Structured Cabling
Lab 2
Cable Termination#1: Termination Board
Updated January 2014
Terminate cables on the various types of connector blocks using the associated tools and proper cable colour sequence.
To become familiar with the various types of cable connecting blocks, how to dress the cable with the various blocks and the tools used to terminate the cables.
Equipment Required:
- BIX blocks
- Connector Board
- BIX impact tools
- Various lengths of multi-pair cable
- Knives and stripping tools
- Tie wraps
Review theory addressing:
- UTP colour codes
- BIX installation instructions
The instructor will demonstrate:
- Cable preparation and dressing
- Impact tool use
- Termination and inspection
This portion of the lab is to be completed for evaluation by the instructor.
Using the Connector Board and a length of 25-pair cable, complete the following terminations:
- Terminate one end of the 25 pair cable to a BIX block (all 25 pair). Maintain the twists to the block and ensure the wires are properly dressed as per the instructions given
- Dress the cables neatly from the termination on BIX block to another BIX block
- Terminate the 25 pair cable to the second BIX block
- Time-allowing, create cross-connections between the two blocks
Based on the instructions given for the lab, the assessment will evaluate the students understanding of the following:
- The knowledge of the proper colour code for a multi-pair cable
- The knowledge of the proper colour code to separate the individual cable pairs into their “tip” and “ring”
- Proper placement of cable ie: top left of the connector block is number one then working your way down connector block
- Neatness of the dressing of the cables i.e securing of cables with ties and maintaining a bend radius
- Being able to follow instruction
- The proper use of the termination tool and the quality of the terminations
- Keep the untwisting of the individual pairs of wires to a minimum, prior to termination on the connecting blocks
Student Name: ______
Instructor Signoff: ______
ELCM 254Lab 2:Termination Board1