Crazy Horse Electric Game Companion

Student Name: ______

Fall Due Date: September 9thSpring Due Date: February 4th*

*Since you will not know when you are taking the class until you get your schedule in August, plan as if you were taking the class in the fall, which is how the suggested reading schedule is organized. You can take the test in the fall, even if you have the class in the spring. As you read, you are required to be summarizing the main events of each chapter. Write your summaryon sticky notes and place them at the end of each chapter, sticking slightly out of the book so that they are easy to find. If you want to do more annotations in your novel, refer to the instructions for effective annotation on the Mt. Tabor School Website.

SUGGESTED READING GOAL #1: Read pages 1-93 by June 30th

SUGGESTED READING GOAL #2: Read pages 94-196 by July 31st

SUGGESTED READING GOAL #3: Read pages 197-296 by August 23rd

Of course, you can read on your own schedule and complete the reading in a much shorter time span, but just make sure that you are annotating and using this guide to make sure you are recording the relevant details below, which will also help your overall reading comprehension:

Who were the main charactersin the novel? List them as you encounter them in the story and give a brief description of them and why they are important to the story.DON’T USE SPARKNOTES OR ANY OTHER SOURCE OTHER THAN YOUR OWN OPINION! / What was the setting (the time and place of the story)of the novel? How did the setting impact the main characters and the plot? If there is more than one setting, make sure that you list the changes in the order in which they happen.
What were the main conflicts (the struggle between characters, forces, groups, or within the self) in the story? List them in the order in which they happened and explain each conflict. DON’T USE SPARKNOTES OR ANY OTHER SOURCE OTHER THAN YOUR OWN OPINION! / What were the main themes (the message about life that the author is trying to teach)in the story? Choose at least two. Identify the theme and explain how it is shown through events in the story. DON’T USE SPARKNOTES OR ANY OTHER SOURCE OTHER THAN YOUR OWN OPINION!
Identify at least ten vocabulary words that you do not know as you read and define them below: