
Ch. 16 Outline “Behavioral Biology”

I. What is Behavior Biology (Lesson 1 pgs. 506-509)

A. Basics

1. ______is the way an organism acts

2. Behavioral biology is the study of the behavior of ______things

a. A scientist who studies the behavior of animals is an ______

1. Ethologists ______animal behavior and then try to find out why the animals behaved in certain ways

b. Behavior is usually observable and scientists observe animals to see how they get food, reproduce, and avoid danger

c. Ethologists identify factors that ______behavior

B. Internal and External Stimuli

1. Internal stimulus is a stimulus that occurs ______of an organism

a. ______is an internal stimulus and the behavior of eating is a reaction to that stimulus

2. ______stimulus is a stimulus that occurs outside of an organism

a. A bird’s song is an external stimulus and birds use their song to attract mates

C. Innate Behavior

1. Innate behavior is a behavior that is present at ______

a. This behavior is inherited and does not have to be learned

2. ______shapes behavior

3. Most animal behavior stays the same over time – this is called a fixed-action ______behavior

a. A fixed-action pattern behavior always occurs the same way

D. Learned Behavior

1. Animals behave by observing and learning – this is called ______behavior

a. Animals invent and learn new behaviors

2. Experiments show that both genes and the ______affect behavior

E. Behavior Evolves through Natural Selection

1. Scientists study behavior as ______principles, they determine if a behavior is innate or learned

a. They also track changes in behavior over long periods of time

2. Patterns of behavior have evolved to ensure the ______success of a species

a. These changes in behavior evolved through ______selection

b. Scientists also investigate why certain behaviors are more favored by natural selection

II. Types of Behavior (Lesson 2 pgs. 513-518)

A. Basics

1. Scientists investigate stimuli that ______behavior, scientists set up lab conditions to observe a behavior

2. ______– to make the same conditions as the natural or original conditions

B. Categories of Innate Animal Behavior

1. Parental ______behavior – the caring for offspring by a parent

a. This type of behavior ensures that offspring ______

2. ______– a behavior that helps attract a mate

a. Courtship behavior also helps animals recognize their own ______

3. Defensive behavior – a behavior to avoid or protect against ______

a. A predator eats another organism called its ______

b. ______coloration – the bright colors or patterns on an animal that scare off predators

1. Warning coloration is a stimulus and it modifies, or changes, the behavior of predators

2. ______– a pattern of innate behavior

c. Mimicry – a method of defense in which a species looks like another ______or dangerous species

d. Some behavioral changes are defensive

1. ______behavior – a behavior that warns predators not to approach

a. These behaviors tell the predator that the hunted animal will fight

b. Animals sometimes combine aggressive behavior with warning coloration

2. ______behavior – a behavior that claims and defends an area

a. A territory is defined by an animal, the animal usually defends its territory form other animals of the same species

b. Animals can court, mate, produce offspring, and ______their young in their territories

C. Innate and Learned Behavior Combine – many patterns of behavior are a ______of innate and learned behavior

1. ______learning – learning by recognizing features

a. ______– an object used to mark a location or position

2. ______– learning in which an animal bonds with the first object it sees

a. Once imprinting is set, it cannot be changed

b. A result of imprinting is a strong bond that forms between a ______and a parent

3. ______learning – learning by watching or listening to another animal

III. Forms of Communication (Lesson 3 pgs. 520-525)

A. What is Communication?

1. Communication is sending ______

a. People use language, speech, writing, art, and music to communicate

b. Other animals use actions, such as showing their teeth or wagging their tails, or they use smells and sounds

B. Social Behavior

1. ______study how animals communicate and interact with each other

2. Social behavior is the interaction between two or more animals, usually of the same ______

a. Some types of social behavior are aggressive behavior, courtship behavior, and cooperation

b. Social behavior influences the ______and reproduction of animals

3. Aggressive behavior

a. ______interaction – a type of social behavior in which individuals have contests and show aggressive behavior

b. Many species display aggressive behavior when they compete for food, find mates, and protect their territory

c. ______submission – a type of social behavior in which a threatened animal yields to a dominant animal

4. Courtship behavior

a. Selection of a mate is important to ensure ______of the species

b. A ______is a behavior that causes a change in the behavior of another animal

c. Animals make signals to attract or keep the attention of a possible mate

d. Courtship signals are often a display of body parts, a call, or the release of a scent

1. ______– having a smell or odor

5. ______is when individual animals work together for a common goal

C. Communication signals

1. Communication has three parts: ______a signal, receiving a signal, and ______to a signal

a. A signal may be calls or sounds, facial expression or body positions, scents, or specific movements

2. Some animal signals are related to food

a. Food calls tell a mate, offspring, or members of a group about a ______source

3. Some animals give ______calls to signal that a predator is nearby

a. Alarm calls tell members of their species to run for cover

b. Instead of hiding, some animals may stop moving or gather into a group to reduce the risk of attack

4. Metacommunications are signals that change the meaning of the next set of signals

a. Some predators deceive, or fool, prey by ______

D. Signals Working Together

1. Animal communication often involves displaying a part of the body or a specific movement

E. Scent Signals

1. Some animals communicate by ______

2. These chemical scent signals are called ______and scent glands produce them

F. Advanced Signals

1. Do animals understand the meaning of the signals they send and receive?

a. This is a key question in the study of animal ______, or knowledge

2. Some signaling systems show an advanced understanding of communication

G. Summing Up

1. ______biology is the study of how animals react to stimuli and respond to predators and competitors

2. Behavioral biologists study mating behavior in animals

a. They study how animals interact with their own species to increase their chances of survival