MOCC Call 07/22/05

Present: Sandy Anderson, Barbara Dolan, Ranny Jones, Donna Kloppel, Mike Merrill, Marysz Rames, Sharon Kienow. Others present: Suzanne Preszler, Joann Pomplun

Announcements: Mike Merrill will be chairing MOCC during the transition time needed until Ranny Jones and Lee Alley’s positions are filled.


1. Batch Patch Load Schedule and information - any questions - Suzanne will join the call for this discussion (one attachment). The batch patch load will occur July 28 during regular maintenance time. WebAdvisor will be down until 6:00 am on July 29. Suzanne led discussion on setting up parameters for waitlist options on common courses. If it is set to allow waitlist option and the course has multiple sections, it will change all sections under that course. The student will be able to waitlist for more than one section of the same course. If set to not allow waitlist option, no sections of that common course will have the waitlist option.

Schools need to send a list of unique and common courses that are generally waitlisted so they can be set up as soon after the patch is loaded as possible. Please send to Ranny and cc: Suzanne.

CWLM – screen will be left unsecured at this time.

RGCT – Maximum search days will be set to 365 days. Start/End dates – make sure there are no gaps in days between the end of one term and the beginning of the next term. This needs to be added to the System Processing Calendar. Ranny will work on procedures to add this. Maximum search results – currently set to 50. The group agreed this is acceptable to start with. Show Wait List Rank – we will start with No as the option and as we become familiar with the functionality may reconsider.

Communication Plan for informing students – Web Administrators will be meeting on Tuesday July 26. Registrars will need to talk to their campus web administrator about how to communicate these changes to students. Suzanne has a sample document which may be used as a starting point. Common vs. university messages needs to be discussed.

2. Grade Point Average Discussion - Joann and Suzanne will join the call for this discussion (two attachments). A recommendation needs to be made by MOCC to AAC for final approval. Discussion was held concerning whether the gpa should be rounded up or truncated at three decimal places. The rounded gpa is displayed on the screens, WebAdvisor, and the transcript. The truncated gpa is used in the calculations of academic standing, graduation eligibility etc. The Registrar and Financial Aid modules both recommended continuing with no change and using the internal gpa calculation for determining probation/suspension/graduation requirements/financial aid suspension. MOCC agreed to support leaving the process as is. This recommendation will be forwarded to AAC for final approval.

3. MCR 27 - Coding for Double Majors - Discuss coordinator recommendation (one attachment). The guidelines for implementation of coding for double majors/2nd degrees/additional majors were discussed. Concern was expressed that students picking up a 2nd major are not eligible for federal aid as opposed to picking up a 2nd degree. Reporting these students on IPEDS correctly was also discussed. Ranny will forward final version to MOCC next week. Please review and share with your modules to make sure this is acceptable and forward any comments to the group for approval on next MOCC call.

4. MCR 30 - Sharing Residual ACT scores - First discussion (one attachment). Schools are currently sharing the results of residual ACT scores administered at individual universities. Concern was raised that this may be against ACT policies and could result in a school losing their testing site status. Dr. Shekleton will be consulted for a legal ruling on the sharing of residual scores in the merged system environment. If it is determined acceptable to share the scores, no change in policy will be needed.

5. MCR 28 - Extract Policy - sent to AAC/BOR for approval– once approved will be included as official policy.

6. MCR 26 - Certificates/Certifications - the final will be sent to MOCC next week. AAC acted on this MCR during their most recent meeting. There are some outstanding issues that Ranny will clarify with Dr. Turchen. Ranny will also check for outstanding issues and send them back to MOCC for consideration on a future call.

7. Tech/UDA update - Barb, since Don is out this week, can you give a brief update. The new GenEd restrictions are being prepared to be entered. Clean up of duplicate records continue to be worked on.

8. Discussion of dates/times for future MOCC meetings. It was determined that Fridays, generally the first and third of each month, will continue to work for the group. Adjustments were made to avoid the beginning of the fall semester. With so many new people joining MOCC, consideration was given to having a face-to-face meeting, perhaps on October 21. Mike will schedule the calls with the conference operator and send to group along with assignment of note-taker). Dates are as follows:

August 5

August 19

September 16

September 30

October 21 (face to face meeting – location to be determined)

November 4

November 18

December 2

December 16

9. Other – Although the search process for Ranny’s replacement had begun, it was decided to put that process on hold for now. Lee Alley’s resignation has led to a re-evaluation of location of that position, etc. Ranny has offered to continue to work for the Board on a part time basis until a replacement has been identified to allow for a smoother transition. Mike will be in contact with MOCC members via phone over the next week, giving him a chance to visit with each person individually.

10. Next call – Friday, August 5, 2005