OCIPC August 25, 2016 1:30-3:00
Attendance: Hélène Gagné, Amanda Posadowski, Lorna Boratto, Kelly Vanderhoeven, Marie Brisson, Kelly Taylor, Muriel Abbott, Mary Louise Yarema, Pat Cliche, Matt Aymar

Regrets: Karen Galloway, Kate Dunfold, Jennifer Flood, Jacqueline Deroo, Kelly Wilson, Paula Waddell, Amber Wooldridge, Jane Edwards, Etta Li, Debbie Bridge, Julia Ritchie, Corrine Langill

Recorder: Amanda Posadowski
1.0 June 23 Minutes were reviewed – no changes

2.0 LDCP KE update (Kelly/Lorna)

Thanks to Oxford and epidemiologist, survey sent to every registrant of webinar. Results of survey received last week. 47% response rate, which was positive. Most were from PH and most were from Ontario. 34% of PH were from the North. Target group from beginning has been HU. Don’t know what teams the PHNs were from who responded, did not ask this question. 17 family home visitors responded. Respondents indicated they would like to see both expanded ages and expanded IP topics. PH would like face-to-face workshops. Project was budgeted for 3 workshops, but question is how to pick the 3. Although high response rate from the North, the sites are spread far apart so not sure a face-to-face workshop is possible. Looking into virtual workshop (OTN). Pat shared her experiences with OTN. Very popular platform in the northern areas. Northeast LIHN said that almost all Northern PHUs should have this equipment. Gemma said that there is zero cost with OTN. May be a coordination piece however. Lorna will need to find contact persons within Northern health unit sites to facilitate. In terms of other workshop sites, maybe can combine southwest and central west, and central east and east. Try to include as many as possible without too much travel distance. Lorna is hoping to provide postcards to all workshop attendees.

Website materials have been translated into French. Printable PDFs are available from the website. Group will discuss maybe mid-fall about possible changes to website as there was some feedback regarding this.

ACTION – Lorna will confirm with PHO that the budget was for 3 face-to-face workshops. Want to confirm if we can do 3 face-to-face plus the OTN with the North. Pat to help find contact persons in Northern HU sites and provide to Lorna for facilitation of OTN. Lorna to confirm how many postcards we currently have and printing budget to see if providing postcards to all workshop attendees is feasible.

3.0 Home Safety Checklist to review by all (Amanda)

Group happy with design, colour and font; matches brand well. Discussion regarding content. Point about not stapling electrical cords to baseboards. Does this need to be re-worded? What is the hazard regarding stapling? Is it fire-related? Under kitchen safety, add point about trying to cook on back-burners. Group also felt it is appropriate to add safety messages around laundry/detergent pods as well as magnets and button batteries.

ACTION – Amanda to clarify point around cords and stapling. Will edit content according to feedback. Will also speak to graphic designers about what format would be best for website and how would other users would add their logo if distributing.

4.0 Best Start Conference

Do we want to be part of it this year? We were last year as strictly a display and invite is to do same thing this year. Conference is near Toronto airport, Feb 8-10 2016; display is only for Feb 9. Lorna said that last year it was busy at breaks, but otherwise not. Cost would be $100 to be an exhibitor. Marie will confirm whether or not display people would have to register. Has to be confirmed by Friday, December 2, 2016. Can we get resources to go with display? Do we have budget for resources plus 1-2 individuals to attend? Group consensus was this was possible. Kelly will attend, looking for possibly one other to join.

ACTION - Kelly will confirm that we will attend.

5.0 Next meeting (September 22, 2016 at 1h30 p.m.)

ACTION – Each group member to review contact list and send back to Helene if there are changes.