import Staff from Excel’ button.
Manually Add a New Staff Member
Staff members can be added directly from within a staffing forecast by double clicking the ‘Staff Code’ (see Sections 4 and 5). They can also be added within this screen by entering the details required on the blank line at the bottom of the screen.
Either scroll to the blank line, or click the ‘New Record’ button at the top of the screen to go straight to it, and then enter the details required as below.
Staff Code: If known enter the staff code of the new staff member, or enter a fictitious code to use within the forecasts to be assigned to unfilled vacancies or posts that do not yet exist.
Staff Codes must be entered in the format “000000-0” (six digits followed by a hyphen and one further digit). The hyphen will be automatically entered by the Budget Planner. Staff members with more than one contract should have an entry for each contract entered, with the last digit being different to distinguish the contracts.
Staff Name: Enter the name of the new staff member, or enter a meaningful description of the post if the vacancy it relates to is unfilled.
Position: Enter the position of the staff member / vacancy.
Type: Select the type of staff member / vacancy that the new record belongs to; Teaching or Support staff.
The ‘Type’ selected/shown here determines which staffing forecast the staff member will appear within.
The ‘Type’ cannot be changed if the staff record that it relates to has been used within a staffing forecast:
Deleting a Staff Member
The list of staff members held within the Budget Planner should be kept up-to-date on a regular basis with those codes that are no longer required being deleted, to ensure they are not mistakenly added to a staffing forecast.
Within the ‘Manage Staff Details’ screen click the ‘Delete’ button next to the record to be deleted.
Staff Records cannot be deleted if they have been used within any forecast in the current Budget Planner:
Click ‘OK’.
Click ‘Yes’ to delete the record, or ‘No’ to cancel.
The ‘Manage Staff Details’ screen can be filtered to show all staff codes that have not been assigned to a forecast within the Budget Planner, by clicking the ‘View Unused’ button.
Click ‘View All’ to remove the filter.
Section 3 –Manage Staff Details
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